‘Bridge launching’ begins on southbound portion of Ohio’s State Route 8 replacement project

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‘Bridge launching’ begins on southbound portion of Ohio’s State Route 8 replacement project
Crews with the Ohio Department of Transportation hasbegun work on the State Route 8 bridge replacement project using the “bridge launching” construction method. (Courtesy: Ohio DOT)

AKRON, Ohio — On July 23, the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) reached a major milestone on the State Route 8 bridge replacement project in Akron, Ohio, as crews began erecting the new structure using the “bridge launching” method. This marks the first instance of a bridge being launched on an ODOT project.

The method involves crews building the bridge in sections on the ground and slowly rolling each section from one pier (vertical support column) to the next into its final position. When planning the project, ODOG determined that bridge launching would be a more cost-efficient and safer option than conventional steel erection; in bridge launching, crews construct each section on the ground and avoid being suspended in the air.

The first section of the bridge to be launched is 196 feet in length and will take approximately five to six hours to reach its final placement. Then, each section will be pushed from pier to pier using rollers and hydraulic jacks, which will move each section at about 40 feet per hour.

After the first launch is complete, crews will begin to assemble the structural steel of the next section, which will be 230 feet in length and is expected to be launched in mid-August. A total of six launches — totaling 1,600 feet and 8.2 million pounds of steel — will take place for the SR 8 southbound structure. The last launch is expected to be completed in January 2025.

Upon completion of the southbound bridge, all SR 8 traffic will be shifted on the bridge and work will begin on the northbound bridge. ODOT anticipates bridge launching for the northbound structure will begin in 2026. For more information and project updates, click here.

The current SR 8 bridge was built in 1953 and carries over 114,000 vehicles per day. This bridge has undergone many repairs, and it has been deemed more cost-efficient to replace the bridge rather than keep up the maintenance of the current bridge.

This $158 million project began in August 2023 and is expected to be completed in 2028.

Erica N. Guy

Born and raised in Little Rock, AR, Erica N. Guy decided to stay in her hometown to begin her professional career in journalism. Since obtaining her bachelor’s degree from UAPB, Erica has professionally written for several publications about several topics ranging from lifestyle, tech, culture, and entertainment, just to name a few. Continuing her love for her hometown, she joined our team in June 2023, where she is currently a staff writer. Her career goals include continuing storytelling through her writing by being the best professional writer she can be. In her spare time, Erica enjoys trying new foods, cozying up with a good book, spending time with family and friends, and establishing herself as a future businesswoman.

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Born and raised in Little Rock, AR, Erica N. Guy decided to stay in her hometown to begin her professional career in journalism. Since obtaining her bachelor's degree from UAPB, Erica has professionally written for several publications about several topics ranging from lifestyle, tech, culture, and entertainment, just to name a few. Continuing her love for her hometown, she joined our team in June 2023, where she is currently a staff writer. Her career goals include continuing storytelling through her writing by being the best professional writer she can be. In her spare time, Erica enjoys trying new foods, cozying up with a good book, spending time with family and friends, and establishing herself as a future businesswoman.
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