Lily Transportation collects over 500 toys for the Toys for Tots program

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Lily Transportation collects over 500 toys for the Toys for Tots program
Lily Transportation participated in the Toys for Tots program for the sixth year. Preparing gifts for local distribution include (left to right) Beth Szabo, Valerie St. John and Lisa Scali. (Photo courtesy Lily Transportation)

NEEDHAM, Mass.   Over 500 toys collected by Lily Transportation locations for the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Program were delivered to local Toys for Tots centers throughout the country for distribution during the holidays to less fortunate children in the community.

 “This is the sixth year the company has brought the joy of Christmas to children, collecting over 6,000 new unwrapped toys for the local Marine Toys for Tots,” said Valerie St. John, director of compliance – driver retention and driver relations, who coordinated the effort for Lily.

About the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Program

Since 1947, The Marine Corps and Toys for Tots has been making a difference in the lives of American Families, distributing over 542 million toys to more than 250 million children.  The Marine Toys for Tots Foundation, a 501c3 not-for-profit charity, was established in 1991 at the behest of the Marine Corps to help run and support the Marine Toys for Tots Program. Since then, the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Program has relied on the support of local communities for three months each year to collect and distribute new unwrapped toys to help less fortunate children throughout the United States experience the joy of Christmas.

Dana Guthrie

Dana Guthrie is an award-winning journalist who has been featured in multiple newspapers, books and magazines across the globe. She is currently based in the Atlanta, Georgia, area.

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Dana Guthrie is an award-winning journalist who has been featured in multiple newspapers, books and magazines across the globe. She is currently based in the Atlanta, Georgia, area.
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