CVSA releases 2023 Human Trafficking Awareness Initiative results

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CVSA releases 2023 Human Trafficking Awareness Initiative results
Some of the warning signs that a person may be the victim of trafficking are: Appearing malnourished; showing signs of physical injuries and abuse; avoiding eye contact, social interaction and authority figures/law enforcement; seeming to adhere to scripted or rehearsed responses in social interaction; or appearing destitute/lacking personal possessions.

WASHINGTON — All three of the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance’s (CVSA) member countries – Canada, Mexico and the U.S. – participated in this year’s Human Trafficking Awareness Initiative (HTAI), a five-day awareness and outreach campaign to educate commercial motor vehicle drivers, motor carriers, law enforcement officers and the general public about human trafficking.

Forty-five jurisdictions took part in this year’s Human Trafficking Awareness Initiative, with participation from 3,020 individual law enforcement officers/troopers/inspectors. There were 218 human trafficking awareness and preventions events, and 219 presentations were delivered. In addition, there were 8,352 media contacts throughout North America.

CVSA collaborated with Truckers Against Trafficking to offer human trafficking identification and prevention training and reference materials to the motor carrier industry and law enforcement. During the five days of HTAI, 45,972 wallet cards and 21,763 window decals were distributed.

After the successful launch of CVSA’s HTAI in 2022 and positive feedback from jurisdictions, CVSA extended the initiative from three days to five for 2023. Different dates were set for each country to align existing human trafficking awareness days with CVSA’s five-day Human Trafficking Awareness Initiative. In the U.S., the initiative took place Jan. 9-13. In Canada, it was Feb. 20-24. And in Mexico, it was March 13-17.

If you suspect someone is in a human trafficking situation or you are the victim of human trafficking:

In the U.S., call (888) 373-7888.

In Canada, call (833) 900-1010.

In Mexico, call (800) 5533-000.

To find out what your local jurisdiction is doing to increase human trafficking awareness and prevent human trafficking throughout the year, contact the agency/department responsible for overseeing commercial motor vehicle safety within your state, province or territory.

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