The Daily Trucker | March 18, 2021

Hey everyone! It’s time for your Thursday Daily Trucker News Update! I’m Niki Snyder. And I’m Isela Rios. We have a lot of news to cover today, including: Hero FedEx Driver A Fraudulent Driver goes to prison Pharr-Reynosa Bridge Expansion So let’s get Trucking! Isela: So, talk about being at the right place at the right time. A Fedex driver, Brandon Alt, who started his route through Truckee, California, noticed a car in front of him weaving in and out of traffic almost hitting two other vehicles then veered off the road and into a river. Alt pulled over and threw his hazard lights on, slid down the embankment and carefully walked through the icy water to help the woman. He was unable to get the driver door open, so went for the back door. Water quickly flooded the car but he was able to get the woman to safety and call 911. You guessed it, the woman had been distracted by her cell phone when trying to make a phone call. Niki: Move For Hunger, a national non-profit, dedicated to helping local food banks was recently featured on the Today Show. The idea to start the organization came from its founder, Adam Lowy, when working for his family’s moving company, noticed that people would leave behind items including food. Within a month Lowy had donated 300 pounds of food to a local food bank. Since then, the organization has delivered more than 20 million pounds of food to local food banks providing more than 17 million meals to individuals in need. In 2020, they stepped up their efforts during the pandemic and reached out to more than a thousand drivers, who volunteered to deliver more than 5 million pounds of food. Isela: This next story is about a young lady who comes from a family of truckers. Her mother is in the business and so was her grandfather. Growing up, Cheyenne Martinez, remembers riding in the truck with her mother and has now joined Werner Enterprises’ veteran’s program. Martinez feels that this is a good career path for veterans coming from the active-duty side stating “I’m used to being on the go, continuing to travel, It’s more of a passion than a job.” Way to go Cheyenne! Niki: A former company owner was sentenced to 30 months in federal prison after pleading guilty last   to falsifying government records, Identity theft, bank and wire fraud, and tax evasion. 41 yearr old Michael Chavez, a car hauler was also ordered to pay restitution to Amazon for an alleged package return scam of more than $640 thousand. Chavez also used another person’s personal identifying info to illegally operate a fleet of trucks after the FMCSA ordered the business shut down. He also attempted to evade paying taxes by commingling business and personal expenses, creating fraudulent third party checks, cashing them at a check casher and he even maintained approximately 15 bank accounts using at least five different company names and that’s only to name a few of the crimes Chavez had committed. Isela: Truck Traffic will be a priority when the Pharr-Reynosa Bridge’s largest expansion project in history is completed in 2023, according to the bridge’s general director. The expansion will include the building of a second bridge in Pharr, Texas, along the U.S Mexico border to add capacity cargo and reduce wait times for commercial trucks. The expansion of the bridge will include Free and Secure Trade lanes from Mexico to The U.S. and the bridge could accommodate another 800 trucks. The Phar-Reynosa International bridge was the second-busiest commercial truck crossing in Texas during 2020 and the third busiest on the Mexican Border. Niki: A Tennessee man is facing a charges after opening fire on a semitruck, then leading police on a high speed chase has been captured. Police in Monterey, TN. Responded to a call where a gray infinity had been involved in an aggravated assault in which the driver had shot at a semi-truck, striking the truck door while the driver was still driving on the interstate. Police spotted the vehicle on I-40 going west bound. The Putnam County Sheriff’s Dept and Tenn. Highway Patrol took action. The troopers deployed spike strips in Cookville and were able to flatten two of the car’s tires. The pursuit continued to Baxter, where the suspect ended up exiting on I-40 exit 280 where the suspect lost control of the vehicle and fled on foot to the Love’s Travel Center. The truck stop was evacuated and canine units searched the building eventually finding the suspect hiding in a freezer of the McDonalds restaurant inside the truck stop. This wasn’t Xavier Water’s first time dealing with police as he had warrants for several felony charges such as aggravated assault with a hand gun, Kidnapping, aggravated burglary, domestic assault, and theft. That does it for today’s update! Tune in tomorrow for all the trucking news you need!  

The Daily Trucker | March 17, 2021

Hey everyone! It’s time for your Wednesday Daily Trucker News Update! I’m Niki Snyder. And I’m Isela Rios. We have a lot of news to cover today, including: A Forklift Joy Ride A warning to four wheelers Teen and Trucks Program So let’s get Trucking Isela: A woman in San Diego was arrested for going on a joy ride on a stolen forklift. The woman was spotted on camera driving the stolen equipment on Sports Arena Blvd. The 39 yr old woman was pursued by police but that didn’t last long when she turned into a parking lot and the forklift stalled. She was arrested and now has been charged with possession of a stolen vehicle and misappropriation of stolen property. Carlin, I wonder if she was a renegade lumper? Niki: On a more serious note, a Female Truck Driver, Daisy Delaney, based out of Montana took to social media to raise awareness about why motorist should respect the space of drivers that are hauling coils. According to Delaney hauling coils is considered one of the most lethally dangerous loads. She advises folks that you normally don’t realize that they are hauling coil because companies want them to be covered up with tarps and are held down by chains. Delaney advises 4-wheelers to drive defensively and allow plenty of space around tarped loads because emergency braking can cause chains to snap causing the load to shift and crash into the cab. Isela: Two men have been arrested in Boaz, Alabama for robbing a truck driver for thousands of dollars in cigarettes. The driver was making his delivery at the Murphy USA gas station around 9 am when he was approached by two men who demanded he hand over cases of cigarettes. When the driver refused, one of the suspects jumped into the truck and threatened the driver. Both suspects then started to unload the truck when the driver was able to signal the store clerk to call police. The two men were spotted by police and were arrested within ten minutes. Niki: A federal law suit has been filed in an effort to stop a $7 billion highway project in Houston, Tx. The lawsuit was filed by Harris County Attorney, Christian Menefee proposing the project would negatively impact minority residents who would be displaced as a result of construction. According to the proposed 10yr construction project it would improve 24 miles along interstate 45 and several other roadways, providing safer and more efficient travel for the area. Organizations such as Stop TxDOT45 have made it their mission to protest the construction and find an alternative to the current project. The Federal Highway Administration has asked the Tx DOT to put the project on hold so that civil rights and environmental concerns can be reviewed. Isela:  A man in Sacramento was at the right place at the right time. Nicolas Lee noticed a semi-truck tipped over on the highway. He jumped into action and ran to help the woman who had her leg stuck and was unable to exit the truck. He tried to keep the woman calm while he busted out the windshield by kicking and punching the glass with his bare hands. He was able to create an opening wide enough to allow the trapped woman to make it out safe and unharmed. Niki: Teens and Trucks. The Tennessee Highway Patrol has teamed up with Georgia Department of Public Safety to educate young drivers on driving safely near commercial motor vehicles. A driving simulator is used allowing teens to test out various road interactions with commercial vehicles in a safe and educational environment. Teens get a realistic driving experience thanks to multiple video monitors, a steering wheel, pedals, and adjustable seats. For many young drivers, the hands-on simulator experience is a wakeup call about the dangers they could face on the road if they’re not paying attention. That does it for today’s update! Tune in tomorrow for all the trucking news you need!

