Minnesota Trucking Association examines challenges of long-haul electric rigs

MINNEAPOLIS — In a comprehensive report released Thursday, the Minnesota Trucking Association (MTA) says that the rush to transition long-haul and short-haul/regional trucking industry to electric batteries will create a myriad of operational challenges, impede efficient delivery of products and drive up costs for consumers. The MTA established an Alternative Fuels Task Force to provide an analysis of options for all fuel types and the risks to consumers and businesses by pushing an all-electric fleet, according to a news release. MTA leaders say they hope this research will lead to meaningful policy and investments that will bolster the industry’s ongoing progress to reduce emissions while supporting trucking’s essential role in the nation’s economy through the transportation of goods and reinforcing supply chain connections. “The trucking industry has proven that we can achieve both meaningful emission reductions and a stable supply chain if we follow a thoughtful, fuel-neutral developmental process,” said MTA President John Hausladen. “If we don’t get this right and force vehicle electrification over other promising options, it will impact the cost and availability of food, clothing, medicine, appliances, machine parts, and thousands of other goods.”   A Minnesota Trucking Association task force recommends pursuing a wider range of alternative fuel options to help further reduce fossil fuel emissions, highlighting the potential of hydrogen fuel cell and hybrid technologies, among other options, rather than relying on electric big rigs for long-haul operations.   Hausladen called the development gap between electric cars versus heavy-duty trucks “enormous,” adding that the  MTA report “noted the transition for 18-wheelers and other heavy-duty vehicles is largely conceptual, and faces challenges with technology and infrastructure that will require substantial government investments over many years.” The MTA report concluded: “The reality is that Class 7-8 trucks will be powered by internal combustion engines run on diesel or similar fuels for decades to come. Government policies need to acknowledge and address this reality rather than mandate the use of a specific alternative propulsion source – such as electricity – to power heavy trucks.” Other report findings about the limitations of pursuing an all-electric fleet include: Refueling Time — Diesel fueling takes just 15 minutes, allowing a truck to travel approximately 1,200 miles before needing to refuel, while long-haul battery-electric trucks require 5-8 hours to charge and can cover 150-330 miles, assuming chargers are available. Infrastructure Challenges — Charging stations for heavy-duty trucks face challenges in both availability and effectiveness, as they need to be widespread and designed to meet the unique power demands of these vehicles. Cost Disparity — A new, clean-diesel long-haul tractor typically costs between $180,000 to $200,000, while a comparable battery-electric tractor can cost upwards of $480,000. Battery Loss in Cold Weather — Battery electric trucks in cold weather states such as Minnesota are specifically challenged due to the 30-40% reduction in performance. “The MTA report includes information to serve as a valuable resource for trucking fleets and advises them to follow a go slow approach regarding equipment investments,” the news release states. “The report determined that the development of heavy-duty electric trucks, necessary infrastructure and pricing are not practical for near or mid-term adoption for the long-haul sector.” The Alternative Fuels Task Force conducted its research and analysis over a six-month period, which included interviews with legislators, regulators, equipment manufacturers, truck dealers/repair facilities, national trucking and energy efficiency associations, and electric utilities. To access a summary infographic and the complete report, click here.

Trucking Tower offering money-back guarantee in fuel pilot program

OKLAHOMA CITY — Trucking Tower and CyberFuels are offering a money-back guarantee for testing the Dynamo 6-in-1 green fuel technology. According to a news release, field results show an average 26.73% MPG gain across a wide variety of ages, makes and models of big rig engines that use the green fuel. “Through this measured pilot program, Trucking Tower guarantees at least a 10% fuel economy gain to demonstrate the breakthrough fuel efficiency and cost savings of using CyberFuels for any Class 8 trucking engine make and model,” the news release states. Click here to view a video about the product. “It has been a distinct pleasure working with fleet executives, owner-operators, and dedicated drivers for the past 29 years. At a time when expenses in trucking are at an all-time high, we are pleased to offer a no-risk, cost-saving solution to combat the leading expense of operating a big rig truck, which is fuel,” said Andy Hedrick, CEO of Trucking Tower. Hedrick said that his company’s clients are seeing a 10% to 23% net cost savings on their fuel spend after the cost of the fuel-dosing equipment and the CyberFuels Dynamo 6-in-1 green fuel technology. “Drivers provide very positive feedback regarding the more responsive engines, and maintenance departments have fewer emissions-related repairs because the fuel burns cleaner, which is proven through measured lab and field studies,” he said. John Lawrence, president of CyberFuels, added, “We are excited to partner with Trucking Tower to deliver our solutions directly to fleets and owner-operators in helping them reduce their leading expense. The cleaner burning fuel also results in fewer repair bills and more uptime to stay on the road, generating revenue rather than being sidelined.  We are driven to help companies with net cost savings while going greener at the same time, and there are significant tailwinds in the market for our solutions.” Increasingly, shippers are asking carriers to report their efforts to reduce carbon emissions during business reviews and when participating in requests for proposal. Besides improving MPG, company officials say that CyberFuels Dynamo has a measurable environmental impact, including a 21.9% reduction in particulate matter emissions from the combustion chamber based on engine testing results by an independent lab, Olson-EcoLogic, in Fullerton, California. “The 6-in-1 green fuel technology improves engine performance and power, increases miles per gallon, improves lubricity, removes carbon, inhibits corrosion, improves cold flow and cleans the fuel injectors,” according to the news release. “Dynamo also boosts the cetane rating of diesel fuel by as much as 20.2%, as calculated by SGS Laboratories.” Trucking Tower offers a money-back guarantee to fleets and owner-operators of at least a 10% increase in MPG. The pilot program compares baseline results versus new results when running CyberFuels. “We are very pleased with the 19.8% MPG increase and 21.95% reduction in DEF usage from our measured pilot program. The fuel reduction and maintenance impacts of using CyberFuels are substantial,” said Aaron Kinney, president of Denver Intermodal Express, a full-service transportation and logistics provider based in Denver that operates 60 power units During the pilot, the selected pilot-project drivers log their fuel gallons added and their odometer readings daily. Trucking Tower uses those driver logs for the most accurate measure of MPG as opposed to ELD or GPS summary reports that use rolling averages of averages and data that includes GPS drift. “Trucking Tower fully supports the use and applications of ELDs and GPS devices,” according to the news release. “Still, for MPG comparisons of 40-60 driving days, the driver logs method has proven the most accurate based on field data comparisons. The logs with MPG calculations are provided to the client for their own analysis and comparisons against ELD or GPS summary reporting.” The CyberFuels Dynamo solution is EPA-certified and does not void engine OEM or truck-lease warranties. OEM engine manufacturers and truck leasing companies cannot ban fuel additives per the Magnuson Moss Warranty Act. For added assurance, CyberFuels and Trucking Tower maintain a combined $4 million in insurance coverage, but there have been no insurance or warranty claims after treating over 60 million gallons of fuel. During the pilot, the drivers or maintenance personnel dispense CyberFuels Dynamo from 32-oz bottles with a transparent strip that assists with measuring. The treatment ratio is 4 oz of product per 20 gallons of diesel, equal to one gallon of CyberFuels Dynamo per 640 gallons. Once the pilot is complete, Trucking Tower offers automation for fleetwide deployment using stationary tank injection systems and calibrated dosing systems that ride on the big rig trucks. The dosing system that rides on a big rig truck comprises a seven-gallon tank installed on the frame rail, an electronic control unit, and tank float gauges. Trucks can drive 25,000 to 35,000 miles before refilling the CyberFuels Dynamo tank. Trucking Tower manages the installation of automated dosing for on-site fuel tanks and the big rig truck solution for on-the-road fueling. Trucking companies interested in the money-back guarantee pilot program can contact Trucking Tower at

