Fuel up the right way: These 5 foods pack plenty of protein and fiber for truckers

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Fuel up the right way: These 5 foods pack plenty of protein and fiber for truckers

As professional drivers, I know you’ve all spent many nights parked at a truck stop, facing down the neon glow of fast-food signs.

Those fried, sugar-loaded quick-fix meals can be tempting — but let’s be honest. They’re not doing our waistlines any favors.

So, how can we break this cycle? The answer can be as simple as building your meals around foods that are rich in protein and fiber.

Let’s embark together on a journey to discover foods that’ll nourish us, keep us full longer and help us navigate the journey toward driving down that growing waistline.

1. Lentils: Your tiny but mighty friends 

Lentils are a trucker’s best friend. They’re high in protein, packed with fiber and easy to prepare. Lentils are versatile enough to be added to soups or salads, or they can be seasoned and eaten as a stand-alone dish. Lentils can help regulate your blood-sugar levels and keep you satiated — a bonus when you’re on the road.

2. Quinoa: A grain full of gains 

Quinoa is a complete protein loaded with fiber, making it a powerhouse grain. Keep ready-to-eat quinoa packets in your cab and toss them with veggies, canned beans or any lean proteins you have on hand.

3. Almonds: A bite-size protein and fiber fix 

Almonds are an easy snack to keep within reach during those long hauls. Just a handful of these nuts will give you a good dose of protein, fiber and healthy fats, helping to keep hunger at bay.

4. Greek yogurt: Your creamy, protein-rich companion 

Creamy, fulfilling and brimming with protein, Greek yogurt is a terrific addition to a meal or eaten as a stand-alone snack. For a flavorful punch, top a serving of low-fat Greek yogurt with a handful of high-fiber granola or fresh fruit.

5. Chia seeds: Tiny titans of nutrition 

Don’t let their size fool you — chia little seeds are chock-full of fiber, protein and Omega-3 fatty acids. Add them to your Greek yogurt smoothies or sprinkle them over salads to supercharge your meals.

We’re all in this together.

Remember this trucking family: Keeping your body well-fueled isn’t just about physical strength. It’s also about feeling good both inside and out, and pushing back against that creeping waistline. Let’s join hands, embrace these powerhouse foods and continue to grow a culture of wellness on the highway — one mile and one meal at a time.

Avatar for Hope Zvara

Hope Zvara is the CEO of Mother Trucker Yoga, a company devoted to improving truck drivers’ fitness and wellness standards. She has been featured in Forbes and Yahoo News, and is a regular guest on SiriusXM Radio. Her practical strategies show drivers how they can go from unhealthy and out of options to feeling good again.

Avatar for Hope Zvara
Hope Zvara is the CEO of <a href="">Mother Trucker Yoga</a>, a company devoted to improving truck drivers’ fitness and wellness standards. She has been featured in Forbes and Yahoo News, and is a regular guest on SiriusXM Radio. Her practical strategies show drivers how they can go from unhealthy and out of options to feeling good again.
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Fuel up the right way: These 5 foods pack plenty of protein and fiber for truckers


Unfortunately, the vast majority of truck stops don’t sell healthy foods. If you prefer eating organic, forget it. And what about stopping at Walmarts or grocery stores for supplies? That idea usually isn’t very convenient, or even possible. Many Walmarts and grocery stores are now intentionally designed to keep trucks out of the parking lot. I tried to years to eat healthy. As a long-haul trucker, it’s very difficult. Heard of Buc-cees? They won’t let trucks park anywhere near them. As for your typical truck stops, they just don’t specialize in selling healthy foods. Any fresh produce you might find is among the worst available. If you can handle dairy products, you MIGHT find a fairly healthy serving of yogurt… MAYBE. And that’s IF they haven’t sold out by 3pm. In basic English, if you REALLY enjoy a healthy lifestyle with a predictable exercise schedule, and healthy food also, consider for a moment that trucking just might not be for you. You should put your health first and foremost, and this industry will make it harder than ever, for you to stick to your exercise & nutrition plan to reach your fitness goals. Most drivers would be wise to call it quits in this industry and find a job that allows for proper eating habits and regularly scheduled exercise. And let’s face it, the best of healthy eating plans, without an exercise plan, is only half as effective as it could be.