The Daily Trucker | March 16, 2021

Hey everyone! It’s time for your Monday Daily Trucker News Update! We have a lot of news to cover today, including: The record-breaking congestion at California ports A bill to stop to Pennsylvania’s Bridge Tolls and the strange cause of a semi fire in Texas. So, let’s get trucking! Carlin: The congestion at the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach is breaking records… and is showing no signs of slowing down. In 2015 – contract negotiations with dockworkers caused a lot of congestion and issues… It peaked with a high of 28 container ships at anchor in Mid-March of 2015. In 2020, and so far in 2021, the ships at anchor has hovered around 30 – with a peak of 40 on February 1 of this year. But that’s not the only issue – the ships at port are carrying much more than those in 2015 – averaging more than 10-thousand twenty-foot equivalent units on board. Isela: Let’s stick to the west coast – and talk about a proposed bill from Oregon that would ban the sale of diesel fuel in the state by 2028. If passed, it would begin in phases, beginning in 2024 – with the ban of petroleum diesel for nonretail dealers in several counties, it would then ban retail sales in those counties as part of the second phase in 2025. By 2027 and 2028, the third and fourth phases would stop the sell of petroleum diesel anywhere in the state. Proponents say the bill is an effort to push renewable diesel fuel in the state – but opponents say the short timeline make it extremely difficult to achieve, especially without a renewable diesel facility in Oregon. No action has been taken on the bill yet – as it awaits referral to committee. Carlin: With the American Society of Civil Engineers’ latest report card – it’s clear the United States infrastructure is in desperate need of repairs. Perhaps the most pressing issue is our nation’s bridges… According to the Federal Highway Administration – more than 46-thousand bridges are deficient… and a recent report claims the fives states with the worst bridge systems are: Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Iowa, West Virginia, and Rhode Island. Isela: State legislatures in Pennsylvania have proposed a bill to stop plans to toll 9 bridges in interstates around the state… You may have seen our previous coverage of the story… The state has drawn the attention of drivers from across the country after a proposal to toll the bridges to generate money to repair them. But after harsh criticism – lawmakers are now stepping in – with a bill that would require legislative authorization of any proposed transportation projects with a user fee – even if it was approved by the public-private transportation partnership board. Carlin: This next story is an important reminder to anyone hauling anything – make sure your loads are secured! These pictures show the remains of a truck that was burnt to a crisp in Texas last week – after an unsecured mattress flew off a pickup truck and got stuck underneath the rig. It caught fire as it was being pulled along… Thankfully the driver was able to make it out safely. Isela: Some great news out of the South! As several states continue to recover after the severe winter weather that hammered them in February – truckers are helping with relief efforts, delivering almost a million and three hundred thousand bottles of water to Louisiana and Texas residents! Great jobs guys! That does it for today’s update! Tune in tomorrow for all the trucking news you need!

The Daily Trucker | March 15, 2021

Hey everyone! It’s time for your Monday Daily Trucker News Update! We have a lot of news to cover today, including: Details of a controversial national ABC Test The FMCSA CMV Advisory Board members share their goals… And a crazy story of some would be thieves So, let’s get trucking! Carlin: We start today with news from Capitol Hill – where the house passed the Protecting the Right to Organize – or “PRO” Act. The pro-union bill does several things – but perhaps the most controversial is the inclusion of an ABC Test like the one introduced in California’s AB 5. The ABC Test is used to determine the definition of an independent contractor with the use of three “rules” – failure of even one means the contractor label doesn’t apply… The rule that really concerns truckers is specifically the B rule of performing “a service outside the usual course of business of the employer.” Meaning if a trucking company hires an independent driver – they would be classified as an employee, not contractor. Now, the test wasn’t the goal of the bill – in fact, the bill is mostly amendments to the National Labor Relations Act – which governs union elections and representation. Now the bill is headed to the Senate, where it is expected to fail. Isela: We’ve covered the FMCSA’s advisory board before – and now the group of 25 CMV drivers are listing out their main focuses. They include: the expansion of safe truck parking, increased safe driving conditions for drivers, better support, and advocacy for women in trucking, and the overall input of drivers to be heard and considered in decisions. The board hasn’t yet met, and no date for the first meeting has been set. Carlin: The new head of the Commercial Vehicle Training Association, A. Bailey Wood, says making sure truck driver schools are prepared for the implementation of the entry-level driver training rule is his top priority. The association has already hosted several webinars and will host more, making sure the schools are ready. The rule, which establishes minimum standards for general knowledge and behind-the-wheel training, was supposed to go into effect in 2017 – but was delayed. The FMCSA extended the rule’s compliance deadline to Feb. 2022 – giving it more time to develop the Training Provider Registry – and give states time to update their systems to coordinate with the TPR system. Isela: The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance has released the 2021 North American Standard Out of Service Criteria. The new criteria goes into effect on April 1 – and replaces all previous versions. The criteria is the pass-fail standards for inspections – and identifies what will be inspected, what will prevent a driver from operating a CMV, and how long they will be unable to drive. You can get the Criteria as a handbook, electronic PDF, and in several languages. The CVSA will also be launching an app soon, so keep your eyes and ears open for it! Carlin: A crazy story from Michigan – where two would be criminals were caught trying to steal rims off several trucks in a business in Monroe County. According to police – the two men were caught loading the rims into a truck… then, and this is where things get odd, they offered to pay police for them! When they turned down the offer, and who knows why they would do that, the men took off on foot – and one of them was even carrying a small child! The story just gets crazier right?! They didn’t get far and were eventually arrested… Police say they planned to sell the rims for scrap metal. Isela: Everyone mark your calendars! Tony Justice’s first CD in 4 years, 18 Gears To Life, releases next month – on April 16! Tony tells us it’s his best album yet! Look for his new CD at TA corporate locations and of course online.   If you can’t wait – don’t worry! You can check out his latest sing, “Long Distance Love,” which was recorded and performed with Jayne Denham! That does it for today’s update! Tune in tomorrow for all the trucking news you need!