PACCAR recall affects certain Kenworth, Peterbilt models’ steering gear assemblies

WASHINGTON — PACCAR is recalling certain 2024-2025 Kenworth T280, T380, T480, T680, T880, L770, W990 and 2024-2025 Peterbilt 389, 520, 535, 536, 537, 548, 567, 579 and 589 trucks because the steering gear assemblies may have been assembled incorrectly with fewer recirculating balls than are required, which may result in a loss of steering control. According to a report from the National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration (NHTSA), dealers will inspect and replace the steering gears as necessary, free of charge. The recall affects around 47,208 tractors, according to the NHTSA. Owner notification letters are expected to be mailed March 25, 2024. Owners may contact Peterbilt customer service at (940) 591-4220 and/or Kenworth customer service at (425) 828-5888. PACCAR’s numbers for this recall are 24PBC and 24KWC. Owners may also contact the NHTSA Vehicle Safety Hotline at (888) 327-4236 or go to

Can your brakes pass inspection? Proper inspection, maintenance is critical

Brake lights — we see thousands of them every day, on city streets, country roads and busy highways. When we spot those bright red indicators on other vehicles, the message is obvious: Someone is slowing, perhaps preparing to stop. Brakes are a vital component of any vehicle, but are perhaps even more important for Class 8 tractor-trailers, which can weigh up to 80,000 pounds. These rigs can’t “stop on a dime,” as they say, so the driver’s reaction time and the condition of the brakes are often the only difference between a normal day on the road and a catastrophe. Despite being one of the most important systems on a truck, the mechanics of how brakes work are a mystery to most drivers. The expectation is that when the driver steps on the brake pedal, the vehicle will slow and stop. Unfortunately, many drivers aren’t aware there’s a problem with their brakes until they don’t work as expected when driving. By then, it may be too late to avoid an accident. The luckier drivers tend to find out during a Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) inspection. While being penalized or placed out of service isn’t a pleasant experience, this scenario is more appealing than an accident. One part of the problem is that it’s not easy to inspect a truck’s brakes. Most of the components are difficult to get to. Crawling under the truck is necessary, and no one wants to come in contact with pavement in most truck parking areas. In addition, a flashlight is often needed for an inspection, and access plugs or panels may need to be removed to get a look. Another issue is a lack of knowledge. If you ask the average driver what the acceptable push rod travel is for the brakes installed on the truck he or she is driving, you’ll rarely get an answer. Ask how thick brake pads or shoes are (or should be), and most won’t know that either. Many drivers assume that brake maintenance, like engine or transmission work, is the job of maintenance technicians. The end result is that brake issues are almost always the top issue in roadside inspections. Even then, unless the driver owns the truck, it’s easier to put the blame for any problems on the carrier. Even so, the driver still pays. Two or more brakes out of adjustment is an out-of-service condition, meaning the driver can’t move until the issue is corrected. For many drivers, that means no miles — and no pay. This gets expensive when delivery appointments have to be rescheduled, sometimes costing the driver a day or more of earnings. Depending on the carrier, drivers may be responsible for paying all or part of any fines that are incurred during inspections. Then there’s the impact that carrier and driver share — points on the Compliance, Safety and Accountability (CSA) score and Pre-Employment Screening Program (PSP) record. When, for example, slack adjusters aren’t within required specifications, not just one, but two violations are typically noted on the inspection. The first is a brake out of adjustment; the second is an automatic slack adjuster that failed to maintain the proper adjustment. In the case of a driver, PSP scores are interpreted differently among carriers. In general, a large number of vehicle maintenance violations on the driver’s PSP could be an indication the driver doesn’t adequately perform pre-trip inspections on their equipment. The PSP can mean the difference between getting a new job and not. And, of course, any accidents resulting from inadequately maintained brakes can result in serious injury or death, as well as expensive litigation. At a minimum, a pre-trip inspection should include a check of visible brake parts. Hoses and fittings should be secured so they don’t rub against one another or against vehicle frames or parts, and they should be checked for chafing. There should be no audible leaks. Mounting hardware for air chambers and other components should be intact and snug. In the case of disc brakes, Bendix recommends checking brake pads for abnormal wear and cracks, and for minimum pad thickness of .125 inch (that’s an eighth of an inch). Rotors should be inspected for cracks and for thickness. Some light surface cracks are acceptable, but they definitely should be brought to the attention of a technician. With the brakes off, there should be adequate running clearance between pad and rotor. For drum brakes, again, some light surface cracks in the drum are acceptable, but they should be checked. There should be an acceptable amount of free play in the slack adjuster and push rods; the amount differs among manufacturers, so