Papé Kenworth Northwest opens 6,600 square-foot parts and service facility

BELLINGHAM, Wash. — Papé Kenworth Northwest has opened a new 6,600 square-foot parts and service facility in Bellingham, Washington. Located 90 miles north of Seattle and 25 miles south of the Canadian border, the new Papé Kenworth Northwest-Bellingham dealership provides service and parts to customers traveling along the busy north-south Interstate 5 corridor. The new location features a 3,200 square-foot service department with three service bays, well-stocked parts department, and comfortable driver’s lounge that drivers can enjoy while their trucks are serviced. The facility sits on more than 1.5 acres for convenient parking. Papé Kenworth Northwest-Bellingham is at 1400 Iowa Street in Bellingham and offers easy I-5 access at Exit 254. Hours of operation are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. The phone number is 360-526-2850. Papé Kenworth Northwest operates six dealerships in Washington (Aberdeen, Bellingham, Lakewood, Marysville, SeaTac and Yakima). Papé Kenworth Alaska operates two dealerships in Anchorage and Fairbanks. Papé Kenworth operates eight dealerships in Oregon – Donald, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Portland, Redmond, Roseburg and Tangent; five in central California  –  Bakersfield, Fresno, Santa Maria, Stockton and Turlock; and one in Washington – Kelso. Papé Kenworth Northwest, Papé Kenworth Alaska and Papé Kenworth are part of The Papé family of Companies. For more information, visit    

Zonar updates transition checklist for switching AOBRDs to ELDs

SEATTLE — With less than six months to go until the final electronic logging device mandate Mandate deadline, many carriers using automatic on-board recording devices have still not transitioned to ELDs, according to Zonar officials. The mandate grandfathered in fleets using AOBRD giving them until December 16, 2019, to switch to ELDs to avoid faulty products or services and reach full compliance. As such, Zonar, a provider of fleet management technology, has updated its AOBRD transition checklist to help fleet managers strategically manage the limited time remaining to choose the right vendor and solution for their business. This guide outlines how carriers can find the best solution to fit their needs, by December 16, 2019. “We understand that businesses are waiting to make the shift from ABOBRDs to ELDs for many reasons but non-compliance or choosing the wrong solution can potentially lead to lost revenue and multiple violations,” said Fred Fakkema, vice president of compliance at Zonar. “Since the mandate passed, we’ve listened to our customers and heard from decision makers across the industry; with this easy to follow checklist, Zonar aims to help those who need guidance regarding the transition within a shorter amount of time.” Businesses can find the downloadable guide here. This includes: A workback calendar from August-December in checklist form Questions fleet managers should ask vendors before signing a contract Tips for training operators on new solutions “With almost 20 years of experience helping fleets intelligently manage their business, Zonar creates technology solutions that collect and analyze data from a wide variety of vehicles including trucks, school buses, transit vehicles and construction equipment,” Fakkema said. “This information empowers drivers and fleet managers with the data and analysis needed to better navigate any route and safely manage passengers and cargo.” ELDs were mandate by Congress to help the commercial transportation industry increase safety for all drivers on the road through in-vehicle technology to easily log data such as hours of service. Zonar was founded in 2001 to help fleets of all sizes maximize the use of their assets with solutions dedicated to improving compliance, efficiency, maintenance, ridership visibility, safety and tracking, Fakkema said.        

Platooning Peloton’s vision for trucking: drivers lead, technology follows

ORLANDO, Fla. — Peloton Technology Inc., a connected and automated vehicle technology company, Wednesday unveiled its vision for doubling the productivity of drivers through the development of its new Level 4 Automated Following solution during the Automated Vehicle Symposium 2019 here. “We’ve taken a different approach to commercial introduction of automation in Class 8 vehicles.” said Peloton Technology CEO Josh Switkes. “We see the drivers as the world’s best sensors, and we are leveraging this to enable today’s drivers to be more productive through automated following platoons.” Peloton’s Automated Following is an advanced platooning system using vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) technology to enable a single driver to drive a pair of vehicles and marks the next major milestone in Peloton’s unique approach to deploying automation to increase the safety and productivity of commercial vehicles. Platooning and automated following systems work by utilizing V2V communications and radar-based active braking systems, combined with vehicle control algorithms. Peloton’s proprietary technologies link pairs of heavy trucks for connected driving that improves aerodynamics, fuel economy, and safety. Peloton’s Level 1 (driver assistive) system, PlatoonPro, has a driver in both the lead and follow trucks. The driver in the follow truck steers, but the system controls the powertrain and brakes to manage the following distance very precisely and to provide immediate reaction to whatever acceleration or braking the lead truck performs. PlatoonPro has now operated with six customers and additional customer fleet trials are under way. In each case the customer and Peloton have seen a perfect safety record. “Customer trucks have shown fuel savings averaging over 7%, and we have seen very high percentages of miles platooned, as high as 90%,” Switkes said. “Platooned miles per day have exceeded 700 miles per truck in some cases, resulting in projected fuel savings per truck up to $7,000-10,000 per year.” Platooning is the key enabler to making driverless semi-trucks a reality, Switkes said. “Leveraging experience in deploying a commercial L1 platooning system, PlatoonPro, Peloton’s new Automated Following system is an SAE Level 4 autonomous solution that connects a fully-automated follow truck with a driver-controlled lead truck to platoon. The V2V link allows the human driven lead truck to guide the steering, acceleration and braking of the follow truck and connects the safety systems between the trucks. with minimal latency,” he said. Peloton’s unique approach of combining the experience of a human driver in the lead truck with state-of-the-art sensors and hardware in the follow truck greatly simplifies many of the technical challenges the vehicle automation industry faces with deploying standalone SAE Level 4 driverless systems.  Peloton will be able to bring this solution to broad applicability for the industry on a rapidly increasing set of routes, weather conditions, and traffic conditions, expanding these operations much more rapidly than standalone (single vehicle) L4 solutions. The professional driver is at the heart of the new Peloton L4 Automated Following solution much like they are with Peloton’s L1 commercial system, PlatoonPro. “We continue to leverage drivers for their skills, experience and intuition, and engage with both Peloton test drivers as well as fleet drivers in all aspects of product design, development and testing,” Switkes said. “Our vision with the new L4 Automated Following product is to develop and commercially deploy a solution that will enable drivers to benefit from the ongoing commercial driver shortage by doubling the amount of freight they can haul in a single trip. This will result in improved work for drivers through better routes, schedules, and compensation, as well as better quality of life through expanding hub-to-hub and relay-style operations that allow drivers to be home with their families every night.”  