The Daily Trucker | March 11, 2021

What’s up everyone! It is time for your Wednesday Daily Trucker news update! I’m Carlin Stafford. And I’m Niki Snyder. We have a lot of news to cover today, including: A letter to the White House Bill to bail out multiemployer pension plan And March and April Highway Angels So, let’s get trucking! Niki: A letter from the American Trucking Associations and Road Safe America to Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg calls for the implementation of speed-limiting technology on heavy-duty trucks. In the letter this week, the organizations said they support the December 2019-proposed Cullum Owings Large Truck Safe Operating Speed Act, which called for all new commercial trucks to be equipped with speed limiters and to require existing speed-limiting technology already installed on trucks manufactured after 1992 to be used while in operation. The bill called for maximum speeds to be set at 65 mph, or 70 mph if certain safety technologies, such as an adaptive cruise control system and an automatic emergency braking system, were also in use. The bill also called for DOT to review every five years the safety technology available for trucks and recommend any improvements to speed-governing regulations. Carlin: The American Trucking Associations (ATA) has canceled the 2021 National Truck Driving Championships and National Step Van Driving Championships for the second consecutive year, citing COVID-related issues. The event had been planned for Minneapolis in August. The organizations still however plan to have their Technology & Maintenance Council Spring Meeting Virtually on April 12 through the 16 and April 19-23. Niki:  The Bureau of Labor Statistics recently reported seasonally adjusted jobs in the trucking sector totaled 1.5 Million in February, a decline from a month earlier. That is a decline of 4,000 jobs from the revised January figure. But the January revision was significant as that month’s trucking jobs had been originally reported at a little over 1.4 Million. The end result is that jobs in trucking in February were mostly flat to where the industry thought they were in January, but the January number turned out to be higher than first reported. Carlin: Legislation bailing out financially troubled multiemployer pension plans – including a plan covering thousands of employees and retirees from LTL carriers Yellow and ABF Freight – could be signed into law by President Joe Biden as early as this week. The Butch Lewis Pension Plan Relief Act of 2021 was included in the $1.9 trillion COVID-19 rescue package that was approved on Saturday by the U.S. Senate along party lines, 50-49. The package is expected to be taken up by the U.S. House of Representatives this week for final approval before being sent to the White House for Biden’s signature. Under the legislation, the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC), an independent federal agency that provides financial assistance to pension plans that become insolvent, would provide plans with grants that would not need to be repaid, rather than money from the existing multiemployer revolving fund. Niki:  Over this last weekend, a driver was rescued from his rig that was driven into the Jordan River Surplus Canal in Salt Lake City. The driver was uninjured and fire fighters were able to get him to safety. No word on how and why the driver ended up in the canal in the first place. Carlin: Professional truck drivers Royford Burris, Joseph Brown, Christina Castillo, Phil Cicero, Clayvon Daniels, William and Becky Gregory, Ken Lukomski, and Earl Morgan-Heft have been named Highway Angels by the Truckload Carriers Association (TCA) for their acts of heroism while on the road. A big congrats from everyone here at the Truck Boss Show. Keep it up! That does it for today’s update! Tune in tomorrow for more trucking news you need!

The Daily Trucker | March 10, 2021

Hey everyone! It is time for your Wednesday Daily Trucker news update! I’m Carlin Stafford. And I’m Niki Snyder. We have a lot of news to cover today, including: A whole house left on the side of a highway Paint or Meth?! And Sky-high toll fees So, let’s get trucking! Niki: Last week in Texas, 24 million dollars’ worth of methamphetamine was found inside a US bound Semi. The semi-truck was manifesting a shipment of acrylic paint from Mexico, and was referred to a canine and non-intrusive imaging system inspection, which resulted in the discovery of the 28 buckets filled with 1,234.58 pounds of methamphetamine. The narcotics have been seized and the case is under investigation. Carlin: Well, this next one has us all puzzled Niki. We head up to Ohio where Police were called to the scene last week when a 72-year-old driver left a mobile home on the highway because the width of the house couldn’t squeeze through a construction zone. The driver left the oversized load in the construction zone on State Rt. 77 northbound near the Rt. 800 on-ramp. The driver was cited for violating his permit and for being over the legal width, said the local police. Niki: A group of organizations representing the trucking industry have asked the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to use truck stops and travel plazas across the U.S. as COVID-19 vaccination sites. Using truck stops and travel plazas as mobile vaccination sites would alleviate significant challenges faced by truck drivers in receiving the vaccine. Many states, for example, currently require proof of residency to receive a vaccine. Under this plan, truck drivers would be allowed to receive a vaccine in any state, and they would be allowed to receive their second vaccination at a different location because of the difficulty in arranging their schedules to return to the primary vaccination site on a specific date or time. The organizations are currently working with pharmacies and NATSO to make a nationwide plan to have vaccine clinics at truck stops. Carlin: We know everyone has been super bummed with all of the cancelled Truck Shows this past year. Well put your seatbelts on and get ready for the ride because the Bandit Big Rig Racing Events are back this year! It looks like the first race of the season is set for Saturday, April 17th at the Five Flags Speedway in Pensacola, FL. Make sure to head over to their website for tickets if you want to check that out. Niki: Oil rallied to the highest in nearly two years in New York after OPEC+ shocked markets with a decision to keep supply limited as the global economy starts to recover from the pandemic-driven slump. U.S. benchmark crude futures topped $66 a barrel on March 5, while its global counterpart Brent edged closer to the key $70-a-barrel level. Oil’s rebound this year stands to intensify the debate about a potential resurgence in inflation, and complicate the task facing the Federal Reserve as it supports the U.S. recovery. The Treasury market is already looking for signs of faster price gains, with yields rising rapidly. Carlin: A new study analyzed tolling practices on hundreds of roadways worldwide and ranked which ones are the most expensive. In the ranking of the most expensive toll roads in the world, the Pennsylvania Turnpike came in at first with a total of $112.91 and the twentieth was the John F. Kennedy Memorial Highway at $12.00. That does it for today’s update! Tune in tomorrow for more trucking news you need!

