It was nice while it lasted. After falling last week, average diesel prices ticked up this week.
The national average rose exactly two cents from $3.553 to $3.573.
The Midwest and Lower Atlantic were the two larger culprits of the average price increase. The Midwest Region rose from $3.543 to $3.569 while the Lower Atlantic’s price climbed from $3.489 to $3.516.
It was the Gulf Coast price that was the largest increase rising $3.199 to 3.230
The Rocky Mountain region rose as well from $3.636 to $3.655.
New England fell just a bit, also, from $3.760 to $3.753 while the West Coast and California also dropped slightly from $$4.210 to $4.206 and $4.698 to $4.682 respectfully.