Comment period open for USDOT’s plan to integrate automated vehicles into U.S. highways

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Comment period open for USDOT’s plan to integrate automated vehicles into U.S. highways
The U.S. Department of Transportation is seeking comments on its plan to integrate partial and fully autonomous vehicles onto the nation’s highways. Shown here: On Oct. 22, two tractor-trailers, part of an automated platooning demonstration, successfully completed a journey across three states and coordinated the delivery of supplies to three area food banks. (Courtesy: Ohio Department of Transportation)

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) is accepting comments on the agency’s Automated Vehicles Comprehensive Plan (AVCP). The plan outlines the DOT’s multimodal “roadmap” to prepare the nation’s transportation system for the integration of automated driving systems (ADS).

The notice was published in the Federal register Jan. 21; public comments will be accepted for 60 days (until March 22).

As reported by The Trucker on Jan. 14, the AVCP addresses automated trucking operations in addition to passenger vehicles.

To review the AVCP, click here.

To comment on the Federal Register posting, click here.

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