Georgia DPS crack down on rubbernecking photographers

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Georgia DPS crack down on rubbernecking photographers
Recently, the Georgia Department of Public Safety (GDPS) cracked down on truck drivers taking photos of a crash scene while driving. (Courtesy: GDPS)

RURAL GEORGIA — On a recent afternoon during a routine post-crash inspection of a commercial motor vehicle, Georgia Department of Public Safety (GDPS) officers noticed several other big rigs slowing down and taking photos.

So they hopped in their patrol cars and made several stops.

“These trucks and more were stopped because the drivers were driving by recording the crash scene,” a GDPS Facebook post stated. “For your safety and the safety of all drivers – Put the Phone Down, and Don’t Drive Distracted.”

Several comments on the GDPS’s site were not in favor of the pullovers.

“They sit on the side of the road with binoculars and whatever else they can come up with,” wrote Josh Pittman. “They go to extreme lengths to generate revenue.”

“Safety is number one,” wrote Brian Bowen. “But officer’s should have to follow the same laws. I see them all the time on their phone and even using the computer in their vehicle. Don’t tell me that they can do it safely and then write tickets to the public.”

Joan Pritchard had a different take, writing, “Good job. Need all these idiots of the road.”

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I absolutely agree with this article 👏
They have time to do that 🤔🤔Priority is the scene of the accident get it investigated & cleaned up . Law enforcement needs to get there priorities in order if you ask me.

If their going to do that then start writing tickets to officers using their cells and playing with the computers in their cars going down the road thats distracted driving and to many states have accidents like ohio just did in Columbus so if your going to charge one charge them all

I agree 👍 the offers are always on there computer and phones texting and driving all the time in every state. I have several videos on it taking from my go pro camera. So if you InForce the law on truck drivers inforce on your own damn kind too .

I see police texting and using their computers going down the road everyday. They talk on their phones driving and never bat an eye.
What’s good for the public should be good for them as well.
Thank you for your service officers, but lead by example, not by citation.

AND EVERYONE THROWS their arms and wonder where ave all the truck drivers have gone???
GOVERNMENT policy.. anti driver regulations . Is why we all just say I’m done..