it’s necessary to find out what equipment is installed on the truck. Brakes may differ between axles too, so allowable free play on one may not be the same for another. Shoes should be checked for cracks and breakage, and for even wear. Slack adjusters and S-cams need occasional lubrication. Braking systems include a compressor, tractor and trailer protection valves, compressed air tanks and various warning gauges, lights and audible signals. It’s important to periodically perform in-cab checks. These involve holding the brake pedal down and watching the gauge for air pressure loss, pumping down the brakes to observe the pressure remaining when warning lights and buzzers activate, and at what pressure the tractor and trailer valves activate. It’s also important to make note of how long it takes for the compressor to build air pressure back up. Automatic slack adjusters have been required by regulation since 1994 for tractors and since 1995 for trailers. Unless your equipment is very old, chances are slim that you’ll encounter manual adjusters. If you do, it’s important to know how to keep them in adjustment to maximize your braking power. Manufacturers of automatic slack adjusters recommend that they NOT be adjusted between brake jobs. If the brakes are out of adjustment, it’s an indication the adjuster is no longer working correctly and must be replaced. The adjustment screw on the automatic adjuster is used only for resetting the adjustment after a brake job. When it comes to brakes, it doesn’t much matter whether the driver or a technician inspects the brakes; what matters is that it gets done periodically. With preventive maintenance intervals of 60,000 miles or more, brake systems may not get the attention they need to catch potential issues before they become safety problems. Any time a tire is removed, of course, a thorough inspection of the brakes on that axle end is a must. If the driver isn’t qualified to fully check brake components, the vehicle should be scheduled for a check by a technician at a company or road vendor location. Brakes are easy to take for granted. Issues like improper adjustment or inadequate shoe thickness may not show up under “normal” braking conditions, but when a panic stop is necessary under a full load, those issues can suddenly become critical. Make sure you have the ability to stop when you need to by being sure your brakes are in tip-top shape.

American Trailer Rental Group rebrands as Warehouse on Wheels

WALTON, Ky. — Warehouse on Wheels, formerly known as American Trailer Rental Group, has a new brand, logo and messaging that company officials say more accurately reflect the company’s mission, which is “To provide customers with the most effective commercial mobile storage solutions available,” according to a news release. Warehouse on Wheels is a combination of 10 brands serving key markets throughout the U.S. and Canada and operating 36 locations with more than 35,000 trailers and more than 5,000 ground-level storage containers. Warehouse on Wheels, which is an aggregation of several regional industry leaders, is retaining all current brand names to emphasize the importance of local service to the company’s customers. “The Warehouse on Wheels brand best illustrates the unique solution we provide to our customers. From the first mile to the second to last mile, we provide ready-to-go-to-work assets and a powerful value proposition for our customers far superior to fixed warehouse space. Grounded in our customer-intimate model of Ritz-Carlton service at Hampton Inn prices, our customers rely on us day in and day out to maximize efficiencies in their supply chains. We are your warehouse on wheels, the right solution right now,” said Jonathan Brooks, CEO of Warehouse on Wheels. The Warehouse on Wheels name, along with the new tagline “The Right Solution Right Now” and the new messaging, was developed by a cross-functional internal team and external branding experts with input from the company’s c-suite and board of directors, according to the news release. “Warehouse on Wheels excels at addressing challenging storage problems, and last-minute customer requests with a ‘Never say no’ attitude. Our new brand identity projects that ability and tells the industry exactly what we do and how we do it,” said Heath Northcutt, chief customer officer of Warehouse on Wheels.

Class 8 tractor orders see uptick from December to January, ACT Research reports

COLUMBUS, Ind. — January preliminary North American Class 8 net orders were 27,000 units, up 600 units from December and 45% from a year ago, according to ACT Research. Complete industry data for January, including final order numbers, will be published by ACT Research in mid-February. “Weak freight and carrier profitability fundamentals, and large carriers guiding to lower capex in 2024, would imply some pressure in the North American Class 8 market’s largest segment, U.S. tractor,” said Kenny Vieth, ACT’s president and senior analyst. “While we do not yet have the underlying detail for January orders, Class 8 demand continuing at high levels at the start of 2024 suggests that over-the-road US truckers are still buying.” With the third largest seasonal factor of the year, 11%, seasonal adjustment pushes January’s Class 8 intake to 24,300 units, up 17% from December. “North American Classes 5-7 net orders were 20,300 units in December, up 16% year-over-year,” Vieth said. “Unlike Class 8, medium duty seasonality is modestly positive in January, boosting the seasonally adjusted order tally to 20,800 units, down 21% month-over-month from a tough best-month-of-2023 December comp.”

