Arizona DOT reopens two rest areas for commercial vehicles only

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Arizona DOT reopens two rest areas for commercial vehicles only
Arizona restareas

PHOENIX — The Arizona Department of Transportation has temporarily reopened two long-shuttered northern Arizona rest areas to support truckers hauling essentials during the current public health situation.

The Parks Rest Area along Interstate 40 west of Flagstaff (milepost 182) and the Christensen Rest Area on Interstate 17 south of Flagstaff (milepost 324) offer parking, portable toilets and hand-washing stations exclusively for commercial-vehicle drivers.

“Long-haul truckers are working tirelessly to support our nation during this difficult time, and we will do all we can to support them,” ADOT Director John Halikowski said. “Opening these temporary rest stops provides a place for drivers to get the rest they need as they help all of us.”

ADOT crews have been restriping the parking lots of both rest areas. Portable toilets and hand-washing stations have been brought in, as well as trash bins. There will be staff at the rest areas for a few hours every day.

The Parks and Christensen rest areas are only available to commercial vehicles. Other ADOT rest areas remain open for all travelers, with staff following enhanced sanitation protocols including regularly wiping down frequently touched surfaces.

When additional services became available in and around Flagstaff, and along I-40 and I-17, Christensen closed in 2002, and Parks closed in 2009.There are no plans to reopen either rest area permanently.

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