DALLAS — With Florida joining Pennsylvania in suspending parking at select rest areas, Drivewyze has announced it is providing “open and closed” alerts for Florida’s 65 rest areas and welcome centers. The Florida alerts join the Pennsylvania rest-area alerts that went live March 24. Drivewyze safety-notification alerts are available and free to carriers who subscribe to the Drivewyze PreClear weigh-station bypass service.
“Working with the support of the Florida Department of Transportation, we want truckers to know which areas are open and which are closed. Five out of the state’s 65 rest areas are currently not open to truck parking,” said Brian Heath, CEO of Drivewyze.
“What’s happening with states and rest areas is a very fluid situation due to COVID-19. We wanted to do our part, so we volunteered our help in alerting drivers to what’s open and what’s closed, so they can plan accordingly,” he continued. “Driver safety and safe parking options is critical to truckers — they’re our No. 1 asset in the supply chain. They need all our support.”
The rest-area notifications will be displayed for the duration of the COVID-19 emergency as long as rest area parking is limited. The notification format will be familiar to drivers who already receive Drivewyze safety notifications. As in Pennsylvania, notifications in Florida will be sent at strategic locations along the route — about 25 miles out, then again at roughly 5 miles out.
Both the Drivewyze PreClear weigh-station bypass application, and the Drivewyze safety-notifications service, are available to carriers on supported ELDs and other in-cab devices, through the Drivewyze partner network. Subscribers interested in deploying the Drivewyze safety-notifications service, including Florida and Pennsylvania rest-area alerts, should contact their ELD or in-cab device provider, or their Drivewyze Customer Success Manager.
The Trucker News Staff produces engaging content for not only TheTrucker.com, but also The Trucker Newspaper, which has been serving the trucking industry for more than 30 years. With a focus on drivers, the Trucker News Staff aims to provide relevant, objective content pertaining to the trucking segment of the transportation industry. The Trucker News Staff is based in Little Rock, Arkansas.