HDA Truck Pride adds Superior Diesel to team, rolls business into Illinois

ST. LOUIS — HDA Truck Pride (HDA) has unveiled the newest member of its team, Superior Diesel, expanding HDA’s presence into Illinois. “Over the course of their 35-year journey of service to the trucking community in Illinois, Superior Diesel has built a stellar reputation for delivering outstanding customer service,” said HDA Truck Pride CEO Tina Hubbard. “This reputation and their commitment to their community strongly aligns with HDA Truck Pride’s commitment to serving the trucking industry. We look forward to a long and successful partnership.” Since its founding in 1979, Superior has grown in two Illinois locations, according to a news release. The company’s diesel technicians “specialize in several areas such as various repairs, preventive maintenance services and more extensive overhauls, providing customers with dependable and timely solutions,” the news release states. The company offers complete suspension service, air conditioning repair, engine overhauls, after-treatment services, electrical, diagnostics and complete trailer repairs. “Both Superior locations take pride in themselves in making sure inventory is always in stock, allowing them to quickly access the parts and finish repairs efficiently,” the news release notes.

Michigan man sentenced for conspiracy to violate the Clean Air Act

WASHINGTON — A Michigan man has been sentenced to 12 months’ probation, a $2,000 fine and a $100 special assessment after pleading guilty to conspiracy to violate the Clean Air Act in 2023. According to the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Michigan, Dustin Rhine received his sentence on Tuesday, Jan. 9. This sentencing is following the April 2023 arrest and charge of Rhine, along with 10 other individuals and three companies, for his involvement in a scheme to disable the emissions controls on hundreds of semi-trucks. In September and October of the same year, seven out of the 10 individuals and the three companies were sentenced, a news release noted.

MileMaker announces partnership with Turvo to bring advanced TMS

CHICAGO  — Commercial truck routing and mileage software company MileMaker recently unveiled the integration of its web services interface with Turvo’s cloud-based platform to form an advanced transportation management system (TMS). According to a news release, this move will allow Turvo’s customers to access MileMaker’s truck-specific mileage calculations. “This partnership seamlessly integrates MileMaker’s renowned truck-specific mileage calculations into Turvo’s platform, empowering our users with accurate and up-to-date information for enhanced decision-making,” said Brett Williams, senior vice president of sales at Turvo. “Together, we aim to streamline logistics processes, reduce costs, and elevate overall operational efficiency for the benefit of the entire supply chain.” Isaac Salvadori-Black, director of partnerships at MileMaker, said he and his fellow executives are “excited to collaborate with Turvo to bring MileMaker’s commercial truck mileage, rating and routing solutions to a broader audiences.” He added: “This partnership will enable transportation companies to leverage our data, from both Guide 19 and Guide 20, within the Turvo platform, making it easier than ever to access accurate mileage, helping to improve overall logistics operations.” The software provides door-to-door routing, tailoring each route to a user’s specific requirements,  vehicle specifications customizable Points of Interest, midpoints and more. According to the news release, “MileMaker’s mileage data enables users to negotiate and streamline freight rates, payments and audits, while also improving freight cost and fuel surcharge forecasts. Turvo’s platform offers real-time visibility, collaboration tools and other innovative features that result in an end-to-end communication and analytics platform for freight brokers, 3PLs, shippers and carriers.”

Fleetio expands services to enhance fleet maintenance management

BIRMINGHAM — On Jan. 30, Fleetio, a fleet maintenance management software-as-a-service (SaaS) company, announced that it is offering four new, innovative features designed to better serve fleets of all sizes. The four new features include tire management, warranty management, sensor data snapshots and enhanced service tasks, according to a news release. “At Fleetio, we’re passionate about empowering fleets to reach their full potential,” said Jon Meachin, CEO of Fleetio. “These new features and offerings are a testament to our innovation and customer-centricity. We’re confident they’ll serve as valuable tools to help fleets thrive in today’s competitive landscape.” According to the news release, Fleetio’s “understanding of the unique challenges faced by various types of fleets, Fleetio empowers them to operate with newfound confidence, efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Together these four new features enable fleets with better control and visibility over maintenance costs.” The four new features are broken down into what each one does specifically: Tire Management allows fleet managers to gain real-time insights into tire health and performance, tracking tread depth, air pressure, and usage data, proactively identifying potential issues and ensuring compliance with Department of Transportation regulations. This feature is ideal for fleet managers and vehicle operators in all sizes of trucking, freight, construction and contracting fleets.  Warranty Management maximizes warranty claims to avoid unnecessary expenses. This functionality tracks standard and extended warranties, automatically alerting mechanics about applicable policies and seamlessly integrates warranty credits into work orders. This feature caters to mid-market and enterprise fleets, specifically for fleet managers responsible for warranty management.  Sensor Data Snapshots leverage sensor data to proactively detect and address potential problems before they escalate. Managers and drivers create and enrich issues with sensor information, providing technicians with valuable context to diagnose and resolve problems efficiently. Upon initial launch, this feature supports Fleetio users who have integrations with Geotab or Samsara. This functionality benefits fleets of all sizes, particularly fleet managers and technicians.  Enhanced Service Tasks with Parts and Labor streamline work order creation and improve technician productivity. It allows users to link service tasks to specific parts and expected labor hours, eliminating manual data entry and providing valuable insights into labor efficiency. This feature benefits mid-market and enterprise fleets in the transportation and logistics, utilities, construction and service industries, particularly users creating work orders with parts and managers analyzing labor trends.  “There is nothing worse than getting calls about flat tires or tire failures that could have been prevented. The tire management and telematics integration features in Fleetio reduce headaches and tire failures by turning your tire program from reactive to proactive,” said Jesus Martinez Ramirez, fleet and warehousing supervisor at Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency. “I strongly recommend using Fleetio and its many features because they help keep our fleet safe, manage costs and reduce downtime.” In order to incorporate these features and recognize the diverse needs of its growing customer base, Fleetio has restructured its packaging into three tiers:  Essential — Catered to fleets starting their journey, this package provides core functionalities for organizing vehicle inventory and managing inspections. Professional — Designed for fleets needing a collaborative approach to fleet management. This plan offers fleet managers robust reporting and analytics and comprehensive tracking of all in-house and outsourced maintenance activities. Premium — Ideal for fleets requiring a sophisticated and customizable platform that can integrate with their current systems, processes and telematics. This plan provides complete operational visibility, including parts management, with adaptable tracking for various data points.