Shell Rotella SuperRigs set for July 25-27 at Minnesota travel center

HOUSTON — The 37th Annual Shell Rotella SuperRigs will be held at Trail’s Travel Center in Albert Lea, Minnesota, July 25-27. Contestants and attendees will be able to see the hardest working trucks in the industry and enjoy all the amenities on site throughout the three-day event. There is no fee to enter a truck in SuperRigs and the weekend is designed to be fun for the whole family. Trail’s Travel Center is located at the intersection of Interstate 35 and I-90. “Each year, truckers and their families bring some of the best-looking trucks from the U.S. and Canada to Shell Rotella SuperRigs for an exciting three-day event which highlights the trucking industry,” said Megan Pino, global brand manager, Shell Rotella. “The trucks showcase the hard work that drivers do every day and demonstrates their pride in the trucking industry.” The Shell Rotella SuperRigs competition is considered the premier truck beauty contest for actively working trucks. Owner-operator truckers from across the United States and Canada compete annually for more than $25,000 in cash and prizes. Twelve drivers will be selected to have their trucks featured in the annual 2020 Shell Rotella SuperRigs calendar. Shell Rotella SuperRigs highlights include:: Truck Convoy. SuperRigs drivers will travel in convoy from Trail’s Travel Center to downtown Albert Lea to attend Thursdays on Fountain. The local community is invited attend the concert and to see the trucks and meet the drivers. Casi Joy Concert. – County music artist Casi Joy will perform at Trail’s Travel Center on Friday night at 8:45 p.m. Lights Contest and Fireworks. The annual truck lights contest and fireworks show will also be held on Friday night. 3-Days of Music. There will be a DJ providing music each day throughout the weekend. Trucks entered in the Shell Rotella SuperRigs truck competition will be judged by experienced industry professionals who work for major trucking publications or broadcast companies. Judges score the rigs on exterior appearance, design, detail/finish, originality and workmanship. In total, 24 working trucks receive awards for categories such as Best of Show, Tractor, Tractor/Trailer Combination and Classic. Judging will take place between 7:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. on Thursday, July 25 and Friday, July 26, and between 7:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. on Saturday, July 27.  Judging takes about 20 minutes and contestants do not need to be present to win. For updates on the Shell Rotella SuperRigs competition, visit Follow Shell Rotella on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for additional updates and photos from the competition. Join the conversation using the hashtag #SuperRigs. The information contained herein is a summary of the Official Rules for the Shell Rotella SuperRigs truck competition, a full version of which can be found on    

Volvo powertrain facility host Department of Energy 2019 summit

HAGERSTOWN, Md. — Volvo Group North America’s Hagerstown, Maryland, powertrain facility recently hosted a tour as part of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Better Buildings, Better Plants 2019 Summit. The July 9 tour highlighted the production facility, as well as the state-of-the-art crankshaft grinding machines that helped reduce energy consumption at the plant. “We are pleased that the DOE visited Volvo’s Hagerstown powertrain facility and that we were given an opportunity to spotlight our efficiencies,” said Pierre Jenny, vice president and plant manager of the Hagerstown facility. “Our people and processes are instrumental in helping our plant achieve reduced energy consumption, and we are very proud of the work that they do.” The Volvo Group retrofitted crankshaft grinders with Computer Numerically Controlled grinding machines, replacing 13 machines with three. The new energy-efficient machines process more crankshafts per day, while reducing electricity consumption by 56%, water consumption by 53% and coolant chemicals by 60%. The new grinding machines also generate less waste, enabling the facility to divert 68 tons from the landfill. The project was completed in 2014 as part of the ISO 50001 EnMS and SEP certification. The achieved savings from this project helped the facility achieve platinum level Superior Energy Performance certification. The company met its first Better Buildings, Better Plants goal – a 25 percent reduction in energy consumption at U.S. facilities – five years ahead of schedule and set a new goal of 25 percent more in savings by 2024. In the first four years of the new challenge, the Volvo Group is more than halfway to its target, reducing energy consumption by 17.5 percent compared with a 2014 baseline. The Better Buildings, Better Plants program is just one way in which the Volvo Group has worked with DOE to improve the efficiency of its facilities. Three of the company’s manufacturing sites – Lehigh Valley Operations, New River Valley and Hagerstown – are platinum-level partners in the DOE’s Superior Energy Performance program, the highest certification available in the United States.        

Nokian Tyres set to begin production of product for commercial use

DAYTON, Tenn. — Nokian Tyres’ North American production facility remains on schedule to begin producing tires for commercial use in early 2020. The company has produced the first test tire at its factory in Dayton. The first tire, a Nokian eNTYRE 2.0 in size 205/55R16, marks the beginning of trial production in preparation for building of tires for commercial sale. The Dayton Factory will serve as a catalyst for Nokian Tyres’ growth strategy in North America; the company aims to double sales in the region by 2023. “The first tire milestone is significant for our production team, our employees throughout North America and our team around the globe,” said Nokian Tyres Senior Vice President Mark Earl, who oversees the company’s North American operations. “We’re happy to share this news with our customers, who will benefit from the expanded product range and enhanced service the factory will enable us to offer.” Between now and the end of the year, Nokian Tyres will produce thousands more tires for testing and machine calibration purposes. Annual capacity at the factory will be 4 million tires in 2023, with further expansion potential. The facility, an investment of $360 million, will allow the company to make premium products tailored to the needs of North American consumers, expand its customer base, and strengthen its relationships with existing customers, Earl said. Now that trial production is underway, Nokian Tyres will soon turn its attention to growing its team at the factory. The company currently employs approximately 70 team members. The company will employ approximately 400 people at the factory once capacity reaches 4 million tires. The factory’s production team recently returned home from an intensive six-week training experience at Nokian Tyres’ other factories in Russia and Finland. The training trip immersed employees in the company’s production processes and introduced them to its life-driven culture. “We aren’t just focused on building premium products; we also want to offer a premium experience for members of our team,” Dayton Factory Operations Director Peter Chia said. “Simply put: We want to be the employer of choice in Southeast Tennessee.” A company spokesperson said being a Scandinavian company, Nokian chose to use the European spelling of tyres.          

