The American Logistics Aid Network is now setting up to provide help for those affected by wildfires in California.
Executive Director Kathy Fulton stated she was in Los Angeles last week.
While there, she stated that she spent the day visiting several organizations that are involved in early fire relief efforts.
“It was an eye-opening experience,” she said. “In a word, things are messy which is not a term I use lightly, and the need is great — but not in the way you might think. While many news stories suggest that donations of food, water, clothing and other commodities are urgently needed, the reality on the ground is considerably different.
Over the past two weeks, there has been a huge display of generosity from members of the local and regional community, as well as national organizations., Fulton stated Vast amounts of product donations have poured in, and as a result, most of the area’s disaster distribution centers aren’t just adequately stocked, they’re overstocked — and overwhelmed.
“Everywhere I went, I saw facilities that were piled high with contributions that had arrived in everything from plastic bags and cardboard boxes to the occasional pallet or bin,” she said. “Facilities and volunteers were overwhelmed by the time-consuming task of sorting through supplies arriving in varied configurations and quantities, delaying their delivery to the survivors who need them most. I also saw countless opportunities to make things better through the skills and expertise of our network of logistics and supply chain professionals. I left LA feeling thankful that ALAN is here to help – and encouraged about the form our response efforts will be taking …
How will ALAN help?
In the next few months ALAN will assist LA fire survivors in three key ways, Fulton said.
1. The organization will educate and support the att least 194 LA disaster distribution centers that have already been set up to provide fire relief and response.
“We are providing practical guidance on receiving, sorting, and distributing goods, along with best practices for managing pop-up distribution operations efficiently. As a single, reliable point of contact for logistics support, we’ve already informed center leaders that our network’s expertise is available to them,” Fulton said. “Our goal is to reduce the current logistics chaos and enhance their ability to serve fire survivors effectively.”
2. ALAN will work closely with several of our national and LA-based non-profit partners on a mapping project to identify the true needs of fire survivors both now and in the months and years ahead.
“Over the years you’ve repeatedly heard us say that 80% of disaster relief costs are related to logistics,” Fulton said. “But 40% of that goes to waste. That’s a big part of what this project is intended to avoid.”
Among other things it will help pinpoint where the highest clusters of fire survivors are now as many have moved to temporary housing or are currently staying with friends or family, what their greatest – rather than perceived – needs are, and where the highest potential for compounding disasters such as mudslides exists. Ultimately it will give humanitarian operations that specialize in long-term response the enhanced visibility they need to direct their resources for LA fire relief more effectively. This means that the right kinds of assistance can meet fire survivors where they really are – and without a lot of unnecessary extra cost.
Third,ALAN says it will play a key role in the start-up of a non-profit distribution center that will support the area’s long-term recovery and rebuilding efforts, including construction.
“We are supplying the logistics expertise required to ensure that everything from the facility’s layout and slotting to its receiving and outbound shipping processes are fully optimized, so that every square foot, piece of material handling equipment and work hour can be put to its best use, and more survivors can get the help they need, Fulton said.
How can you help?
“As always, ALAN will be doing all of these things free of charge to nonprofits and survivors, which is why we’re asking for your help.,” Fulton added. “Your financial support today will ensure that we’re able to continue this life-changing work for as long as it’s needed, wherever it’s needed. “So please help us make a meaningful impact in the lives of survivors of the LA fires and other disasters by sending your donation today. You can find more information about our response, and a link to donate on our page dedicated to this response.”
Bruce Guthrie is an award-winning journalist who has lived in three states including Arkansas, Missouri and Georgia. During his nearly 20-year career, Bruce has served as managing editor and sports editor for numerous publications. He and his wife, Dana, who is also a journalist, are based in Carrollton, Georgia.