JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — Landstar System Inc. on July 6 announced its Class of 2019 Million Mile Safe Driver and Roadstar honorees. This year Landstar is celebrating 143 business capacity owners (BCOs) for their safety records and professionalism behind the wheel. BCO is Landstar’s term for an independent owner-operator who provides transportation capacity to a Landstar motor carrier under an exclusive lease agreement. Landstar’s Class of 2019 safe drivers includes 14 new Landstar Roadstar honorees, 117 new 1 Million Mile Safe Drivers, 10 new 2 Million Mile Safe Drivers and two new 3 Million Mile Safe Drivers. Each of these owner-operators has driven at least one million consecutive miles without a preventable accident. Of Landstar’s 1,086 active Million Mile Safe Drivers, 14 were recognized this month for earning the Roadstar distinction. The Roadstar designation is one of Landstar’s highest honors for truck owner-operators and is awarded to the “best of the best” based on the drivers’ high levels of safety, productivity and excellence in customer service. Each of the 14 newest Roadstars previously earned Million-Mile Safe Driver status. “Landstar is proud to showcase the 2019 Class of Landstar Million-Mile Safe Drivers and Roadstar honorees as the industry’s best. Their skill and dedication to their profession makes the roads safer for all of us,” said Jim Gattoni, president and CEO of Landstar. “Landstar Roadstar recipients raise the bar for the entire trucking industry, and their dedication to service excellence has earned them the right to be called the most elite independent business capacity owners at Landstar.” The new class raises the total number of active Landstar Roadstar recipients to 178. The Roadstar honor, first awarded in 1990, pays tribute to independent Landstar owner-operators who go the extra mile to deliver professionalism and customer service on a daily basis. To be eligible for the honor, a Roadstar nominee must: Be a Landstar BCO and have earned status as a Landstar Million-Mile Safe Driver having driven 1, 2, 3 or 4 million miles without a preventable accident; Serve as an example to other professional truck operators by adhering to U.S. Department of Transportation regulations and supporting Landstar’s safety-first culture; Have a positive, cooperative attitude during interactions with customers, agents and employees; and Produce significant revenue. Landstar’s 2019 Roadstar recipients are Jose Cruz, Kenneth Dillon, Robert Haas, John Highley, Leslie Johnson, Dwight McGrew, William Ragland, Lisa Ringelstetter, Delinda Schumacher, Linda Short, Helen Stonesifer, Lloyd Tubbs, William Watkins and Stacy Yoder. Landstar’s 1 Million Mile Safe Drivers for 2019 include Miguel Acosta, Apolonio Aguirre, Gustavo Almaguer, Rusty Anderson, Ronald Arguin, Aldas Armoska, David Bach, Laszlo Banyasz, Argailla Bard, Dennis Barron, Gerald Baugher, David Billinger, Alveano Blackwell, Charles Bledsoe, Anatoliy Blidchenko, Rodney Book, Manuel Cabrera, Dauris Capellan Peralta. Robert Carpenter. Jason Castro, Daniel Catherman, Jesus Cedillo, Andrzej Chalupka, Scott Childress, Gale Choffin, Susan Coleman, David Cox, Jeffrey Crenshaw, Darwin Davison, Denijal Denic, Amir Denic, Manuel Deveze, Robert Dowdy, Johnny Dubose, Gary Dyer, Dwight Everett, Donald Ewing, Richard Fassett, Almir Ferhatbegovic, Harry Gary, Joel Garza, Kenneth Gaugler, Baldev Gill, Eliseo Godina, Victor Gomez, Sage Goodner, William Granthum, Marc Guerin, Sabas Gutierrez, Michael Haase, George William Hayden, Brian Henning, Charles Henriques, Dewey Hester, Anthony John, Ira Johnson, Howard Jones, John Jordan, John Kacir, Vernon Kauffman, Jay Keem, Edin Kovacevic, Jeffrey Laird, Charles Locke, Howell Lovelace, John Lower, Gerhard Lutnik, Jose Maldonado, Baljit Mangat, Jeffrey Marden, Rick McCall, Walter McKinney, Ronny McRath, Brian Mirolo, Thomas Moody, Patrick Mooney, Jay Nelms, Robert Pinkston, William Pittman, Alvin Poindexter, Richard Poole, Gary Pugh, Donald Quinby, Ruben Quintana, Gurmukh Rana, Danny Reay, Steve Richey, Lisa Ringelstetter, Joseph Rogers, Walter Rubenzer, Andrzej Salata, Salvador Sanchez, Raymond Schenk, Henry Serrano, Robert Shannon, Henry Sihock, Frank Smith, James Smith, John Smith, Randal Smith, Scott Smith, Helen Stonesifer, Glenn Stump,Harold Sword, Janusz Szklarski, Mary Taylor, Steven Thiemann, Malcolm Thomas, Jon Treptow, Lavar Tye, Ruben Vasquez, Gary Veach, Ronald Walsom, Clyde Weaver, Gary Wiggins, Stacy Yoder and Roberto Zamarripa. Robert Birner, Kevin Bouchard, Thomas Dawson, David Dubuc, Leslie Johnson, Paul Nickles, Bill Ruch, Ronnie Sellars, Steven Van Dyke and Pete Wood were recognized for 2 million safe miles, and Keith McClain and Barry McLarty both achieved 3 million safe miles.