Used Class 8 tractor values saw declines in November 2023

COLUMBUS, Ind. — According to the latest State of the Industry: U.S. Classes 3-8 Used Trucks by ACT Research, the used Class 8 tractor average retail sale price dropped 2.6% month-over-month to $58,000 in December 2023. Retail prices last saw that level in April 2021, the report notes. “On a year-over-year basis, used retail prices were 28% lower,” said Steve Tam, vice president at ACT Research. “Our pricing expectations remain steady, with a return to month-over-month growth toward the end of 2024 as the most likely course.” Regarding volumes, Tam explained, “Combined, the total market same dealer sales volume 24% in December. For the full year, total sales were up 40% compared to 2022. Auctions led the growth, improving 78%, with the wholesale market expanding by 75%. Growth in the retail market was more reserved at 12%.”

RXO’s new AI-powered truck check-in technology to ‘speed up process’

CHARLOTTE, N.C — Truckload broker RXO has launched a new AI-powered check-in system for warehouses and distribution centers. Using either video or images, the AI technology allows facilities to identify the trucks, extract the data and send it to processing for check-in or security, according to a news release. The AI technology automatically records the trailer numbers and matches them to the scheduled appointments when the truck arrives on site. “RXO’s visual AI technology is already producing positive results at our Laredo, Texas facility, including reduced wait times at the gate,” said Yoav Amiel, chief information officer at RXO. “This advanced technology speeds up the process for carriers and helps shippers save time and money. We’re thrilled to continue to use machine learning and AI to provide our shippers and carriers with cutting-edge ways to make their operations more efficient.” The tasks that the AI-powered check-in system was previously handled manually by employees taking note of the truck information and directing them to the correct warehouse dock or yard spot. According to the news release, “This led to truck backups at the gate during the check-in process due to high traffic, manual documentation and typing errors.” The new system is combined with RXO’s Yard Management System, allowing automatic appointment matching by recording the relevant information and matching the data to the scheduled appointment. The system then notifies staff that a truck has arrived and provides all information to them. Throughout the year, RXO will implement this system in its other locations while also planning to offer the system as a standalone service to other companies.

TruVideo, Karmak partnership brings ‘trust and transparency’ to truck servicing

BOSTON — TruVideo and Karmak have partnered in what executives from both companies say will “make the repair process exceptionally easier for truck dealerships.” According to a news release, TruVideo’s messaging and video platform will be used with Karmak’s dealership management system either simultaneously or tandemly, allowing for all information about a repair order to be dated, timestamped and found all in one place. “In the service lane, trust and transparency are key markers to building customer retention. TruVideo’s video and messaging platform is one-way technicians and service advisors can build upon that trust, using videos to help customers see and understand the repairs being recommended,” said Joe Shaker, founder and CEO of TruVideo. “This partnership with Karmak will enable all customer communication to be entered and reported on from one location, creating an accurate timeline across the entire customer lifecycle.” The partnership between TruVideo and Karmak will allow for reports that highlight data regarding repair orders with video versus without it, information on increasing revenue, dollars obtained in labor and parts and reductions in dwell time on repair orders, the news release notes. “Within just a couple of months, we saw the benefits of using TruVideo,” said Andrew Hildebrand, service manager for Integrity Ventures Inc. “It’s a great tool for communicating complex issues and repairs and it’s a huge time saver. Working with the team at TruVideo on the pilot to integrate into our Karmak accounting system was effortless. Their communication and ability to understand our needs was excellent.” For more information on TruVideo and its powerful AI-based solutions, visit  

Ex-Guard releases new grill guards aimed at Kenworth T680 Next Gen models

DES MOINES, Iowa — Ex-Guard has released its new HD-CM495 grille guards that are designed to be compatible with the 2021-2024 Kenworth T680 Next Gen models. “This product is an industry-first that is especially designed to enhance the safety of the driver and decrease downtime,” a news release notes. “The product does this without interfering with Bendix’s collision mitigation technology. The thoughtful design of the guards reduces the point of interference while other guards accidentally create it due to the offset location of the collision mitigation system on the Kenworth T680.” Ex-Guard officials also tout that the new grille guards include “proven technology to reduce and eliminate fleet expenses related to downtime, towing, collision repair and replacement parts, which can total $15,000 or more per collision.” The HD-CM425 and HD-CM495 are available with sparkling silver or deep black PVC coating. MSRP is $1,670 and $2,230, respectively. The HD-CM425 provides protection for the bumper, fog lights and radiator, while the larger HD-495 offers complete front-end protection, according to the news release. For a closer look at the Ex-Guard HD-CM425 and HD-CM495, visit,

