GREENSBORO, N.C. — Truck buyers can now shop at 10 additional dealerships within Volvo Trucks North America’s certified electric vehicle (EV) network. The latest additions to the network are located in three states — Rhode Island, Utah and Washington — and in Canada’s Manitoba province. The addition of these dealers brings the total number of in-network locations to 59 across North America. Each member of Volvo’s certified EV dealer program has completed a rigorous, extensive program designed to provide a comprehensive ecosystem of customer support for heavy-duty battery electric vehicle adoption. “Before we announced the commercialization of the VNR Electric, we understood that electric trucks would need to have the same level of uptime and the same quality service for our customers as our diesel trucks,” said Peter Voorhoeve, president of Volvo Trucks North America “That’s why we created the certified EV dealer program in parallel to the commercialization plans for the VNR Electric,” he continued. “The expansion of our certified EV dealer locations shows that battery-electric heavy-duty trucks are here to stay and will continue to scale as a viable option for freight transportation. Our vision is to continue that expansion.” Dealership support is essential to the successful adoption of battery-electric trucks, and selling a truck is only part of the equation, according to a Volvo press release. “It takes an entire support ecosystem to successfully transition to battery-electric trucks,” the release noted. In addition to serving as point-of-sale resources, members of Volvo’s certified EV dealership network provide local resources for driver training and routine maintenance and repairs for the vehicles. Network members have certified technicians and parts on site to service Volvo VNR Electric trucks as quickly and efficiently as possible. “By partnering with dealerships that are committed to supporting the transition to sustainable transportation solutions, fleets and owner-operators can make the transition to heavy-duty electric trucks smoothly with peace-of-mind, knowing they are surrounded by an ecosystem of support,” the release said. In collaboration with its dealer partners, Volvo Trucks has delivered 470 Volvo VNR Electric trucks from its New River Valley Plant in Dublin, Virginia. These trucks have logged 4.5 million customer miles in a variety of business sectors, including grocery, last-mile delivery, drayage, warehouse distribution, U.S. mail, medical supply, utility, fleet leasing, retail and more. Today, Volvo Trucks has certified 59 dealer locations across 27 states — Alabama, Arizona, California, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington and Wisconsin — and in four Canadian provinces — British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario, and Quebec. Volvo Trucks’ certified EV dealer program was developed as part of the Volvo LIGHTS project in Southern California.