Mack produces 100,000th truck equipped with GuardDog Connect

GREENSBORO, N.C. — Mack Trucks said it has reached a significant milestone in its connected truck journey by building the 100,000th truck equipped with its Mack GuardDog Connect integrated telematics solution. Mack GuardDog Connect, which was first launched in 2014, is a proactive diagnostic and repair planning solution that monitors a truck’s critical fault codes that could lead to unplanned downtime and is also the enabling technology for Mack Over The Air remote software and parameter updates. “From its launch with truck No. 1 to now reaching 100,000 trucks, Mack GuardDog Connect has proven itself to be an incredible tool to protect and maximize our customers’ uptime,” said Jonathan Randall, Mack Trucks senior vice president, North American sales and marketing. “We’re proud to have reached this milestone and look forward to continuing to build on our uptime leadership with GuardDog Connect.” Unplanned downtime events result in lost productivity, which can be one of the most significant costs heavy-duty trucking customers face, he said, adding that to help reduce unplanned downtime, Mack GuardDog Connect proactively monitors a truck’s critical fault codes that could lead to unplanned de-rate or shut down situations. If a potential issue is detected, GuardDog Connect sends a notification to Mack OneCall agents at the 24/7 Mack Uptime Center. In many cases, this action takes place before a driver realizes there is a potential problem. OneCall experts quickly diagnose the issue and, based on its severity, determine the best plan of action. Should a repair be required, proactive repair scheduling and parts confirmation is initiated, all while the truck remains on the road. In addition, all stakeholders, from the driver to the designated customer contact to the dealership, are kept up to date through the ASIST service communications platform, Randall said. Mack GuardDog Connect also serves as the enabling technology for Mack Over The Air, which provides remote software and parameter updates directly to customers’ trucks. Working with Mack OneCall agents, the updates are scheduled for when it works best for the customer. Should a customer require frequent parameter updates, including changes to road speed limits, idle times, engine performance modes and more, a Mack Parameter Plus package is available that allows customers to make up to 50 parameter updates per truck, per 12-month period. Mack GuardDog Connect is standard on all Mack models equipped with Mack engines and monitors critical fault codes in Mack engines and aftertreatment systems, and Mack mDRIVE automated manual transmissions. Mack Over The Air is provided at no charge on GuardDog Connect-equipped vehicles during the initial two-year base engine warranty, with customers having the option to extend the service after two years.        

Production of Bendix ADB22X air disc brake passes 3 million mark

ELYRIA, Ohio — Bendix Spicer Foundation Brake said Wednesday that the production of the Bendix ADB22X air disc brake has passed the 3-million-unit mark in North America. In a news release, the company attributed the milestone to “rapid, widespread adoption rates plus increased realization of performance, uptime and return-on-investment advantages.” “Bendix Commercial Vehicle Systems and Dana Commercial Vehicle Products had only formed the joint venture Bendix Spicer Foundation Brake (BSFB) about a year before we started producing the ADB22X back in 2005, but we knew we were on the verge of changing the North American commercial vehicle landscape,” said BSFB’s Nicole Oreskovic, product line director for air disc brakes. “Air-disc-braked trucks had been the European norm for years, and we were excited to pioneer their advantages on this side of the Atlantic. Fourteen years of research and development, optimization, sustained fleet adoption, and road-proven ROI later, we couldn’t be prouder of how our air disc brakes have helped make vehicles and roadways safer, and we’re excited about building on its legacy as we continue to improve Bendix safety technologies.” Oreskovic  said since its launch, the ADB22X has addressed the commercial vehicle industry’s need for reliable, high-performing, and high-value air disc brakes, delivering a lightweight design that provides shorter stopping distances than drum brakes and extended brake system life. As fleets and owner-operators realized its performance and maintenance benefits, demand for the ADB22X grew: It took eight years for BSFB to reach the 400,000-unit production mark in 2013, but just five more to hit the 2 million mark in December 2017, she said. More than 25 percent of North American new builds for Class 6-8 air-braked wheel-ends are now equipped with ADBs – a 100 percent increase in overall market share since 2014 – and the Bendix ADB22X accounts for about 80 percent of that share. The brake is available through all major North American commercial truck manufacturers, including Peterbilt Motors Co., Kenworth, International, Daimler Trucks North America, Volvo Trucks NA, and Mack Trucks. The ADB22X has been standard equipment on the steer axle of all Peterbilt and Kenworth Class 8 tractors since 2013, and has since been made standard on all wheel-ends of Peterbilt’s Model 579 and the Kenworth T680. International Trucks’ LT Series, along with a number of their vocational models, also equips the brake standard on all axles. The Bendix ADB22X™-LT air disc brake, engineered specifically for trailers, is available at all major trailer manufacturers and is the preferred ADB at Utility Trailer. BSFB produces the Bendix ADB22X and Bendix ADB22X-LT air disc brakes at its wheel-end manufacturing operation in Bowling Green, Kentucky. The BSFB facility in Bowling Green has undergone several growth phases as a result of the escalating industry demand for the ADB22X and Bendix’s continuous commitment to supporting fleets, owner-operators, and manufacturers with ADB technology. Oreskovic said Bendix continues to invest in resources to advance, manufacture, and support air disc braking systems. Over the last three years, the company has doubled the size of its North American-based engineering team, adding employees in research and development, as well as technical and field support. Bendix has also substantially increased its testing capabilities and capacity. Bendix wheel-end solutions include air disc and drum brake systems, automatic slack adjusters, spring brakes, friction, and remanufactured brake shoes that provide lower total cost of ownership while delivering on safety, stopping power, and reliability. BSFB helps fleets and drivers in the areas most critical to their success by improving vehicle performance and efficiency, and backing its products with unparalleled post-sales support. By strengthening return on investment in the technologies that improve vehicle and driver safety, BSFB supports safer North American roads for all who share them. For more information about Bendix air disc brakes, call 1-800-AIR-BRAKE or visit        