ISAAC selected as new tech partner of Leonard’s Express

SAINT BRUNO DE MONTARVILLE, Quebec, Canada — Leonard’s Express officials have announced that they will be adding ISAAC Instruments’ (ISAAC) technology to their fleet. “The decision to switch to ISAAC came down to several factors,” said Chris DeMillo, vice president of information technology for Leonard’s Express. “First is the simplified workflow solution … to help guide our drivers through their days. We are excited to deliver that to them.” With the partnership, Leonard will install ISAAC’s electronic logging device (ELD) and driver-centric telematics solutions across their entire fleet, a news release states. “Our engagement from the beginning with ISAAC has been top-notch,” DeMillo said. “We have been extremely impressed with the attention and service we’ve received from the entire ISAAC team. They are genuine, caring and as passionate about what they do as we are at Leonard’s Express.” Demillo said that the strength of ISAAC’s ELDs and transportation management system (TMS) were major factors in deciding to go ahead the partnership. “We saw how ISAAC is in lockstep with the TMS system,” DeMillo said. “There is a comfort level with the work the ISAAC integration team is doing. We see the opportunities for the platform to extend beyond the TMS in order to connect other critical systems, which increase the value add in a connected experience for both our drivers and back office.” Last December, Leonard hosted ISAAC at its headquarters for a “Destination ISAAC” kick-off event for the New York-based fleet. Members of the ISAAC team were on site to aid with implementation and training for the new platform. The platform will be available across the entire fleet in early 2024. “We’re quite pleased that Leonard’s Express has selected ISAAC as its technology partner,” said Jacques DeLarochelliere, CEO and co-founder of ISAAC. “We look forward to working with such a well-respected trucking fleet to improve the experience for drivers and boost overall productivity.”

Specialized transportation tech companies EROAD, BCMI partner

SAN DIEGO — Fleet tracking system company EROAD and the Bulk Construction Materials Initiative (BCMI) have announced a collaboration that leaders from both companies say will “enable the industry to elevate its customer-centric solutions.” “This collaboration represents a significant milestone for EROAD, as we continue to pioneer innovative solutions in the rapidly evolving field of specialized transportation technology,” EROAD Chief Data Science Officer Dean Marris said. “By joining forces with BCMI, we are positioned to deliver unparalleled value to our shared ready-mix customers by aiding with plant-to-site visibility, turning complex data into actionable information, streamlining workflow, enhancing efficiency, and ultimately, driving greater business success. This collaboration is a testament to our commitment to staying at the forefront of technological advancements and providing cutting-edge solutions that empower fleets to navigate the challenges of modern-day logistics.” The integration of EROAD’s Drive app with BCMI’s dispatch system allows the support of business-critical insights and improves the efficiency and transparency of ready-mix concrete fleets, a news release states. “The collaboration explores the opportunities for integrated and complementary solutions and offers a range of potential benefits for drivers and more,” according to the news release. “The advantages customers will have include greater visibility of the status and location of assets, loads and materials for users, supporting opportunities for better communication, streamlined workflows and overall fleet management.” EROAD’s Drive app can be installed on Android-based tablets found in the ready-mix concrete truck cabs that use CoreHub, which is also EROAD’s telematic gateway device. “Together, we aim to redefine the landscape of fleet management for concrete haulers and construction companies through the seamless integration of our platforms,” BCMI President and Co-founder Craig Yeack said. “The combined strengths of EROAD and BCMI will not only elevate the capabilities of our respective technologies but also set new standards for reliability, scalability, and innovation in the industry. We are committed to pursuing synergies that will empower our mutual clients to thrive in an ever-changing business environment.” Click here for more information.

CH Robinson rolls out new electronic LTL billing of lading

EDEN PRAIRIE, Minn. — C.H. Robinson officials say they have implemented an electronic bill of lading (eBOL) that allows 10 of the top less-than-truckload industry (LTL) to advance in digitalizing the industry. “While there are fewer carriers in the LTL universe and the top 25 handle over 90% of the market, the complexity of moving LTL freight means that digitization in this part of the logistics industry has been more challenging than truckload,” said Greg West, vice president for LTL at C.H. Robinson. “With truckload freight, there’s generally one origin and one destination and a customer has exclusive use of the trailer. With LTL, you can have up to 30 customers’ freight on a trailer, with 30 destinations and 30 sets of paperwork. That makes it so valuable to have a common eBOL everyone can use.” In the past year alone, 17,240 of C.H. Robinson’s customers were able to benefit from the eBOL, according to a news release. For some time, LTL bills of lading were typically handled by a carrier who would generate the tracking numbers for every customer’s freight and print them out on stickers. The driver would take the tracking number label stickers to a shipper’s loading dock and add them to a paper bill of lading and to each pallet. Once at a new pickup, they will then do the process all over at the next pickup. When the driver heads to their terminal at the end of the day, the tracking numbers from all the bills of lading would be manually entered into the carrier’s computer system and sent to the logistics provider overnight or the next day. “If LTL freight has to travel from Chicago to Los Angeles, it might travel on 10 different paths depending on which of 10 carriers it’s booked on,” said West. “Each carrier has a unique network and a unique terminal footprint. One carrier might take the freight through Kansas City. Another might take it through Denver. Sometimes LTL freight is put on rail for part of its journey. Sometimes westbound freight will even travel east before it heads west.” Once a truck is in transit, the shippers will be able to track their freight. Now that a tracking number can be generated within seconds, a complete bill of lading is ready for the shipper when the driver arrives. All that the driver must do is just scan it. “This allows manual work to be eliminated, lowering administrative costs as well as cutting down on errors and increasing efficiency at every shipper’s dock,” the news release states. “Having their tracking number in advance, shippers can gain real-time visibility on their freight by receiving updates via C.H. Robinson’s Navisphere platform.” C.H. Robinson says it has reached a 92% accuracy rate when it comes to predicting if an LTL will be delivered on time, thanks to a sophisticated data-science model fed by information on 5 million LTL shipments per year. “C.H. Robinson’s adoption of the electronic bill of lading (eBOL) stands as a landmark achievement in the digitization of the industry,” said Paul Dugent, executive director of NMFTA’s Digital LTL Council. “Their pioneering collaboration with leading LTL carriers and embrace of the Council’s standards showcase a firm commitment to modernizing logistics for enhanced efficiency and real-time visibility. This visionary approach will undoubtedly serve as a catalyst for broader industry adoption, ultimately benefiting both shippers and carriers alike.”

