Truckload Authority, November/December 2019 Digital Edition
Truckload Authority November/December 2019 Digital Edition: Lawmakers setting up their own roadblocks. Also in this edition: As Hard as ABC | Trucking’s Top Concerns | Time is Money
Truckload Authority November/December 2019 Digital Edition: Lawmakers setting up their own roadblocks. Also in this edition: As Hard as ABC | Trucking’s Top Concerns | Time is Money
Truckload Authority September/October 2019 Digital Edition: Walt Coleman has been doubly successful in the dairy business and as an NFL referee. Also in this edition: Flexibility | Tin Can Alley | BASIC Truth
Truckload Authority – July/August 2019 Digital Edition: Road to Nowhere: Political bickering weakens chances for infrastructure plan. | Inside Information: Challenge your mind, trust your gut, says CNBC’s Guy Adami. | Cooling Off: For freight carriers, good times not over, but tougher times hover. | Hot Topics: FMCSA’s Ray Martinez stops by for a Fireside Chat.
Truckload Authority – May/June 2019 Digital Edition: Giving Back: TCA Chairman Josh Kaburick focusing on making trucking even better. | Caught in a Roundabout: Is the infrastructure solution going in circles? | High-Driving Motorists: CMV drivers face foggy 4-wheelers. | The ‘Truth Laboratory’: NFL Hall-of-Famer Steve Young shares life lessons from the gridiron.
Truckload Authority – March/April 2019 Digital Edition: Truckload Strong: 81st Annual Convention. | Far From Over: California, Teamsters want break preemption reversed. | Strength in Numbers: Profitability program pays off. | Powering Up: Hiring, retaining women gaining traction.
Truckload Authority – January/February 2019: Watchdog at FOX: Tucker Carlson discusses D.C. culture, the media, and mainstream America. | Midterm Mayhem: Congress appears headed for more gridlock. | Top Concern: Driver shortage tops list of key issues. | A Hair Closer: Drug abuse bill could be precursor for hair testing.
Truckload Authority – October/November 2018 Digital Edition: Redefining the Times: Is time running out for the current Hours of Service rule? | Excluded: F4A amendment fails to make final FAA bill. | Rewiring the Road: Electric vehicles changing the landscape. | Giving a Little: Trucking costs rise across the board in 2017.
Truckload Authority – August/September 2018 Digital Edition: MidTerm Election Turmoil: Can democrats regain control of Congress? | Staying Power: Recruiters, dispatchers play pivotal role in preventing driver turnover. | Plugging Electric Trucks: Industry recharged by the endless possibilities. | Don’t Lean On Me: New drivers need to stop relying on GPS, develop navigational skills.
Truckload Authority – June/July 2018 Digital Edition: On the Job: Ray Martinez takes over as FMCSA Administrator. | Job-Hopping: Are drivers who change jobs often going nowhere fast? | Tech Shortage: Is the lack of training by carriers to blame? | Good for Business: Women leadership deemed profitable.
Truckload Authority – April/May 2018 Digital Edition: A Real Honor: Trucking industry veteran Dan Doran new TCA Chairman. | Parking Safely: Diverse coalition grapples with age-old problem. | Student of the Game: Ari Fleischer talks about White House communications.
Truckload Authority – February/March 2018 Digital Edition: The Future of Truckload: What you need to know about the 80th annual TCA convention. | Work Zone: Trump releases $1.5 trillion road bill. | Solid Foundation: TCA Chairman Rob Penner’s final Chat. | Bringing Value: Q&A with TCA President John Lyboldt.
Truckload Authority – Winter 2017 Digital Edition: In for a Shock: Tesla’s electric tractor gaining quick acceptance. | ELD Mandate: It’s here, but how many carriers aren’t ready? | Critical Mass: There’s a slow shift toward healthier lifestyles. | Top 10 Concerns: Driver shortages surges to the top of the list.
Truckload Authority – Fall 2017 Digital Edition
Regulatory Eye: FMCSA Chief Counsel sees everything. | Guidance or Rule: Trucking cries for clarity on sleep apnea testing. | Road to Autonomy: Self-driving technology a sum of its parts. | Hello, Washington: TCA members heed the call to Capitol Hill.
Truckload Authority – Summer/Fall 2017 Digital Edition:
Freight Forecast: Rebound from recession good omen for industry. | Turning up the Heat: Up to 80% of carriers may be out in the cold with ELD mandate. | Moving Targets: Trafficking bills could punish professional truck drivers. | Washington Visit: TCA members urged to ascend on Capitol Hill.
Truckload Authority – Summer 2017 Digital Edition: One Voice TCA and ATA: A winning combination. | Data Dump: What will FMCSA do with the additional ELD data? | Politics in the Fast Lane: Arkansas is in “high cotton” with a fast-paced senator | Last Call: Setting high hiring standards and sticking with them.
Truckload Authority – Spring 2017 Digital Edition: Enterprise and Ingenuity: From driver to CEO, TCA Chairman Rob Penner has done it all. | ELD Countdown: Mandate coming December 18 despite legal wrangling. | The Fourth Option: Seeking unexpected strategies to build a successful business. | Writing the Ship: Using a pen to guide the economy to safe harbor.
Truckload Authority – Winter/Spring 2017 Digital Edition: We are Truckload, We are One: 79th Aunnual Convention. | Ingenious: Driving advancement of safety and automation. | Charting the Course: Q&A with John Lybolt. | Riding off into the Sunset: Chairman Stubbs’ last TLA chat.
Truckload Authority – Winter 2016/17 Digital Edition: Show Me the Money: Will a Trump administration fix our infrastructure? | Be Prepared to Stop: Documentary highlights the cost of congestion. | Trucking’s Top 10: Things we learned about trucking in 2016 | Home for Christmas: What are Chairman Stubbs’ plans for Christmas?