WABCO introduces new Fleet Solutions business to support transport ecosystems worldwide

BERN, Switzerland — WABCO Holdings, a global supplier of braking control systems and other advanced technologies that improve the safety, efficiency and connectivity of commercial vehicles, said it has established a new Fleet Solutions organization that will develop solutions designed to further connect today’s complex transportation ecosystem. The new business builds on WABCO’s former Aftermarket and its Digital Customer Services units, delivering an organization that focuses on improving fleet and road transport safety, environmental efficiencies and enables leaner operations, according to Philippe Colpron, WABCO vice president and global fleet solutions leader. WABCO’s Fleet Solutions powerfully combines both advanced digital solutions and best-in-class services under one roof, he said, adding that beyond spare parts and services offering, the expansion of its digital portfolio will be high on the agenda, including a rapid extension of its Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud-based technologies for commercial vehicle fleets and transporters globally. WABCO Fleet Solutions is already developing and delivering several of these innovations, including solutions for fuel efficiency, downtime reduction, regulatory compliance, workforce management and load optimization, thanks to its advanced Fleet Management Solutions (FMS), Software as a Service (SaaS) and cloud-based technologies. Colpron said WABCO Fleet Solutions will seek to further extend its offering in digital services to better connect the many ecosystem players in transport, including parts distributors, maintenance workshops, goods owners, rental companies, payment service providers and vehicle component providers, to mention but a few, noting that the company’s ever expanding digital offering will allow transport operators to continuously improve their connectivity across the ecosystem enabling these to operate in an increasingly leaner, greener and safer manner. “Modern-day transporters face a multitude of challenges in a world that is fast changing, driven by more regulation, higher customer expectations and fast paced technological change,” Colpron said. “And it is here that we want to play a key role; with a significant expansion of our digital IoT enabled and cloud-based capabilities we aim to deliver new levels of safety and efficiency for transport operators globally. What makes us unique is that we are blending this advanced digital technology with the many best-in-class services we already offer our customers today to ensure all parts of the ecosystem are connected and effective. Our mission in the extensive and complex transport process is to help the commercial road transport industry achieve zero accidents, maximum environmental efficiency and the delivery of radically leaner operations across their business.” Included in the Fleet Solutions portfolio will be WABCO’s extensive and leading Fleet Management System suite, the recently launched TX-FUELCOMPASS, TX-TRAILERPULSE and TX-TRAILERFIT, Remote Diagnostics, a growing portfolio of advanced retrofit solutions, WABCO Academy and an extensive selection of replacement parts including OE original, Remanufactured Parts, a range of reliable budget parts called ProVia and a wide offering of repair kits distributed across more than 115 countries by over 4,600 distribution points and supported by a network of 3,100 official WABCO Service Partners. “Every kilometer driven has a cost attached to it, every fleet wants to optimize its trailer space, reduce potential theft, save on vehicle costs, reduce expensive and unexpected downtime, ensure regulatory compliance and optimize the utilization of its remote assets,” Colpron said. “These are the basics that ensure that fleet and transport operators can continue to be profitable and it is these areas in which we will operate, offering one of the widest, most complete portfolios in the sector that combines the strength of both advanced on-board technologies and an ecosystem of automation solutions, with an extensive integrated global service network. And as the industry evolves, we are working to stay ahead of change to enable our customers to transition, benefit from, and be successful in an ever changing transportation world.” Colpron said in support of driving improved market proximity and in a push to reflect the globally diverse sector it services, WABCO Fleet Solutions’ 900-strong team operates from over 45 markets, represented by over 30 nationalities worldwide, enabling it to be as close to its customer base as possible. The introduction of WABCO Fleet Solutions anticipates a rapidly changing transport industry where global mega-trends such as population growth, the Internet of Things, higher customer expectations and a push towards sustaining a greener world, combined with increasingly demanding customer requirements for flexibility, speed and safety are putting further pressure on supply chains and fleet profitability. Colpron said as the commercial vehicle industry moves decisively towards increasingly autonomous, connected and electric vehicles to meet these challenges, WABCO’s Fleet Solutions organization will drive the technological advancement that will continue to enable smarter operations across the commercial road transport ecosystem. “We have built this new organization for and around our customers and their needs,” Colpron said. “We are delivering a portfolio of solutions that allows transporters and the ecosystem around them to turn to one partner which will support their ambitions around leaner, greener and safer operations. It’s a complex task which will require the involvement and support of a significant number of technology and cross-industry partners, delivering expertise from the many different segments that service this space. We are already actively working with many of these partners today, but also openly invite all players who feel they can add value to our mission to reach out to us. Creating a single functional ecosystem around transport operations will require the minds, experience and capabilities of many.”      

Hot Shot’s Secret offers synthetic 15W-40 in Green Diamond Fleet line of engine oils

MOUNT GILEAD, Ohio — Hot Shot’s Secret, manufacturer of a full line of performance fuel and oil additives for fleet and high-performance race vehicles, now provides a full synthetic 15W-40 engine oil in their Green Diamond Fleet line of diesel oils. Recommended for most diesel applications, the 100% purely synthetic engine oil is infused with Hot Shot’s Secret FR3 Nano Technology and a CK-4 additive package. Developed specifically for severe duty fleets hauling heavy loads, stop and go deliveries, or operations where there are high level of airborne particulates, Green Diamond Fleet Engine Oil keeps the injectors, turbo and engine cleaner and provides lubrication for optimum long-lasting protection, according to Eric Trimble, Lubrication Specialties Inc. marketing coordinator. Trimble said Green Diamond Fleet is a pure 100% synthetic engine oil composed of Group III base oils infused with Hot Shot’s Secret’s highly effective FR3 Nano Technology for improved protection. “This unique blend provides exceptional cleaning, oxidation and thermal stability to prevent the accumulation of deposits, and oil breakdown,” Trimble said. “Shearing and friction is reduced, film strength is preserved and oil stays cleaner longer. With use, fleets can benefit from longer drain intervals, and improved mileage and horsepower.” Other benefits include reduced soot, noise and vibration. This fleet oil additive package, CK-4, not only meets the strict requirements from Ford for added wear protection as stated in Ford Specification WSS-M2C171-F1, in comparison to most CJ-4 spec oils, Green Diamond Fleet lowers oil consumption 78%, reduces wear 71% less than typical CJ-4 spec oils and reduces soot 46% over CJ-4. Tests have proven an increase of up to 3% in fuel economy, Trimble said. Hot Shot’s Secret Green Diamond Fleet engine oil is available as a 5W – 40 or 15W – 40 blend, in either a 1 gallon or 5 gallon container. Green Diamond Fleet is recommended for use every 6,000 miles and can be used for up to 60,000 miles. For more information about Hot Shot’s Secret, visit  For more information about Lubrication Specialties Inc. visit To speak directly with a Hot Shot’s Secret technician, call toll free 800-341-6516.     Green Diamond Fleet Engine Oil was developed specifically for severe duty fleets hauling heavy loads, stop and go deliveries, or operations where there are high level of airborne particulates. (Courtesy: HOT SHOT’S SECRET)