Electric big rig maker Nikola adds new tech to models

NORTHVILLE, Mich. — Global technology company ZF and Nikola Corporation recently announced that ZF’s OnGuardMAX and OnSideALERT options will be added to Nikola’s hydrogen fuel cell electric truck, which is in production and being delivered to customers. This is the first application of these driver-assistance technologies on a commercial vehicle produced for the North American market, according to a news release. ZF’s OnSideALERT is a radar-based blind spot detection system that continuously identifies a wide variety of stationary and moving objects in a vehicle’s blind spot. This technology helps prevent or mitigate side collisions. The OnGuardMAX is designed to assist drivers in recognizing and responding to possible dangerous traffic situations. The OnGuardMAX is ZF’s most advanced automatic emergency braking system that has autonomous functionality for commercial vehicles. “It has a sophisticated data integration combined with a high-tech camera and radar suite that helps the system autonomously detect, classify and react to moving and stationary objects such as pedestrians, vehicles, motorcycles and bicycles,” the news release noted. “The system will warn the driver of any and all obstructions in the vehicle’s immediate path and can also automatically slow the vehicle down or bring it to a full stop when necessary.” This advanced object detection and autonomous braking capability further enables the new ZF system to help avoid or mitigate accidents involving pedestrians. “We’re pleased to partner with Nikola to integrate these critical safety technologies into their new zero-emission truck and introduce innovative safety technology to the North American marketplace,” said Dirk Wohltmann, director of engineering for the Americas commercial vehicle solutions at ZF Group. “ZF technologies benefit from decades of continuous improvement and learning, and these technologies not only benefit customers, but the driver and road users. We’re excited to see our technology on the road in the Nikola truck, as well as future vehicles.” Pedro Garcia, global head of product development at Nikola, said that safety must come first. “Safety is of paramount importance to Nikola and our customers, and the ZF products, including the company’s driver-assistance technologies, integrate well into our Class 8 hydrogen fuel cell electric truck platform,” he said. “Nikola and ZF are recognized pioneers in our respective spheres, and it makes sense to come together to provide the best zero-emissions truck in the market.”  

