Truckers unite against trafficking: Trucker Path launches innovative reporting tool partnership with TAT

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Truckers unite against trafficking: Trucker Path launches innovative reporting tool partnership with TAT
Trucker Path adds TAT App Report feature, extending reach and awareness for TAT spreads the word about the organization’s mission to fight human trafficking.

PHOENIX, Ariz. NASHVILLE, Tenn, –  Trucker Path is expanding the reach and awareness about TAT (formerly Truckers Against Trafficking) by adding the organization’s Report feature to the Trucker Path app.

Trucker Path made the announcement at ATA’s Management Conference & Exhibition (MCE) that it is amplifying the mission to prevent human trafficking by TAT joining the Trucker Path app, along with ATA’s Women In Motion (WIM) Council, as part of the company’s mission to improve quality of life on the road for truckers and to support valuable industry associations.

 “We are proud to be able to use our platform to help TAT reach the one million professional truck drivers who use the Trucker Path app,” said Chris Oliver, CMO at Trucker Path. “Spreading the word about their mission aligns perfectly with our goal of being a conduit for information from great organizations like TAT and WIM.”

According to a media release, the Trucker Path partnership with TAT will add the Report feature on the organization’s app to the Trucker Path app. The newly added feature will extend the reach of TAT information to the users of Trucker Path and enable them to easily access the information they need to report a suspected human trafficking event.

Established in 2009, TAT’s mission is to educate, equip, empower and mobilize members of key industries and agencies to combat human trafficking.

“The more truck drivers we can educate on what to look for and how to report an incident, the greater our chances of disrupting human trafficking,” said Esther Goetsch, TAT executive director. “When truckers — and others in transportation — find themselves in the right place at the right time and are empowered to know the right way to respond in the moment, not only can trafficking be reported, but lives can be changed and saved. We’re excited to think about how this partnership will increase the visibility of these efforts.”

The Trucker Path and WIM partnership promotes the safety of professional female truck drivers on the road by identifying truck stops with key amenities identified as necessities by female drivers. To date, 320 truck stops qualify as having at least one and 18 have all seven amenities, including lighted parking, lounge areas, showers, bathrooms, and laundry facilities and 24/7 security and maintenance, according to data in the release.

ATA’s Women In Motion’s mission is to empower and connect women across the transportation industry by cultivating a nurturing a safer environment.

“It’s great to have a partner like Trucker Path that offers such a large community of users,” said Nikki Thomas, vice president, industry affairs at American Trucking Associations. “The ability of the Trucker Path app to search for WIM-friendly truck stops makes the roads safer for female drivers and helps us recruit the next generation of drivers that our industry so desperately needs.”

Dana Guthrie

Dana Guthrie is an award-winning journalist who has been featured in multiple newspapers, books and magazines across the globe. She is currently based in the Atlanta, Georgia, area.

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Dana Guthrie is an award-winning journalist who has been featured in multiple newspapers, books and magazines across the globe. She is currently based in the Atlanta, Georgia, area.
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