The Daily Trucker | March 9, 2021

Hey everyone! It’s time for your Tuesday Daily Trucker news update! I’m Isela Rios. And I’m Carlin Stafford. We have a lot of news to cover today, including: How much growth the US Economy is seeing… A road-rage incident between truckers… A big electrification announcement from a popular auto and truck maker. So let’s get trucking! Carlin: Good news for the economy – and trucking! It’s looking like both are set for a strong second half that will be lasting into 2022. According to the director of Economic Forecasting at Georgia State University, with the continued rollout of Covid-19 vaccines, there’s quote, “light at the end of the tunnel.” Last Feb, the nation’s GDP fell by more than 31 percent – but it bounced back in the third quarter by more than 33 percent. Now economists are expecting a consistent 5-percent increase or more! Trucking is also likely to continue its strong showing – due mostly to the large congestion at the ports along the coasts. Isela: Class 8 orders are on the rise! According to ACT Research, orders hit almost 44-thousand in February – that’s 212 percent more than the same time last year – when only 14-thousand were ordered. The reason for such a spike? Consumer spending on e-commerce, a strong housing market, a revitalizing manufacturing sector, and record freight and spot rates. Carlin: A trucker is recovering after a road-rage incident with another truck driver turned violent in Dallas last week. According to police, the driver slowed down his truck on the LBJ Freeway – when the man in the other rig pulled out a handgun and shot through the passenger window. The driver was taken to the hospital… the investigation is still ongoing. Isela: The FMCSA says more drivers are taking the necessary steps to get back behind the wheel after a failed drug test. Data from the Drug and Alcohol Clearing House shows almost 56-thousand drivers were declared ineligible to drive because of violations… with almost 8000 thousand returning to duty after completion of the required education materials. And another 75-hundred are awaiting return-to-duty testing. In the first year of the Clearinghouse, nearly 48-thousand drivers were temporarily suspended, which is only about 1 and a half percent of CDL drivers – a much lower number than most experts expected. Carlin: We may as well call this next segment electric vehicles Isela! Last week, FedEx announced it’s going completely carbon neutral by 2040 – transitioning to a fully electrified surface transport fleet. The company is also pledging 100 million dollars to the Center for Natural Carbon Capture – which is tasked with finding a way to capture and store existing carbon emissions from the atmosphere. The company says it will spend 2 billion dollars on the strategy – but didn’t go into much more detail about the programs total cost or how it plans to tackle the electrification of the FedEx Ground unit which is made up of independent contractors. Isela: And Volvo has announced it will only be making electric vehicles by 2030. The Swedish automaker said that it will be phasing out production of all cars with combustion engines, including hybrids. This comes after GM’s pledge to make only battery-operated vehicles by 2035. The company also plans to move sales exclusively online… Though they did say dealerships will still prepare, deliver, and service their vehicles. Carlin: That does it for today’s update! Isela: Tune in tomorrow for more of the trucking news you need!

The Daily Trucker | March 8, 2021

Hey everyone! It’s time for your Monday Daily Trucker news update! I’m Isela Rios. And I’m Carlin Stafford. We have a lot of news to cover today, including: The latest US Infrastructure report card and what needs to happen for it to improve… A multi-billion-dollar trucking manufacturer merger… And another example of truckers getting things done! So let’s get trucking! Carlin: DOT Sec. Pete Buttigieg says the department is working to find a sustainable, predictable, defensible, and affordable way to make the Highway Trust Fund solvent again. Right now, it’s being funded by the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation or FAST Act – but only until September. Buttigieg noted the federal fuel tax hasn’t risen since 93, and he does not think a fuel tax will be a future-proof fix. He mentioned the DOT is still looking into a vehicle miles traveled fee, or VMT, but that raises its own concerns, specifically privacy… But he did mention that the department will be flexible with state, local, and tribal governments to avoid a one-size fits all approach. Isela: While Congress has passed a Covid relief bill – the next large order of business is an infrastructure plan. Right now, much of our roads, bridges, water systems, dams, airports, and more all need major repairs… In fact, according to the American Society of Civil Engineers 2021 Infrastructure Report Card – the national average was a C-… The group went on to say it would take nearly 6 trillion dollars over the next decade to bring the failing infrastructure to a safe and sustainable level… The Biden Administration has mentioned they would be willing to spend more than 2 trillion dollars on a plan – which has drawn criticism from Republicans, some saying that price is a “non-starter.” Right now, Democrats hope to have a draft for the bill by Memorial Day. Carlin: The Biden Administration has delayed a rule of the Fair Labor Standards Act that clarifies independent contractor status. Originally set to take affect today – it has been pushed back until May 7th. The rule is considered more favorable than the ABC test California’s AB5 law uses, and helps employers continue to classify some workers as independent contractors. Now we’ll wait to see if the Biden Administration comes back to the contents of the ruling before May or if they will continue to delay it. Isela: Navistar International is one step closer to being acquired by Germany-based Traton after stockholders approved a proposal to buy the company for almost 4 billion dollars. Traton is Volkswagen’s heavy truck business, which owned 17-percent of Navistar in 2017 before bidding to purchase the rest of the company last year. If the deal goes through, Volkswagen will have more of a presence in North America – rivalling Daimler and Volvo, both of which are already established. The deal must go through regulatory approvals and other closing conditions. It’s expected to be completed mid-2021. Carlin: If you’re looking to know more about the future of road safety, the FMCSA’s Analysis, Research, and Technology office is hosting a free virtual forum to discuss this year’s focus and upcoming ART projects. Topics range from 2021 priorities, agency enforcement efforts, policy on automated trucks, and research efforts. The program is scheduled for March 10th, from 1 to 5 pm Eastern Standard Time. You can register on the FMCSA’s website! Isela: UPS shipped out the first batch of the Johnson & Johnson single shot vaccines last week. This marks the 3rd vaccine UPS has delivered, splitting shipments of it, the Moderna, and Pfizer vaccines with FexEd Express. More than 15 million Pfizer and Moderna doses will be shipped this week, and almost 3 million of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. Another example of truckers getting us what we need when we need it most! Carlin: That does it for today’s update! Isela: Tune in tomorrow for more of the trucking news you need!