Volvo launches the all-new VNL

GREENSBORO, N.C. — During a virtual press conference Jan. 23, Volvo Trucks North America announced the launch of a completely reimagined Volvo VNL. The OEM promises the new version will set new industry standards in heavy-duty trucking. “The all-new Volvo VNL was designed to change everything,” said Peter Voorhoeve, president of Volvo Trucks North America, adding that “change” goes beyond a redesigned truck. “This product introduction is the start of a new era for Volvo Trucks, our customers and their drivers — a quantum leap forward.” According to the manufacturer, the new Volvo VNL is equipped with the next generation of enhancements to improve total customer value, driver productivity, safety and sustainability. In addition, the new design features advanced aerodynamics and is engineered to improve fuel efficiency by up to 10%. “The new Volvo VNL is designed to meet the challenges and demands of the North American market and transform the driving experience,” noted a statement released by Volvo following the launch. The tractor is available in six cab configurations — the VNL 300 Day Cab, the VNL 440 42-inch Mid-Roof Sleeper, the VNL 640 62-inch Mid-Roof Sleeper, the VNL 660 62-inch Full-Height Sleeper, the VNL 840 74-inch Mid-Roof Sleeper and the VNL 860 74-inch Full-Height Sleeper. The trucks will be produced at Volvo’s New River Valley Plant in Dublin, Virginia, and sales will begin in the coming months. “We started this project with a blank sheet of paper and thoroughly analyzed the trends and transformations that will impact the industry and our customers’ needs, including the sustainability and transportation demands of the future,” Voorhoeve said. “When we launched the first generation of the Volvo VN in 1996, its ‘unconventional’ aerodynamic body style set a new standard for the North American trucking industry,” he continued. “We did the unthinkable in 2007 when we introduced the I-Shift in North America and spurred the industry’s transition toward automated manual transmissions. “As we bring the all-new Volvo VNL to market, we are excited to once again introduce innovations that will shape the future of the transportation industry for years to come,” Voorhoeve concluded. Volvo plans to use the new VNL as the platform for all its upcoming technologies, such as the development of battery-electric, fuel cell and internal combustion engines powered by renewable fuels including hydrogen. In addition, the new VNL features an industry-first 24-volt electrical infrastructure, along with active safety features the OEM says will “be the standard for the future commercialization of fully autonomous trucks. The new Volvo VNL is integral to Volvo Trucks’ vision towards zero emissions and zero accidents.” Redefining Efficiency The Volvo VNL features a streamlined profile that the manufacturer says will have a major impact on the trucks’ efficiency. The angular, wedge-shaped cab, with a dramatically redesigned windshield, is a key factor in achieving up to 10% improvement in fuel efficiency, according to the company statement. Additional aerodynamic gains were created from the integration of the curved and bonded windshield, tighter clearances around turbulent air areas like wheel openings, the bumper and the hood, chassis fairings and promoting a tighter trailer gap. These designs, all key components of the aerodynamic gains, were developed and tested in parallel with Volvo Trucks’ SuperTruck 2. Volvo Trucks engineers also made improvements to the VNL’s powertrain offering. The new VNL is powered by the latest generation D13, which is available in four horsepower ratings, ranging from 405hp to 500 hp, and three torque ratings, ranging from 1,750 lb-ft to 1,950 lb-ft of torque. In addition, the team worked to improve and optimize the I-Shift transmission, which features up to 30% faster shift speeds. “When combined with the I-Torque powertrain solution, the D13 can deliver even greater fuel savings, best-in-class versatility and drivability,” the statement noted. Elevated Safety Features “Safety is in Volvo Trucks’ DNA, and the engineers focused on new and improved proprietary active and passive safety features to continue the company’s journey towards zero accidents,” the statement said. A variety of active safety systems are offered with the new Volvo VNL, including Volvo Active Driver Assist Plus with Pilot Assist which provides active lane centering. Volvo Active Driver Assist Plus is powered by Volvo Dynamic Steering, which promises improved maneuvering at all speeds, including more controlled backing, increased stability at all road speeds and adaptation and correction to allow variations such as crosswinds, highway crowning, soft shoulders or emergency situations like tire failure. The new pedestrian detection feature alerts the driver when a pedestrian or bicyclist may be in their path or blind spots and will activate frontal automatic emergency braking for objects directly in the path of travel. Passive safety systems offered in the new Volvo VNL include the bonded and wrapped windshield that not only improves aerodynamics for the Volvo VNL, but also improves visibility for drivers, bolstering safety and reducing wind noise in the cab. The cab of the new Volvo VNL is designed according to Volvo Trucks’ leading crash test standards and will offer a side-curtain airbag, with options for driver-only or driver and passenger airbags. Cabs are constructed of high-strength steel to deflect the energy of a crash and reduce the chance of injury. Additionally, Volvo Trucks’ flared frame rails allow the powertrain to drop down below the cab to protect the driver. E-Call, a new safety feature, connects the driver to emergency services where cellular connectivity is available and provides precise location details. This occurs automatically in the event of a rollover crash or airbag deployment. Driver-centric Design  According to Volvo’s Jan. 23 statement, the new VNL is designed with the driver in mind to optimize comfort, efficiency and safety. A new optional air suspension system — GRAS (Global Rear Air Suspension) — uses dual leveling rods to reduce roll and pitch angles, improve lateral stability and minimize road shocks, maintaining a constant ride height. The GRAS system offers superior ride quality, stability and handling, the statement said. The GRAS, paired with the supporting Volvo Smart Suspension software, is designed to work seamlessly with the Volvo Dynamic Steering system to provide precise steering control. This will “reduce driver fatigue regardless of load, terrain, road condition and varying engine torque levels,” the statement noted. “GRAS with Volvo Smart Suspension is designed to make deliveries easier as drivers are provided with three different settings to adjust the suspension for different loading and unloading conditions.” Other changes include an idle management tool to help reduce or eliminate engine idling when the vehicle is stopped or parked, a new climate-control option that utilizes the onboard 24-volt battery system to power the cab’s HVAC when parked, reducing emissions, engine wear and fuel costs and helping keep the driver comfortable when parked in areas where idling is prohibited. “Volvo Trucks evaluated every detail of the driver experience, from selecting materials that provide a premium look and feel to redefining cab lighting and optimizing storage to create a ‘home away from home’ experience,” according to the statement. Other amenities include an optional folding bunk to allow easy access to the dinette space, a multi-functional control panel in the back of the cab, upgraded insulation for climate control and noise reduction, a larger refrigerator and enough power options to support any device. Seamless Connectivity The integrated Volvo Connect, an all-in-one fleet management portal, houses all of Volvo Trucks’ digital services under one platform, including vehicle data insights, diagnostics, remote programming, fuel economy reports, safety reports and location services. A complimentary 24-month Volvo Connect subscription comes standard with all new Volvo trucks. With the new Volvo MyTruck app, drivers can stay in touch with their truck, checking their estimated remaining fuel range, DEF levels and coolant levels in addition to receiving notifications about potential issues such as light malfunctions, low washer fluid levels and other important items so they can address them at rest breaks or in their pre-trip inspection. Additionally, with the MyTruck app can be used to program the truck’s climate control to have the cabin climate reach their preferred temperature before arriving to their truck to start their workday.

End of 2023 saw seasonally weak Class 8 tractor orders

COLUMBUS, Ind. — Final December Class 8 net orders, at 26,352 units, were down 14% year-over-year. Within that top line, tractor orders were down 31%, while vocational equipment orders were up 71% year-over-year, according to ACT Research’s latest State of the Industry: North American Classes 5-8 report. “For freight-related tractors, the decline in orders may hint at private fleet demand starting to diminish, which would be welcome news for spot rates. At the other end of the spectrum, vocational equipment orders remain strong as pent-up demand continues,” said Kenny Vieth, ACT’s president and senior analyst. “With four less build days in December, Class 8 build decreased 1.5% year-over-year to 26,110 units, but production was nearly 4,500 units above the OEMs recently reported plans. The strong finish to the year, we believe is primarily attributable to a California prebuy ahead of CARB regulations.” After five months of increase, inventories fell 3,100 units in December to 64,103, if up 19% year-over-year, Vieth noted. CARB regulations that started Jan. 1 may have contributed positively to otherwise seasonally soft retail sales at 29,800 units, down 13% year-over-year. “December’s drop in inventory was only about half normal, and a weakening sales trend in a period of still-strong production suggests the potential for a rapid inventory escalation in Q1 as we enter the weakest period of the year for sales,” he concluded.