LAKE WALES, FLORIDA — Oakley Transport Inc., an ISO-certified liquid and dry bulk food grade transporter, has instituted an annual appreciation award, labeled Safety’s Super Sweepstakes, for outstanding driver safety and performance. The winner will receive a 2020 GMC Sierra pickup truck.
Beginning January, all active Oakley Transport driving professionals will have an opportunity to earn tickets for merit-based achievements. These feats are broken into two primary categories that encompass safe performance and length of service.
“Because our productivity and profitability are directly impacted by the level of safety achieved by our driving professionals throughout the year, we focus on helping our team reach their true potential on the road by practicing safety at every touchpoint of their route,” said Kelly McDowell, Oakley Transport’s director of safety. “We recognize the challenges that are faced on the road, and we are committed to awarding our professionals for all their safe days and faithfulness to our family. As a result, our goal with Safety’s Super Sweepstakes is to not only thank our professionals, but continue to encourage a higher standard of excellence behind the wheel.”
Tickets for Safety’s Super Sweepstakes will be earned in conjunction with the company’s monthly safety bonuses and Quarterly Safe Performance Incentive award, evaluated through Oakley’s Smart Drive system. At the end of the year, tickets will be compiled for a drawing and the pickup truck winner will be announced in January 2020.
“We are extremely thankful for all of our drivers who provide their time, talents, and tenacity every day out on the roadways and where trust matters” said Pete DeStasio, Oakley Transport’s Driver Recruiter Director. “This annual awards program is just a small token of our gratitude.”
Founded in 1986 and headquartered in Lake Wales, Florida, Oakley Transport has established itself as the premier leader in the liquid and dry bulk food grade transportation sector with the synergies of complimentary logistic services. The family-owned and operated company enhances the customers’ supply chain with over-the-road and dedicated transportation services in the United States, Canada, Mexico and the Caribbean Islands.
For more information on the company and its services visit:
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