Volvo celebrates 60 years of saving lives with seat belts but ‘more can be done’

GOTHENBURG, Sweden — This year marks the 60th anniversary since the first Volvo drivers pulled Nils Bohlin´s innovative three-point seat belt over their shoulders in 1959. Today the seat belt is still seen as the world´s most important traffic safety innovation ever and is estimated to have saved more than 1 million lives. However, even with these facts in hand, too many truck drivers neglect to use this simple device. “This is clearly a waste of lives,” said Anna Wrige Berling, Volvo Truck’s newly-appointed traffic and product safety director. “The record shows that there would be so many fewer casualties if all drivers used their belts.” In 1959, the Volvo engineer Nils Bohlin developed the modern three-point seat belt. Although the design was patented, the company decided the patent was to be left open, making it available to all vehicle manufacturers to use for free. This rather unconventional decision was made in the greater interest of public safety, to ensure that everyone, independently of whether they drove a Volvo or not, could be safer in traffic. This decision proved to be very beneficial to the world. “There is no safety system that comes even close to the seat belt in terms of saving lives, and the three-point safety belt has protected more people in traffic accidents than any other safety device,” Wrige Berling said. In many parts of the world seat belt usage among heavy truck occupants is unfortunately still far from 100%. “The Volvo Trucks Safety Report for 2017 showed that half of all truck drivers killed in traffic accidents would have survived if they had been wearing their seat belt,” Wrige Berling said. So what are the reasons it’s not used? Some truck drivers mistakenly believe that there is no need for a belt in a truck, because of the size of the vehicle. “The facts are clear: Using the belt is very important also in trucks. For example, in rollover accidents, the belt can help protect the driver from being jammed between the truck and the ground,” Wrige Berling said. Volvo Trucks has a vision of zero accidents and believes that truck manufacturers, traffic authorities, infrastructure planners, other experts, and drivers around the world need to work together to achieve a safer traffic environment. “We are sharing our traffic safety findings widely and have offered our knowledge and expertise to universities, research laboratories and partner organizations,” Wrige Berling said. “Whenever traffic safety is discussed, we want to participate. This helps us learn even more about the issues, the potential solutions and how to design the trucks of the future.” Wrige Berling brings in-depth knowledge of traffic safety issues to her new position. She has extensive experience from working with both active and passive safety issues within the Volvo Group´s product development, advanced engineering and research organizations. During 2008-2013, she led the Volvo Trucks Accident Research Team, which since 1969 has investigated traffic accidents on site and compiled traffic safety data for use in future product development. She has represented Volvo in external traffic safety forums and has had a prominent role in the communication of Volvo’s safety offering to the transportation industry. Most recently Wrige Berling has been managing the area of Traffic Situation Management within automated driving at Volvo Trucks. She holds a Master of Science in Engineering Physics from Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden.    

Starsky Robotics runs 18-wheeler on Florida Turnpike with no human on board

In the race to develop autonomous truck technology, Starsky Robotics separated itself from the pack June 16, when the company ran one of its automated 18-wheelers on a 9.4-mile stretch of the Florida Turnpike near Orlando without a human being on board. Instead, a safety driver sat at a console at the company’s facility in Jacksonville, watching a collection of monitors fed by the truck’s onboard cameras. The console was equipped with a small steering wheel and accelerator and brake pedals with which he could perform last-mile and other operations. Now, whether the feat truly qualifies as “autonomous,” “self-driving” or “driverless” is a matter for the Word Police to decide and competitors to argue over. By any name, the company is chalking it up as a victory and a major step in its long-term strategy. Founded in 2016 in San Francisco, where it is still based, by Stefan Seltz-Axmacher and Kartik Tiwari, Starsky Robotics got its operating authority in 2017. While developing driverless technology, the company is also a traditional carrier with about three dozen trucks operating throughout the Lower 48. Meanwhile, Starsky has been conducting progressively ambitious experiments with driverless technology. According to Seltz-Axmacher, the company’s approach to driverless technology is less about replacing humans altogether but to create a system where the machines can do what they do best and humans can still do the parts of the job they do better than the machines. In this latest test, the remote driver maneuvered the truck from its starting point at a rest stop and onto the highway. He also ordered a lane change and handled the last-mile maneuvering when it was time to exit. This turnpike test run, conducted in normal driving conditions, is the latest in a series of progressively more ambitious experiments. In February 2018, Starsky successfully ran one of its trucks at low speed along a 7-mile stretch of closed road in Southern Florida. In May this year, they operated a truck at a sustained 55 mph on a closed portion of the Selmon Expressway near Tampa. In interviews, Seltz-Axmacher has said that 55 mph is the intended highway speed at which Starsky will run its automated trucks commercially. Earlier in June, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a bill into law allowing commercial vehicles to operate on public roads without the presence of human drivers on board. The new law replaces a law enacted in 2012 that required a human driver on board vehicle operating on public property for any reason other than testing. The law goes into effect July 1. Starsky’s goal is to have 20-25 driverless trucks operating commercially in 2020, training traditional drivers to be teleoperators.

