Editorial Policy

This Editorial Policy outlines The Trucker Media Group’s ethical and editorial policies and standards of journalism.

The Trucker Media Group (TTMG) is the leading source of trucking industry news in the U.S. proudly serving the industry for approximately 40 years. TTMG’s editorial team’s objective is to provide the latest and most comprehensive news affecting the U.S. trucking industry in a manner that is informative, objective and engaging.

Mission and Coverage
TTMG is an independent media organization and is a division of Wilshire Classifieds LLC, whose primary source of revenue comes from advertising. TTMG’s editorial team includes editors, writers, contributors, production and design resources comprising both company employees and independent contractors.

Editorial Independence Policy
The Trucker Media Group maintains full editorial independence from any external influence, including advertisers, donors, sponsors, or underwriters. Our editorial decisions are made solely based on journalistic principles, including accuracy, fairness, and public interest.

The Managing Editor retains full authority over editorial content to protect the best journalistic and business interests of TTMG. Our editorial activities and news judgments are made independently by the editorial department and not on the basis of advertising revenue for the organization. Acceptance of financial advertising revenue does not constitute an implied or actual endorsement of advertisers’ products, services or opinions.

Sponsored Content
TTMG accepts submissions of paid sponsored content. This content does not necessarily reflect the views of TTMG. All sponsored content is subject to review, editing and final approval by the Managing Editor. All sponsored content is clearly tagged as such.

Ethics Policy
TTMG maintains an in-house style guide, and its editorial policies follow the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) Code of Ethics. TTMG’s objective is to seek and report the truth, and to work honestly and courageously to gather, report and interpret information.

You can read more about SPJ’s Code of Ethics here. MAKE ACTIVE LINK TO


The Associated Press
TTMG is a subscriber of The Associated Press (AP), an American not-for-profit news agency that operates as a cooperative, unincorporated association and produces news reports that are distributed to its members, major U.S. daily newspapers, and radio and television broadcasters. TTMG provides content from AP under its Content License Agreement.

Verification and Fact-checking Standards
TTMG is committed to publishing accurate information across its websites, email newsletters, social media platforms, print publications, other new affiliations and all other distribution platforms. TTMG takes many steps, including ensuring accuracy; investigating claims with skepticism; questioning assumptions; challenging conventional wisdom; confirming information with experts and current data; and seeking to independently corroborate claims made by sources or entities. TTMG verifies third-party claims and information using original documents and primary sources whenever possible and makes explicit the origin of information and data. While we do not allow sources to review a story prior to publication, we may share relevant quotes or data with a source to confirm accuracy.

TTMG counts on its editorial team to make independent evaluations of difficult topics, to report on and analyze those topics using verifiable facts, and to clearly identify the sources of all information presented. Whenever possible, TTMG provides direct links to original sources and data directly cited in a given article. TTMG stands by the accuracy of its reporting and strives to quickly and transparently correct any errors.

TTMG welcomes feedback from its readers and sources regarding the information that we publish at [email protected].

Unprofessional Conduct
TTMG expects its editorial team to adhere to the highest professional standards. TTMG may reject content if it has reason to believe that the author has violated basic standards of professional conduct. Examples of unprofessional conduct by an author may include such things as plagiarism, fabrication, obtaining information by bribery or coercion, insensitivity to tragedy or grief, and real or perceived conflicts of interest such as accepting gifts, favors or compensation from those who might seek to influence the author’s work.

Corrections Policy
TTMG is committed to telling readers when an error has been made, the magnitude of the error, and the correct information as quickly as possible. This commitment and transparency applies across all its content. When an error occurs, TTMG will publish a notification of correction at the bottom of the relevant story, identifying the nature of the error and providing the correct information in the body of the text and in the correction notice. Any possible errors may be reported to [email protected].

Veiled Sources
TTMG allows the use of pseudonyms in published journalism only in the case of a clear and pressing need for anonymity, such as the legitimate concern for the safety of sources, or where personal privacy must be protected for serious reasons. The decision to use a veiled source is made solely at the discretion of TTMG’s Managing Editor.

Byline Policy
Authorship of each TTMG story is clearly visible through a byline, which in turn links to an author’s biographic profile page on our website. In cases where two or more staff editors significantly contributed to the reporting, research, and writing of a story or online item, a staff byline reading “The Trucker News Staff” or “Truckload Authority Staff” may appear. TTMG does not publish anonymous pieces, except in rare instances where the aforementioned standards for veiled sources have been met.

Competing Interests
In the interest of transparency and to help readers form their own judgements of potential bias, TTMG requires authors to declare any competing financial and/or non-financial interest in relation to the work described in the submitted manuscript.

Industry Engagement and Feedback
For approximately 40 years, TTMG has partnered with industry experts, carriers, truckers and other industry professionals to provide informative, objective and engaging news content affecting the U.S. trucking industry. TTMG knows it can have an even greater impact on its readers and the industry when other outside sources bring their thoughts, ideas and expertise to the table.

TTMG is committed to engaging with its readers and other industry professionals by taking action based on their suggestions, complaints, and other feedback. They may help us develop an individual story or line of coverage, answer questions that a story may raise, identify related or under-covered issues, and teach us about new and diverse sources, experts, and perspectives.

In line with this, we are committed to providing greater transparency about our journalism and offering regular points of contact and interaction. We believe that news organizations have a responsibility to engage with the public on the values, issues and ideas of the day.

Submission of news tips, story ideas, suggestions, complaints or other feedback can be submitted to [email protected].

Diverse Voices Statement
Inclusiveness is at the heart of thinking and acting as journalists. The complex issues we face as a society require respect for different viewpoints. Race, class, age, gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnicity and geography all affect point of view. TTMG does not discriminate when considering the diversity of our staff, writers and sources.