The Daily Trucker | March 4, 2021

Hey everyone! It’s time for your Thursday Daily Trucker news update! I’m Carlin Stafford. And I’m Isela Rios. We have a lot of news to cover today, including Driver Enforcement in Indiana, Frozen water bottles coming your way, and WIT Member of the month. Let’s get trucking! Isela: Indiana troopers kick off a month-long driver enforcement effort. The enforcement started Feb 26th and will go through March 21st. Troopers will be on the lookout and There will be “ZERO tolerance for those driving aggressively, over the speed limit, or under the influence. They are encouraging safe driver behavior and preventing loss of life is their priority. ISP pointed to NHTSA data that shows that while miles travelled dipped 14.5% in the first nine months of 2020 due to the pandemic, overall traffic fatalities increased by 4.6 percent nationwide. ISP is recommending for those drivers who want to avoid criminal charges and legal fees to obey the posted speed limit, refrain from distracted driving, avoid tailgating or aggressive driving, never driver while impaired and wear seatbelts! Carlin: Remember when we told you guys about Pennsylvania’s proposed bridge tax? Well, now you guys are speaking out – and a lot of you guys aren’t happy about it. The proposed toll rates range from $1-2, but a specific commercial truck rate has not been determined. Opponents of the tolls say crossing a bridge just twice a day could add more than 5000 dollars to the annual operating costs… But proponents argue that the funds from the tolls will help pay for much needed repairs and maintenance. If you’re a driver that frequents PA, go ahead and let the state government know about the proposal on the DOT website. Isela: Authorities in Missouri have advised drivers to use caution while driving on the interstate after multiple vehicles have been hit with frozen water bottles this week. This took place in Newton County on highway 43 when a motorist was driving between the Petro Truck Stop and Seneca. According to Seneca Police the front of several cars have been destroyed and many windshields knocked out. They also had one victim get hit coming into to town and going out of town on two different days. A school bus has also been struck.” The Newton County Sheriff assumes it’s probably a bunch of kids that have seen something on Tik Tok and they are trying it out. Authorities are on the lookout for suspects, and drivers should remain alert when traveling through the area. Carlin: A flatbed landed right-side-up after nearly losing it all in a near-rollover accident in Houston, TX. Dash cam shows that during a late rush hour traffic jam on the 610 Loop, a truck flips, striking several cars, and coming to a rest on a barrier. Police said that the unnamed trucker claimed he had been cut off by a motorist causing the chaos. Thankfully no one was hurt. Isela: WIT highlighted an association member who is succeeding in the industry. Rolling Strong offers programs to help keep drivers establish healthy habits, lose weight, improve their sleep, and lower their blood pressure and cholesterol. Rolling Strong wellness coach Claudia Rodriguez has been named WIT Member of the month. Rodriguez worked in the wellness industry for 12 years. Prior to joining Rolling Strong, she had an online health product store and also held health and wellness workshops at universities, businesses, and other establishments in the El Paso, Tx area. Rodriguez said Every day, she is inspired by the drivers She coaches and admires their discipline, how they overcome obstacles.” Carlin: New legislation has been introduced in Wyoming seeking to keep truckers off of the Teton Pass by making it easier to ticket them. Teton Pass is usually closed to truck traffic from November 15-April 1st to keep truckers from getting stuck and backing up traffic. Cameras systems are in place and have caught many truckers violate the rule and at times have needed to be rescued. But getting caught on camera isn’t enough to get ticketed. In the state of Wyoming citations can’t be mailed they have to be given in person. State Sen. Mike Gierau introduced Senate Bill 3 back on Jan 12, 2021 as a way to make it easier for law enforcement to prevent this violation to happen. Wyoming Highway Patrol Lt Matt Brackin hopes the bill passes so that every vehicle and driver are held accountable. That does it for today’s update! Tune in tomorrow for more trucking news you need!

The Daily Trucker | March 3, 2021

Hey everyone! It’s time for your Wednesday Daily Trucker news update! I’m Carlin Stafford. And I’m Isela Rios. We have a lot of news to cover today, including: Women in Trucking selected for an Advisory Board Paramedics life-saving story Owl struck by a semi-truck So, let’s get trucking! Isela: Legislation was introduced that would help promote more opportunities in the trucking industry for women. The bill would among other things, establish a “Women in Trucking Advisory Board” to better identify barriers to entry for women in the trucking industry. The board would be responsible for coordinating formal education and training programs, establishing mentorship opportunities for women in the industry, and enhancing outreach initiatives that are exclusive to women. WIT President Ellen Voie stated “Although women have strengthened their presence in the supply chain in the past few years, we know there are still issues that cause women to reject a transportation career. Our goal is to better identify these concerns and address them to create a more diverse industry.” Carlin: Schneider Transport has donated more than $2 million in grants to more than 400 organizations across North America last year. In 2020, Schneider launched new initiatives to support organizations committed to creating change. The company’s foundation provided its inaugural Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Program grants to 11 nonprofit organizations across North America, totaling more than $75,000. The recipients were nominated mostly by Schneider associates and will help organizations inspire dialogue and take concrete actions for change. LuEllen Oskey, director of the Schneider Foundation. “Schneider has a history of giving back, and after the struggles of this past year, we recognize that our financial contributions make an impactful difference in our local and regional communities.” Some of the communities that the foundation assisted were; In-Kind Donations, Pay It Forward, Dollar for Doers, Giving Orange and United Way Mark Rourke, Schneider president and CEO. “Despite the disruptions to everyday life, our incredible associates dedicated over 5,000 hours of time to volunteering in their local communities.” Isela: A paramedic was on his way to work when he suddenly was involved in a car pileup in FT Worth, Tx. Trey McDaniel was in his Toyota FJ Cruiser when he noticed brake lights, so he slowed down but hit black ice. He then spun into a barrier wall, where he was trapped. A semi-truck then came barreling towards him, unable to stop, and the impact crushed his vehicle and sent it flying over the barrier wall that caused Every airbag to deploy.  The cocoon kept him safe and alive. He still managed to jump into action to help others involved in the pile up. When the on-duty paramedics realized he had been involved in the crash, they quickly sent him to the hospital, where he was evaluated and determined to have only scrapes and bruises. McDaniel later posted his experience on reddit, where he credited his FJ Cruiser for saving his life. Carlin: A truck driver popular on Tik Tok recently took to the platform to share a jarring story exhibiting the importance of personal safety in trucking, and even the importance of knowing how to back up all on your own. This driver was at a truck stop in Kansas one night when he noticed a female driver was having trouble backing up her truck. As he was getting out to help, he noticed a guy next to her beat him to it. He then noticed the female driver slide over to the jump seat and the gentleman got in the truck and parked the truck for her. In his video he warns ladies “don’t ever do this,” and he continues stating that once the guy helped her park the truck, he grabbed the woman by her throat and jerked her into the sleeper berth. But the Tik Tok driver along with another driver seen what was happening and they quickly ran to help the woman almost getting themselves arrested. After the warning video was posted the comments came, one female trucker viewer and follower stated ““Thank you! Had something similar happen to me, unfortunately for the idiot, he didn’t know my German Shepherd was in the back…” Glad the Tik Tok driver was at the right place at the right time. Isela: Carlin, you’re gonna love this next story….. An owl was discovered on the flatbed of a semi-truck in Little Rock, Ak. It was around 2:30am when the driver noticed the owl. The driver was not sure what to do, so called the Little Rock Police Department. That was a different type of rescue for officers, but they used a towel and a cardboard box to get the owl to safety. The entire rescue was caught on the body cam of the officer assisting. After the rescue the owl was transferred to the Little Rock Zoo to the Raptor Rehab of Central Arkansas, where the owl will stay to recover for the next few weeks. Rodney Paul of the Raptor Rehab stated, “about 95% of our intake come from car strikes.” He went on to say that he was amazed there were no injuries to the owl, but he could tell the owl was sore.” The owl was put on pain meds and once he’s all healed up, he’ll be ready to fly again released into its natural habitat. Carlin: The East Syracuse Fire Department was dispatched to the westbound New York State Thruway when a report was made that a “projectile” had went through the windshield of a truck and striking the truck driver. The driver had stated “that at the time that the projectile came through the windshield a flatbed truck hauling junk cars had been traveling directly right in front of him. After the driver was stuck, he was able to maintain control and safely pull the truck off the roadway. When rescue crews arrived, the driver was conscious and breathing. He was taken to a nearby hospital. The incident is still under investigation by the New York State Police. That does it for today’s update! Tune in tomorrow for the news you need!

