Is your body running low on fuel? Rev up your energy levels!

Reading Time: 2 minutes
Is your body running low on fuel? Rev up your energy levels!

Revving up your energy level requires more than just giving yourself a pep talk: You need an action plan!

Start by listing ways to reduce stress and increase your energy levels, as well as workout ideas that give you energy dividends. In addition, choose foods that will produce better outcome power.

Yes, that’s right. There are foods that can contribute to energy production and don’t leave you feeling overloaded, and you can let go of those popular but controversial energy drinks.

We know that movement builds your energy supply, while being sedentary (sitting) can sap your energy. You’ll be pleased to know that short, intense workouts can be very effective as opposed to dredged long works outs.

Quality sleep and rest can also boost your energy. It’s not a secret that getting adequate sleep can be a challenge for professional drivers. I always try to educate drivers about things that can lead to poor sleep habits. Make sure your bunk is sleep-friendly and offers at least some of your personal comforts of home. Sometimes, in trucking, it comes down to the quality of sleep versus the quantity.

In the September edition of The Trucker, I’m going to talk through these seven steps to help boost energy:

  1. Action plan: Ways to rev up your energy.
  2. Food: What vitamins and foods can boost energy, and what energy bars actually work?
  3. Workouts: Exercises that are time-efficient and produce results.
  4. Sleep: Effective sleep strategies for both daytime and nighttime.
  5. Stress: How to manage responses to stress, new and improved breathing tips for daily life, and the best ways to beat stress.
  6. Fatigue: Shedding light on muscle fatigue versus brain fatigue, as well as the diseases that cause fatigue.
  7. Energy boosters: Powerful ways to increase your energy.

Known as The Trucker Trainer, Bob Perry has played a critical role in the paradigm shift of regulatory agencies, private and public sector entities, and consumers to understand the driver health challenge. Perry can be reached at

Bob Perry

Bob Perry is a regular contributor to The Trucker. He has spent nearly the past four decades on a mission to educate professional drivers and share life-changing products and services to help them live healthier lives while on the road. Recognized throughout the transportation industry, from bus drivers to over-the-road professional drivers, Perry has played an important role in creating a paradigm shift helping regulatory agencies, private and public sector entities, and consumers understand the current health challenges of the professional driver. He has participated as a wellness advocate in several roundtable discussions, large audience groups and small forums as well as going “curbside” through a national truck stop tour.

Bob’s articles have been featured in The Trucker and a number of other national transportation industry publications and is the host of a weekly wellness call produced by Rolling Strong. Bob has been a regular guest on RedEye Radio and Land-Line Radio, and is often an invited guest on Sirius radio shows. He has been featured in the New York Times, Men’s Health Magazine, Drug Store News, American Road Magazine, WSJ, NPR, ABC National Radio, as well as hundreds of daily newspapers. He has appeared on television news shows across the nation, including a featured TV segment on ABC NightLine News.

Avatar for Bob Perry
Bob Perry is a regular contributor to The Trucker. He has spent nearly the past four decades on a mission to educate professional drivers and share life-changing products and services to help them live healthier lives while on the road. Recognized throughout the transportation industry, from bus drivers to over-the-road professional drivers, Perry has played an important role in creating a paradigm shift helping regulatory agencies, private and public sector entities, and consumers understand the current health challenges of the professional driver. He has participated as a wellness advocate in several roundtable discussions, large audience groups and small forums as well as going "curbside" through a national truck stop tour. Bob’s articles have been featured in The Trucker and a number of other national transportation industry publications and is the host of a weekly wellness call produced by Rolling Strong. Bob has been a regular guest on RedEye Radio and Land-Line Radio, and is often an invited guest on Sirius radio shows. He has been featured in the New York Times, Men's Health Magazine, Drug Store News, American Road Magazine, WSJ, NPR, ABC National Radio, as well as hundreds of daily newspapers. He has appeared on television news shows across the nation, including a featured TV segment on ABC NightLine News.
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