ATA advises truckers, driving public to make safe travel decisions in wake of Hurricane Florence

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ATA advises truckers, driving public to make safe travel decisions in wake of Hurricane Florence

With Hurricane Florence bearing down on the Southeastern United States, the American Trucking Associations advised truck drivers, as well as the motoring public, to take appropriate steps — including evacuating or avoiding impacted areas.

“We are all closely monitoring Florence’s progress toward the Carolinas and we strongly encourage drivers — commercial and commuter alike — to make smart, safe travel decisions,” said ATA President and CEO Chris Spear. “There is no trip or delivery that is worth putting yourself or others in harm’s way. ATA advises all companies and individuals to follow emergency management officials’ instructions as the storm tracks toward land.

“If you’re advised to evacuate, do so early and in an orderly fashion,” he said. “These orders are not given lightly and can make all the difference, so for your safety and the safety of your employees and families, please follow the advice and orders of your state and local officials.”

In addition, Spear said once the storm subsides, the trucking industry would be ready to quickly respond to the needs of affected areas.

“As soon as it is safe to do so, trucks from around the country will begin delivering food, water, medicine and other goods essential to rebuilding and restoring communities,” he said.

For more information, ATA encourages people to visit or American Red Cross. Carriers interested in assisting in post-incident relief efforts should go to the American Logistics Aid Network or contact ATA at


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