The Daily Trucker | March 2, 2021

Hey everyone! It’s time for your Tuesday Daily Trucker news update! I’m Isela Rios. And I’m Carlin Stafford. We have a lot of news to cover today, including: How LA’s Port is impacting the US… Details about Pennsylvania’s proposed bridge tolls… And which companies are facing lawsuits after a deadly crash in Ft. Worth Anchor 1: So, let’s get trucking! Carlin: The heavily congested port of LA is causing some major effects for the rest of the country. According to data from DAT – January contract freight volumes are up 1-percent year-over-year but SPOT volumes are up almost 50-percent! This imbalance has been a common theme the last 9 months… And it’s most likely going to keep happening thanks to the Port of Los Angeles congestion, which means a lot of shippers are actually going to ports along the Gulf and East Coasts. This is in turn causing rising container volumes at these ports, which leads to more opportunities to haul freight and make more money. Isela: With more cargo on the roads – cargo thefts are also on the rise. According to CargoNet, there were almost 17-hundred thefts in the US and Canada in 2020 – that’s a 16-percent rise from 2019. But that’s not the only thing that rose – the costs of the stolen cargo also went up – averaging more than 1-hundred-66-thousand dollars, an increase of about 20-percent. Some of the thieves tactics include fake pickup locations, phishing emails, and using the identity of trucking companies that have gone out of business. Many experts recommend trackers in your trailers or hidden in the cargo itself can help you recover the goods if they’re stolen… But at the end of the day training and awareness are going to help reduce the risk of cargo theft. It’s also important to know what locations are most at risk – so do your research and make sure your dispatchers and drivers are aware! Carlin: We know our infrastructure needs some TLC… And now leaders of the US House Transportation Committee are calling on Pres. Biden to fully utilize the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund. Thanks to Covid, it’s become even more apparent that our ports, much like our roads, are taxed beyond their limits. The letter, sent early Feb, says by releasing the roughly 10 billion dollars the Army Corps of Engineers would be able to deal with maintenance obligations and make needed repairs to the ports… Which in turn would have a immediate impact on the nation’s economy and infrastructure. Now, I’m sure you’re asking how does that impact me, the driver? Simple! Properly maintained ports can cut down on congestion, which means freight gets put on trucks faster and on the road quicker. Isela: If you travel through Pennsylvania often – you may not like this next story… PennDOT announced the bridges being considered for tolls. This is all part of the Major Bridge P3 Initiative – which aims to raise funds to help repair and replace bridges. The bridges up for consideration for these projects include: The I-78 Lenhartsville Bridge in Berks County The I-79 Bridgeville Interchange in Allegheny County The I-80 Canoe Creek Bridges in Clarion County The I-80 Nescopeck Creek Bridges in Luzerne County I-80 North Fork Bridges in Jefferson County The I-80 Over Lehigh River Bridge in Luzerne and Carbon counties The I-81 Susquehanna Bridge in Susquehanna County The I-83 South Bridge in Dauphin Count And the I-95 Girard Point Bridge in Philadelphia County. Tolling would be electronic – and all funds would go back to the bridge where the toll is being collected to pay for any projects. Carlin: I’m sure everyone have seen these pics… It shows the deadly crash that happened on I-35 in Ft. Worth on Feb. 11. The crash involved at least 133 vehicles… Six people were killed… And now at least 3 people have filed lawsuits against several transportation companies involved in the crash, claiming drivers were not being safe and made the pileup worse. The injured are asking for 1 million in damages from 5 companies: Fed Ex, GG’s Produce Transport, JB Hunt, Rich Logistics, and GO2 Logistics… The lawsuit claims the companies and their drivers were negligent and failed to take the road conditions into account – which led to the deadly accident. Isela: Well, looks like the Nikola Corporation is making headlines again – this time it has revealed the timeline for the productions of its zero-emission hydrogen-powered fuel cell trucks. According to the timeline, we can expect low-production volume of the Tre model to begin in the second quarter from the still under construction plant in Arizona… However, despite revealing this timeline – the company gave no update on customer orders, sticking with the 14-thousan reservation number it’s been using since April 2019. The company has been in headlines a lot recently… The company went public in a reverse merger in June 2020, the company founder left in Sept 2020, and a manufacturing and equity deal with General Motors – which ultimately led to the cancellation of the hyped electric truck called the Badger. That does it for today’s update! Tune in tomorrow for more!

The Daily Trucker | March 1, 2021

Hey everyone! It’s time for your Monday Daily Trucker news update! I’m Isela Rios. And I’m Carlin Stafford. We have a lot of news to cover today, including: The signs the freight market is heading in a positive direction… A multibillion dollar deal between tire makers… And incredible photos of a fiery crash in Texas! So, let’s get trucking! Carlin: We’ve got some good news for the trucking industry – looks like the market as a whole is gaining some financial steam! Thanks to the quarterly earnings of BMO, the former Bank of Montreal which is a big lender in the transportation sector and often used to measure how the industry is trending, we know that things are moving in the right direction. As of the first quarter of 2021 – BMO reported an 8-percent growth from the same time last year – which was pre-pandemic. Their report also shows fewer write-offs so far than in 2018 – which is considered by many to be the strongest freight market in recent history. Here’s to hoping this trend continues! Isela: That’s not the only good sign for freight! In fact, as it turns out, real estate is also a good indicator of how things are trending, especially for flatbed haulers. The Fannie Mae Home Purchase Sentiment Index, yeah that’s literally it’s name, increased by a pretty sizeable amount! Low interest rates are helping lumber prices which is being driven by a higher demand for single-family housing and remodeling projects, despite the pandemic. Now what impact is that having on the market? Well – right now, flatbed spot rates are sitting at 2 dollars and 21 cents… Last year at this time – it was .37 cents lower! Isela: The federal government is reversing course and is NOW supporting the ethanol industry’s lawsuit over biofuel waivers granted to oil refineries by the Trump Administration. The EPA said it supports a Court of Appeals decision that the Trump Administration EPA improperly granted exemptions to refineries in the lawsuit, which was filed by the Renewable Fuels Association and farm groups. Federal law requires refiners blend in biofuels into the nation’s gas supply… However, they can get exemptions if they show that doing so hurts their finances. Well, from 2016 to 18, the EPA issued 85 exemptions, which according to the Renewable Fuels Association, undercut renewable fuel volumes by 4 billion gallons! The lawsuit now heads to the Supreme Court. Carlin: Sticking with fuel – the almost 10 cent diesel spike is one of the highest in more than 3 years! An average gallon of diesel now runs about 2 dollars and 97 cents – which about 9 cents more than it cost this time last year. The cause? Well, the darn artic blast that hammered much of the US the third week of February. Since a lot of refineries are in southern states, they’re not exactly built to withstand such a brutal cold… And a lot of them had to be closed to avoid dangerous results. Carlin: Did you guys hear about this?? Goodyear has purchased Cooper tire! The almost 3 billion dollar deal will give America’s largest tire producer – Goodyear – a bigger role around the world, including China – the world’s largest car market. Goodyear was already the world’s 3rd largest tire manufacturer, behind only Bridgestone in Japan and France’s Michelin. While it won’t move spots after the purchase, it’s estimated that the company will now see global sales spike to 15 billion dollars from the 12 billion it currently makes. Isela: Check out these photos from a massive fire in Central Texas last week! A train hauling petroleum collided with an 18 wheeler – 14 cars overturned and caught fire! Thankfully the driver of the semi was able to get out with no injuries… However, it took responders several hours to finally get the flames put out… And nearby houses were evacuated as a safety precaution. That does it for today’s update! Tune in tomorrow for more trucking news you need!

