Fleet Advantage, Kids Around the Corner Foundation to host backpack drive with Henderson Behavioral Health  

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Fleet Advantage, Kids Around the Corner Foundation to host backpack drive with Henderson Behavioral Health  
Fleet Advantage readies for its Back-to-School Backpack Drive on July 17.

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — Fleet Advantage, a leader in specialty financing, fleet data analytics, fleet management services and life cycle cost management, has announced its Kids Around the Corner (KATC) Foundation will be hosting a Back-to-School Backpack Drive on July 17 in partnership with Henderson Behavioral Health, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization providing behavioral health services to the South Florida community.  

“Our team is dedicated to giving back to the community, and we are proud to support the important work Henderson Behavioral Health does for these young people,” said Marketing Manager for Fleet Advantage and Committee Chair for the Kids Around the Corner Foundation, Elizabeth Gomez. “As our largest backpack drive to date, we could not be more excited to make a significant impact on these high schoolers’ educational journey and show them that their community cares about their success.” 

Fleet Advantage assembled 200 backpacks this year – the most since the start of this initiative in 2021. The backpacks are filled with essential school supplies aimed at high school-age children by Fleet Advantage associates who volunteered during their lunch hours. The backpacks will be delivered to Henderson Behavioral Health’s Youth & Family Program location (2900 West Prospect Rd. Tamarac, FL 33309) from 10am to 11:30am EST. In addition to the backpack drive, Fleet Advantage will also make a monetary donation to Henderson to help them with future initiatives. KATC will also provide a monetary donation to Kids In Distress, whom they have partnered with previously, to support their own back-to-school backpack drive.  

As one of the oldest, largest, and most successful providers of recovery services for people with co-occurring disorders in Florida, Henderson assists and inspires people with mental illnesses and substance use disorders to reclaim their lives through care, supported employment, advocacy, and housing. They utilize state-of-the-art research and evidence-based practices, combined with a wide range of supports to treat the whole person, rather than just the illness. 

“We are extremely grateful to Fleet Advantage for their incredible generosity and support of the kids and young people that Henderson Behavioral Health helps,” said Henderson CEO Dr. Steven Ronik. “We appreciate Fleet Advantage and know that our kids will be ready to get back to school with these wonderful donations.” 

Kids Around the Corner was founded in 2014 by Fleet Advantage to support the needs of the communities where their employees and clients live and work. Fleet Advantage has committed to donating a percentage of its profits to children’s charities each year on behalf of their customers. 

For more information on Fleet Advantage’s Kids Around the Corner Foundation and to view all of the charities the foundation has contributed to since its inception in 2014, please visit  

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Dana Guthrie is an award-winning journalist who has been featured in multiple newspapers, books and magazines across the globe. She is currently based in the Atlanta, Georgia, area.
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