Mack Trucks names Mack Masters Competition champs

ALLENTOWN, Pa. — Mack Trucks put its superheroes of service to the test in the third installment of the Mack Masters Competition, a biennial event designed to evaluate participants’ knowledge of Mack service systems and procedures. Team “# Rise For The Anthem” from Bruckner Truck Sales in Shreveport, Louisiana, successfully completed several rounds of competition, including a comprehensive final challenge, to be crowned Mack Masters Champions. Members of team “#Rise For The Anthem” are Aaron Toomer, Justin Malone, Ted Pfister and Joey Wardrip. “Not all superheroes wear capes, but our service technicians proudly wear the Mack Bulldog on their uniforms and deliver the expert knowledge and service our customers require,” said Jonathan Randall, Mack Trucks senior vice president, North American sales and marketing. “Congratulations to Aaron, Justin, Joey and Ted from team “#Rise For The Anthem” on taking their commitment to our customer to an even higher level.” The 2019 Mack Masters Competition kicked off in November 2018 with early rounds of online challenges that tested competitors’ knowledge of Mack’s service procedures and related systems. A record number of entrants participated with about 2,000 individuals on more than 500 teams. After competing in three rounds of online challenges, 10 teams of finalists were named, each representing one of Mack’s sales and service regions — Central, Northeast, Southeast, Southwest and West for the U.S., plus Canada, Mexico, Peru, Latin America, and for the first time ever an apprentice team of individuals new to their job roles. The finalists’ knowledge and skills were challenged with five hands-on stations designed to challenge each team with a specific service situation that had to be completed in just 30 minutes. Following the completion of a challenge, teams rotated to the next one until all five were completed. Team results from all stations were tallied to determine the champion. Other finalist teams were: “Trunnion City Masters” from M&K Truck Centers in Des Plains, Illinois; “Bergey’s Bulldogs” from Bergey’s Truck Centers, Souderton, Pennsylvania; “TranSource Titans” from TranSource Truck & Trailer Centers in Greensboro, North Carolina; “Mobile Fleet Service” from Mobile Fleet Service in Wenatchee, Washington; “Top Dogs” from Lounsbury Truck Centre in Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada; “Hermosillo” from Tractoremolques del Noroeste in Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico; “Dream Team” from Mack Peru; and “Bulldogs United” from Salfa in Chile. The apprentice team, “Pac Coast One,” was from Pacific Coast Heavy Truck Group in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The Mack Masters Competition is organized and conducted by the Mack Trucks Academy, which is responsible for developing and implementing Mack service training and aftermarket support programs. The academy is accredited by the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) for Continuing Automotive Service Education (CASE).    

Volvo to introduce next iteration of Volvo Active Driver Assist in VNR, VNL, VNX

GREENSBORO, N.C. — Volvo Active Driver Assist (VADA) 2.0, a comprehensive collision mitigation system, will be made standard in the new Volvo VNR and VNL models, and available on VNX models, later this year. The system enhances the original VADA platform by integrating radar and camera capabilities to help drivers maintain a safe following distance through alerts and improved traffic awareness, as well as emergency braking to reduce the risk of collisions, according to Johan Agebrand, product marketing director, Volvo Trucks North America. “The Volvo Active Driver Assist technology we first introduced with Bendix Wingman Fusion in 2017 was a groundbreaking achievement for increased efficiency and safety through automation,” Agebrand said. “Continuing that partnership, we have improved the capabilities of this collision mitigation technology across the board and are confident that VADA 2.0 will further enhance safety for all motorists.” Agebrand said VADA is a comprehensive collision mitigation system launched by Volvo Trucks North America in 2017 that uses camera and radar sensors to detect motorized vehicles within the vehicle’s proximity. The technology enables a series of features to activate driver alerts and foundation braking according to information detected by these advanced sensors. Available in the third quarter this year, with improvements scheduled to roll out through late 2020, VADA 2.0 offers enhancements to many features including: Automatic Emergency Braking (AEB) uses camera and radar sensors to determine how traffic is behaving around the truck. When a vehicle is detected, audible and visual warnings alert the driver to take action. If the driver does not respond, AEB engages to mitigate potential collisions. VADA 2.0 expands the capability of AEB beyond the current VADA, allowing it to operate across multiple lanes of traffic. Lane Departure Warning (LDW) alerts the driver when an unintentional lane departure occurs. VADA 2.0 allows for adjustable volume and audio mute override options and enables drivers to turn off the system momentarily (10 minutes) for select functions. Highway Departure Warning and Braking (HDB) automatically activates if the driver does not take corrective action after a Lane Departure Warning and the system detects that the vehicle may leave the drivable roadway, slowing the vehicle by a pre-defined MPH. Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) with Cruise Auto Resume enables the truck to revert back to cruising speed with Cruise Auto Resume (also known as “Slow & Go”) at speeds above 10 mph, an improved feature in VADA 2.0. Driver Awareness Support offers an in-cab windshield-mounted camera with data capture support to enhance driver coaching and data availability. “We are excited to introduce Volvo Active Driver Assist 2.0 as standard in our truck models, representing the next generation of active safety products,” said Ashraf Makki, product marketing manager – technology, Volvo Trucks North America. “Every feature included in this new technology enables our products to run more efficiently and offers additional safety benefits for our customers and professional drivers.” Future updates to VADA 2.0 will include Adaptive Cruise Control with Traffic Stop & Driver Go, Lane Change Support with audible alert adjustment, and standalone data capture options without the need for Lane Departure Warning. “VADA 2.0 complements safe driving practices and is not intended to enable or encourage aggressive driving. No commercial vehicle safety technology replaces proactive, comprehensive driver training and a skilled, alert driver exercising safe driving techniques,” Makki said. “Responsibility for the safe operation of the vehicle remains with the driver at all times.”            