The Daily Trucker | Feb. 25, 2021

Hey everyone! It’s Thursday and time for the Daily Trucker, your daily transportation news update! I’m Carlin Stafford. And I’m Isela Rios. We have a lot of news to cover today, including: Gulf Deep Freeze Results Proposed Bill to Protect Protest Hitting Drivers And Stranded Drivers Lose Money So, let’s get rolling! Carlin: During the artic blast that hammered much of the central US last week, a group of jeep drivers in west Texas made it their mission to help as many stuck vehicles as they could, including truck drivers.  Samuel Gilmore was one truck driver who received a helping hand from this group of jeep-driving Good Samaritans, and he says he is incredibly thankful for their help. But the good seminarians say they do it because they can and it’s the right thing to do – not for a reward or recognition. Isela: Staying on the snowmageddon topic, that deep freeze in the Gulf state region and beyond, killed dozens of people, left millions without power and jeopardized drinking water systems also forced as many as 11 refineries offline, according to travel app Gasbuddy. The resulting capacity cuts could drive gas prices up by about 10 to 20 cents per gallon, said Patrick DeHaan, the head of petroleum analysis at GasBuddy. Carlin: When massive demonstrations against racial injustice erupted across the nation last summer, protesters would swarm onto major roads to temporarily paralyze traffic to draw attention to their cause. This method sometimes resulted in drivers plowing through crowds, causing serious injuries and in some cases, deaths. Now, Republican politicians across the country are moving to stop the road-blocking maneuver, proposing increased penalties for demonstrators who run onto highways and legal immunity for drivers who hit them. One such bill has been proposed in Oklahoma by Representative Kevin McDugle, it would give those who drive into crowd’s criminal and civil immunity… The bills are among dozens introduced in legislatures across the US aimed at cracking down on violent demonstrations. Isela: As this week’s storms moved east across the nation, Texas truckers reported backups stretching for miles, and stranded drivers on Interstate 20 due to icy conditions. Some were lucky enough to find refuge at a truck stop for several days. Many truckers called the conditions impossible to drive on. Many truck stops were full. But the biggest issue is the potential lost revenue because other loads can’t be picked up until the first load is delivered. “That’s my money sitting there chilling and I won’t get to make anything else until it is off the truck, and you have prepare for that, obviously, but it still hurts because there is nothing I can do about it,” said driver Jessa Armstrong. Carlin: The U.S. Department of Transportation announced it is making 889 million dollars available through its latest round of Infrastructure for Rebuilding America grants. The agency announced Feb. 17 it is seeking applicants for the fiscal 2021 round of the discretionary grant program that funds transportation projects of national and regional significance. Isela: The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has again extended its emergency declaration offering regulatory relief to truckers involved in coronavirus-related assistance efforts. The declaration, which has been extended to May 31, applies to commercial motor vehicle drivers providing direct assistance in support of emergency efforts related to the coronavirus pandemic. “This extension of the expanded modified emergency declaration addresses national emergency conditions that create a need for immediate transportation of essential supplies and provides necessary relief from the [Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations] for motor carriers and drivers,” FMCSA’s notice states. That does it for today’s update! Tune in tomorrow for more trucking news you need!

The Daily Trucker | Feb. 24, 2021

Hey Everyone! It’s Wednesday and time for the Daily Trucker, your daily transportation news update! I’m Carlin Stafford. And I’m Isela Rios. We have a lot of news to cover today, including: Winter storms causing damage. HEB Thanking Truckers Let’s get nutty Let’s Get Rolling! Carlin: While a lot of the country is thawing out from last week’s artic blast – tons of stories are coming out about people helping people get out of the snow! Like this Facebook post from Saline County, Arkansas that shows some trucks pulling a truck! Talk about a bunch of helpful hands! Isela: Many have been affected by the winter storms and folks in Waco, Tx, received something special, when Coca-Cola packed up 6 of their trucks with bottled water to help Texans affected by the winter storm. A post on social media by the city stated, “In the midst of this emergency, Coca-Cola was the good hearted, compassionate neighbor we needed, and your generous gift will always be remembered by those residents in need.” Carlin: We talk about it all the time but without truck drivers – this country wouldn’t be able to function! And as states recover from the artic blast, it’s becoming even more apparent! An HEB employee took to social media to express their gratitude to drivers after they were finally able to drop off much needed groceries and other supplies to locations in Texas. So, if you’re a driver – thank you for all you guys do! And if you’re not a driver, be sure to thank them for keeping everything moving! Isela: Do you love being on the road? Well this job opportunity might be for you. Planters, the iconic snack brand is looking to hire few avid peanut lovers to hit the road. You can spend 365 days traveling the country in the iconic Nutmobile and have the opportunity to appear on nationally televised parades and professional sporting events. Sounds like you’ll have a nutty time! Carlin: During Black history month Jeff Greer, Senior VP of HR for Tennessee based FedEx Freight Corp. has been recognized as one of this year’s Black History Month leaders who are helping to move America forward. Greer is responsible for all human resources and safety functions at FedEx Freight which employs 45,000 team members across the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. Greer started working for FedEx 21 years ago transitioning from law to human resources. Isela: Here’s a company that has many talking. A North Dakota based company is changing the game by offering gimmick free pay structure and some pretty cool perks. No need to chase miles or stress about a break down, or even having cash for groceries. Great Plains Transport stated, “We know that sometimes the transition from one job to the next can be pretty difficult and times get tough. We don’t want any of our new drivers to worry about going hungry or worrying about how they’re going to get groceries to fill their fridge. It’s one less thing they need to worry about.” Some the perks include; Annual salary, in a weekly paycheck, medical insurance, and mileage-based bonuses. That does it for today’s update! Tune in tomorrow for more trucking industry hot topics!

