PORTLAND, Ore. — Freightliner Trucks has expanded Team Run Smart to include a deeper focus on career opportunities available in professional truck driving, while providing valuable resources on how to succeed in the career.
Team Run Smart has also added a lineup of drivers to represent five distinct categories in the profession to serve as industry resources to the Team Run Smart community.
The new Team Run Smart pros include:
- Clark Reed, Nussbaum Transportation (Company Driver)
- David Morreau, Holland Transportation (Pioneer/lease purchase)
- Linda and Bob Caffee, Landstar (Hired Gun/own truck and drive with a fleet)
- Henry Albert, Albert Transportation (Trail Blazer/own truck and drive under own authority)
- Jimmy Nevarez, Angus Transportation (Trail Blazer/owns and operates multiple trucks)
The “classification” given each driver was developed several years ago by ATBS to define the “Driver Career Journey” in the trucking industry.
ATBS used “old west” terms to describe the stages of the Driver Career Journey because of the natural toughness, grit, and independent nature that is shared by many of ATBS’ truck driving clients. ATBS said the journey is not a linear path, and many drivers will travel back and forth between different stops on the Journey over the course of their careers.
To read more about each classification, click here.
“Our goal is to leverage our Team Run Smart platform to address the issues related to truck driving, educate those who are considering a career in driving, and help those who are already drivers to be successful,” said Mike McHorse, director of channel marketing for Freightliner Trucks. “It’s essential to communicate all the different opportunities the industry offers to help recruit and retain professionals in trucking.”
Team Run Smart was launched in 2012 to provide owner-operators with a platform to share information and resources. Since its inception, it has grown to 60,000 members from all categories of the trucking industry.
McHorse said TeamRunSmart.com already has a wealth of detailed information including TruckSmart, providing information on efficient, safe and profitable truck operations; BusinessSmart, which delivers valuable information and resources on the business of trucking; LiveSmart, with advice on healthy lifestyle options while on the road or at home. The new CareerSmart section will focus on the different career paths for drivers.
“Team Run Smart has truly evolved into a place where community members can share best practices with each other, as well as discuss their stories, challenges and successes,” McHorse. “The new enhancements serve to deepen and broaden those conversations.”
Drivers are the backbone of the trucking industry, McHorse said. “We look forward to seeing the impact of the Team Run Smart resources and Pros on the challenges the industry is facing.”
The Trucker News Staff produces engaging content for not only TheTrucker.com, but also The Trucker Newspaper, which has been serving the trucking industry for more than 30 years. With a focus on drivers, the Trucker News Staff aims to provide relevant, objective content pertaining to the trucking segment of the transportation industry. The Trucker News Staff is based in Little Rock, Arkansas.