Kenworth T880S with 52-, 76-inch sleepers now available for order

KIRKLAND, Wash. — The Kenworth T880S with a set-forward front axle is now available for order with Kenworth’s 52-inch and 76-inch mid-roof sleepers. The T880S sleeper configurations are focused on heavy haul and severe highway applications where ruggedness is especially required. The two sleeper options enable the T880S to meet both overall combination length and weight distribution needs, and are applicable for both Canadian and U.S. markets, according to Kurt Swihart, Kenworth marketing director. Kenworth’s 76-inch mid-roof sleeper can be ordered with either the optional back wall storage system or folding upper bunk. The optional Kenworth Idle Management System provides a factory-installed, battery-based auxiliary power unit (APU). A premium sound system and flat screen TV mount are among other options that provide further driver comfort and satisfaction. The Kenworth 52-inch mid-roof sleeper is a welcome sanctuary when the schedule requires a short layover. The sleeper features a liftable lower bunk and upper storage units on the sleeper’s back wall, including hanging storage for clothes and jackets. A bunk heater, flat screen TV, premium sound system and factory-installed inverter with optional shore power are available for additional comfort. The many driver comfort amenities help give the Kenworth T680’s 52-inch mid-size sleeper the feel of a larger sleeper. Swihart said both sleepers provide excellent interior height clearance, enabling a driver or passenger up to 6-foot-4 to easily stand up between the seats. Specifying the 180-degree optional passenger swivel seat further expands the living space and enables the driver to use both the cab and the sleeper as a comfortable space for relaxation – when not driving. “Our high-quality sleeper options for the T880S provides customers with an additional opportunity for enhanced driver comfort in their efforts for cost-effective operations and increased driver retention and recruitment,” Swihart said. The T880S is offered with a set-forward front axle ranging from 14,600 pounds to 22,800 pounds, and is standard with the PACCAR MX-13 engine with up to 510 hp and 1,850 lb-ft of torque. For weight-sensitive applications, the 10.8-liter PACCAR MX-11 engine is 400 pounds lighter than larger displacement engines, and provides up to 430-hp and 1,650 lb-ft of torque. For more information, visit    

Drivewyze adds 4 locations for weigh station bypass in Pennsylvania

DALLAS — Drivewyze has expanded its weigh station bypass service with four new locations in Pennsylvania. The new sites are part of a 12-month pilot program that will allow data to be gathered to demonstrate the effectiveness of weigh station bypass, while providing bypass opportunities for Drivewyze customers. The sites, south and northbound on Interstate 83 in Newberry (York County), and south and northbound on I-79 near Hadley (Mercer County), represent the major arteries for truck traffic in Pennsylvania. I-83 is a major lane from the south up to the New England states, while I-79 is a major thoroughfare for truckers coming down from Ontario to go through Pennsylvania for southern-bound deliveries. According to Brian Heath, president and CEO of Drivewyze, the activation of the Pennsylvania bypass program gives Drivewyze equipped carriers with continuing service from the bordering states of Maryland, West Virginia and New York. “With I-83 and I-79 being main passageways, customers with top safety scores will have the opportunity to get bypass service through several states,” Heath said. “This then allows law enforcement to concentrate its inspection efforts on at-risk carriers. We all want unsafe trucks off the road, along with a more efficient transportation system. By working together with the agencies in Pennsylvania we can help accomplish this goal.” With the Drivewyze PreClear weigh station bypass service on their Drivewyze-enabled electronic logging devices, telematics devices, smartphones and tablets, customers can now receive bypass opportunities at more than 800 locations, in 45 states and provinces. The Drivewyze PreClear weigh station bypass application is available on a number of Drivewyze partner platforms, including ISAAC Systems, Omnitracs, Orbcomm, Platform Science, Rand McNally, Switchboard, Transflo, and Trimble. The application is also available for drivers to download on Android and iOS-based smartphones or tablets. Fleets can request a free weigh station activity report to help them determine how much time and money they could save by using Drivewyze PreClear. Drivewyze comes with a free Weigh Station Heads-Up service for real-time notifications at more than 1,200 weigh stations and inspection sites nationwide, and Drivewyze subscribed fleets also receive the valuable Insights Safety Reporting service. To learn more about Drivewyze, please visit      

Technology expected to help drivers in Arizona dust storms

PHOENIX  — With Arizona’s monsoon season quickly approaching, state transportation planners intend to begin installing a new long-range dust-detection system on Interstate 10. The Arizona Department of Transportation is set to use a $54 million federal grant to widen sections of I-10 and implement a project that would reduce dust-related crashes, the Arizona Republic reported . “We are taking an aggressive approach,” said Tom Herrmann, a spokesman for the state transportation department, told the newspaper. “We recognize we can’t necessarily control the dust, but we can predict it better.” The project includes long-range radar set near Picacho Peak that can detect approaching dust storms from 50 miles (80 kilometers) away. Short-range radar will be used to detect dust particles every mile between areas where most dust-related I-10 crashes occur. Also planned are electronic billboards to display warning messages readable in both traffic directions and variable speed limit signs where speed can drop as low as 35 mph based on reduced visibility. “The dust comes upon you very quickly and you go from seeing half a mile in front of you to barely seeing a car in front of you,” Hermann said. More advanced warning of dust conditions can reduce the likelihood of a crash and if a crash does happen, the impact can be less severe if drivers are going 35 mph rather than 75 mph, Hermann said. The department recorded 85 dust-related crashes along the busy freeway from Phoenix to Tucson from 2010 to 2015. According to a 2016 report by the National Weather Service and the University of Arizona, dust is the third-leading cause of weather-related deaths behind extreme temperatures and flash floods. Dust storms are common during Arizona’s mid-June to end-of-September monsoon season. Although there are still challenges in predicting when a dust storm will form, technology can help relay safety messages quickly when it does happen. Hermann said the agency plans to finish widening a 4-mile (6.4-kilometer) section of I-10 by the end of this summer before the dust-detection project begins. Hermann said the system will be the first of its kind in Arizona. More than a decade ago, a system was installed along I-10 from Benson to New Mexico that used wind speed to set off flashing signs that alerted drivers to the possibility of blowing dust.    