The Daily Trucker | Feb. 23, 2021

Hey everyone! It’s Tuesday and time for the Daily Trucker, your daily transportation news update brought to you by The Trucker! I’m Carlin Stafford. And I’m Niki Snyder. We have a lot of news to cover today, including: Semi Vs Train Utah Kidnapping And Semi’s to Sweets So, let’s get trucking! Carlin: Last week a video was captured of a truck driver taking it’s chances by trying to beat a train. The train strike occurred at the intersection of Court Street and 12th Street in Salem, Oregon, last Tuesday morning. According to the Salem Police Department, there were no injuries and the train did not derail. Niki: A trucker has been detained for questioning after authorities received a strange text-to-911 message from a woman claiming she had been kidnapped in northern Utah. Authorities were able to track the semi with tracking technology. The trucker has since been detained by the state bureau of investigation for questioning but has not yet been arrested or charged with any crimes as officials investigate the woman’s claims of being held against her will. Carlin: Well, the rumors are true. MATS 2021 has officially been cancelled. MATS organizers officially confirmed that the event will be pushed back from the tentatively scheduled date of September 16 — 18, 2021, to March 24 — 26, 2022. Organizers say that they are still excited to celebrate the 50th anniversary of MATS next year: “Over the past year trucking professionals have made numerous sacrifices and worked relentlessly to overcome unprecedented challenges to keep our country moving forward. We are humbled by your dedication and honored to be a part of such a hard-working industry. We look forward to seeing everyone at #MATS50 and celebrating our great industry together!” Niki: Talk about a dream come true. Houston based Tuck Driver, Mark Linen, turned his childhood dreams into a reality when he opened his own bakery, Brotha Bakes, which specializes in homemade cakes in a jar. Linen had been driving professionally for about 4 years and was living a very comfortable life; however, he knew he wanted something more. As a father of two, Linen loves having his sons in the kitchen to pass on that same love of baking. Some of Linen’s tastiest treats can be ordered right off his website and are named after iconic celebrities like Reddie Murphy, Mariah Carrot and more. Carlin: Proposed federal guidelines for using hair to test for drugs within the trucking industry may not get finalized anytime soon now that the Biden administration is in town. Rolled out in September, the proposal has been unpopular on both sides of the hair-testing issue. Supporters, major trucking companies that are already screening drivers using this method and want uniformity and a level playing field say the proposal is not strict enough. Opponents, labor unions and small-business truckers say it goes too far by even introducing the use of hair into the drug-testing equation. “It is clear that hair testing will detect more drug use than urine testing, which makes it even more important that a requirement to confirm a positive hair test with an alternate specimen type not be included in the final guidelines,” commented J.B. Hunt. Niki: Trucking company, Star Way Lines Inc. is facing the loss of its license after an incident that led to the death of a man inside their facility late last month. Journal & Topics reports that officers were called to the business at 4:03 p.m. on January 24th after a man was discovered inside of the facility unconscious and not breathing. According to the caller, 49-year-old Sergei Barkhatov was last seen inside the business on January 23rd at 11 p.m. After having four beers and disclosing that he was not feeling well, he retired to what was described as “his room” inside the business. Barkhatov was not seen again until the following morning, when his unconscious state inspired the caller to contact police. That does it for today’s update! Tune in tomorrow for more trucking industry hot topics!

The Daily Trucker | Feb. 22, 2021

Hey everyone! It’s Monday and time for the Daily Trucker, your daily transportation news update brought to you by The Trucker! I’m Carlin Stafford. And I’m Niki Snyder. We have a lot of news to cover today, including: Road Check 2021 Dates Set Litigation Between Amazon and the New York Attorney General And a Drivers Passion for Saving Canines So, let’s get trucking! Carlin: You’ve probably already heard, but the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance has announced that this year’s International Road check is set for May 4th through the 6th. Inspectors will ensure the vehicle’s brake systems, cargo securement, coupling devices, driveline/driveshaft components, driver’s seat, exhaust systems, frames, fuel systems, lighting devices, steering mechanisms, suspensions, tires, van and open-top trailer bodies, wheels, rims, hubs and windshield wipers are compliant with regulations. There is plenty of notice, so make sure your rig is prepared. Niki: As if Amazon isn’t under enough pressure, they are suing the New York State attorney general, arguing that she’s exceeding her authority in seeking to penalize the company for alleged failures in its pandemic safety protocols and treatment of workers at New York City warehouses. Amazon says Attorney General Letitia James’ office has threatened to sue if the retail giant doesn’t comply with a list of demands, which include subsidizing public bus service and reducing production targets required of workers in its warehouses. The Seattle-based company seeks a court order that would prevent the New York AG from seeking to regulate Amazon’s actions in response to COVID-19, as well as claims of retaliation by workers who protest working conditions. Stay tuned for more updates on this case in the coming months. Carlin: Drug test results are in. Are you ready for the numbers? According to the FMCSA Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse, more than 56,000 drug and alcohol violations were recorded last year. “I believe the 56,000 drivers with violations reiterates the importance of this Clearinghouse, and shines a spotlight on a rather large loophole in the drug and alcohol testing process that has existed for many years,” said Dan Horvath, vice president of safety policy for American Trucking Associations. It’s important to note that having a drug or alcohol testing violation is not an automatic end to a driver’s career. Niki: It seems like 2020 was a big doozy when it came to all the company and trucking event’s, but some charities benefited from it. Prime Inc. donated a large portion of funds from its cancelled 2020 company events to several charities. Prime typically recognizes and celebrates its driving and nondriving associates across the country through dinner parties and award ceremonies. “The events that we host are not cheap and the savings from not being able to provide these events to our associates are significant,” said Robert Low, founder and CEO of Prime Inc. Prime donated $100,000 to Truckers Against Trafficking and $20,000 each to Harmony House, the Warrior’s Journey, iPourLife, Good Dads, Wounded Warrior Project, and Eden Village/The Gathering Tree Inc. Great Job Prime. Way to show what true selflessness looks like. Carlin: Let’s head down south were the first trial date has been set for May 10th in New Orleans staged accident charges. Genetta Israel, a 51-year-old Houston woman indicted for her alleged role in a June 2017 staged accident in New Orleans with a tractor-trailer. According to a criminal indictment filed in December 2019, Israel traveled from Houston to New Orleans two days prior to the staged accident and was a passenger in the 2005 Chevy Trailblazer whose driver is accused of intentionally colliding with a 2015 Peterbilt tractor-trailer operated by Southeastern Motor Freight Inc. Israel, who has pleaded not guilty to the allegations has been released on a $15,000 unsecured bond. Niki: Talk about a passion for canines. OTR driver, Rebecca Washington has been traveling with dogs for as long as she can remember. Washington currently has 4 dogs in her cab when she hits the open road. Washington stated that she has had as many as 11 dogs in her rig at one time, all who have been rescues. “I couldn’t drive without my dogs,” “They are the reason why I do what I do,” she said. “[Trucking] gets very lonely sometimes. I really feel like they are the ones that keep me going.” That does it for today’s update! Tune in tomorrow for more!