Idaho Transportation Department seeks comments on proposed changes to truck weight limits

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Idaho Transportation Department seeks comments on proposed changes to truck weight limits
The Idaho Transportation Department is collecting public input on a proposed change that would allow increased weight limits on certain highways in Latah County. (Courtesy: Idaho Transportation Department)

BOISE, Idaho — The Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) is requesting public input on a proposal to reclassify several highways in Latah County as legal for commercial loads weighing up to 129,000 pounds.

In an application submitted to ITD, Bennett Lumber Products requested reclassification of the following routes due to the discontinuation of service on the Washington, Idaho and Montana Railway:

  • Idaho Highway 6 from the U.S. 95 junction to Harvard;
  • Idaho Highway 9 from Harvard to Deary; and
  • Idaho Highway 8 from Deary to the U.S. 95 junction.

These highways are currently rated for commercial loads weighing up to 105,500 pounds. Analysis by ITD subject matter experts found that allowing heavier loads on the specified routes could be accommodated without affecting safety or pavement conditions.

“There are many misconceptions about this type of trucking, so we encourage everyone to spend time on the website,” said Jan Vassar, the Idaho Transportation Board Member representing North Central Idaho. “Comments will help the board make a decision.”

To review the application, ITD’s analysis and FAQs, click here. Comments will be accepted through Dec. 21 and can be submitted online at; emailed to [email protected]; mailed to P.O. Box 7129, Boise, Idaho 83707, Attention: Scott Luekenga; or recorded by calling 855-785-2499.

The department is required to conduct an analysis and public hearing on all requests to operate 129,000-pound loads on the state highway system before the ITD makes a final decision. The board could reach a decision as early as January after reviewing comments.

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