Lippert Components introduces somnum Sleeper Series pillows for long-haul drivers

ELKHART, Ind. — Lippert Components (LCI), a supplier of highly engineered components to the mobile and leisure transportation industries, has introduced somnum Sleeper Series pillows for long-haul, heavy truck drivers. These machine washable pillows are made with hypoallergenic down-alternative fill, and the covers are 100% cotton, 350 thread count and double stitched to increase the lifespan of the pillow. Designed to endure the ever-fluctuating temperatures and persistent moisture commonly found in sleeper environments, somnum premium pillows provide the perfect balance of support and comfort for a good night’s sleep, helping increase driver alertness while on the road, according to Mike Padrnos, business development manager at LCI. Featuring both soft and firm options, the pillows come in two sizes, jumbo and king. In addition to their premium comfort level, the somnum Sleeper Series pillows are 100% machine-washable, making it easier for them to retain their original freshness and shape, Padrnos “A key purpose of a pillow is to keep your neck comfortably and safely aligned with your spine,” he said. “Having a great pillow contributes to a good night’s sleep when you’re at home. That being said, pillow quality is just as important for truck drivers who travel long hours and sleep in their trucks.” Padrnos that while alignment is important, LCI had also paid special attention to personal comfort by ensuring that the somnum Sleeper Series features a variety of different pillow options. “Everyone has their own personal preferences, so we created both soft and firm pillow options,” he said. Padrnos said that in the fall of 2018, Donna Mooney, vice president of human resources at Titan Transfer, a freight carrier company, sought to find a “different and unique” gift for the company’s 400-plus trucks and corresponding drivers for National Truck Driver Appreciation Week. “We tried all the typical items: polo shirts, hats, gift cards, etc. I spent quite a bit of time online, shopping to find just the right gift,” Mooney said. “The somnum pillow caught my interest. The pillows ended up being a tremendous hit with our drivers, so much so that we had several drivers order additional pillows for their residential homes.” “We’ve heard that truck drivers love somnum pillows from direct feedback at truck shows and from fleets like Titan Transfer that have introduced them to their drivers through their company stores or given them out as driver gifts. A new pillow is a small but meaningful upgrade to a Class 8 sleeper berth,” Padrnos said. “Fleets that are using somnum pillows as part of their driver incentive/reward programs are receiving gratitude from drivers for such a thoughtful gesture. Realistically, many people aren’t replacing their pillows nearly enough.” For more information about somnum Sleeper Series pillows and how they can be purchased for your driver appreciation program, email [email protected]. For more information, contact [email protected]      

Navistar to make capital investments at Huntsville engine plant

LISLE, Ill. — Navistar, a maker of commercial trucks and buses, has decided to make capital investments of approximately $125 million in new and expanded manufacturing facilities in the state of Alabama, the company said Monday. The investment will bring 145 additional jobs to the company’s Huntsville facility. The company, which already manufactures International brand diesel engines at the plant, plans to make the new investments over the next three years. Its intent is to produce next-generation big-bore powertrains developed with its global alliance partner TRATON, formerly known as Volkswagen Truck & Bus AG. “Over the last two decades, the state of Alabama has been a wonderful partner for Navistar as we have developed and produced big-bore engines and other products in the state,” said Persio Lisboa, Navistar’s executive vice president and chief operating officer. “Today, we are excited to have the opportunity to expand our presence in Alabama, while adding to our array of next-generation products.” The principal engine currently built at Navistar’s Huntsville plant is the International A26, a 12.4 liter big-bore engine that is offered in Class 8 on-highway trucks such as the International LT Series and RH Series, as well as in vocational trucks such as the International HV Series and HX Series. “Navistar has been a longstanding corporate partner in our community and we are glad to see the company continues to see Huntsville as a strategic part of their growth strategy,” said Huntsville Mayor Tommy Battle. “We welcome the new production component to Navistar’s manufacturing operations and look forward to a successful future.” Navistar International Corp. is a holding company whose subsidiaries and affiliates produce International brand commercial and military trucks, proprietary diesel engines, and IC Bus brand school and commercial buses. An affiliate also provides truck and diesel engine service parts. Another affiliate offers financing services. Additional information is available at   )

Talbert Manufacturing opens 58,000-square-foot expansion

RENSSELAER, Ind. — Talbert Manufacturing, a North American provider of specialized heavy-haul solutions, recently officially opening the 58,000-square-foot expansion of its Liberty, North Carolina, facility. The 120,000-square-foot Liberty Trailers will manufacture Talbert’s Tag-A-Long Series, Traveling Axle Series and Hydraulic Tail Series trailers. With the expansion, Talbert looks to increase dealer and customer support throughout North America with increased production capabilities and a support staff of 60 associates, according to President Andrew Tanner. “In 1938, Austin Talbert set out to change the heavy-haul industry,” Tanner said. “With the expansion of Liberty Trailers, Talbert Manufacturing is closer than ever to realizing his vision of customer-driven design that meets the ever-changing needs of the hauling industry. We’re able to double our current output, allowing us meet the needs of our Tag-A-Long customers and dealers across the U.S. and Canada so we can continue growing together.” The Liberty facility was originally home to Ferree Trailers, which Talbert purchased in 2014. The 60,000-square-foot building was completed in 1999. From there, Ferree served a following of customers in industries including transportation, construction, military, government and special OEM companies, producing a wide array of trailers. With the acquisition, Talbert continued producing select Ferree products and moved production of its Tag-A-Long, Traveling Axle and Hydraulic Tail series trailers from their Indiana facility to Liberty. As the OEM grew, so did demand for the trailer series being produced at Liberty. In 2018, Talbert began expansion of the building and staff as part of its overall growth plan, Tanner said. The opening of the expansion marks the completion of the Liberty Trailer upgrade. In addition to the 58,000-square-foot increase in space, the expansion also houses two state-of-the-art painting booths, overhead cranes and a large finishing area. Equipment and staging areas were designed for optimum flow throughout the manufacturing process, allowing Talbert’s production at Liberty to grow, even past their current goals, while maintaining the high degree of safety, durability and resale value that are the pillars of the Talbert brand. “When we purchased the facility in 2014, we had 18 employees and a modern facility to allow for the type of growth we needed,” Tanner said. “Today we have 60 employees at Liberty and are looking to staff well over 100 long-term. Talbert has been able to remain on the cutting edge of heavy-haul innovations for more than 80 years because we understand the value of investing in our people as much as our products. The Liberty expansion is an investment not just in Talbert, but in our dealers and customers.” Talbert has been building heavy-haul and specialized trailers to customer specifications since 1938. For more information, visit