ISP Lowell Post’s 24-hour blitz pulls in over 300 traffic stops

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ISP Lowell Post’s 24-hour blitz pulls in over 300 traffic stops
Troopers stationed at the Indiana State Police Lowell Post and Troopers assigned to the Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Division conducted a 24 hour blitz on Friday.

Northwest In. – The Indiana State Police Lowell Post along with troopers assigned to the Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Division conducted a 24-hour blitz focusing on traffic and criminal activity along I-80/94 and I-65 on Friday.

According to an ISP press release, the focused patrol culminated in over 300 traffic stops which resulted in traffic citations, warnings and arrests.

“Proud does not begin to describe my feelings about the efforts put forth by the Troopers assigned to Lowell, but also the Troopers and Motor Carrier Inspectors with the Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Division within our district,” said ISP Lt. Weems. “Through their hard work, our communities are made safer not only this past Friday, but on a daily basis. Thank you to all of the agencies that participated in this most recent blitz, and we look forward to working with each agency in future focused patrols.”

Here are the results posted by the Indiana State Police:

  • Trucks (Semi) Stops: 78
  • Truck (Semi) Citations: 58
  • Truck (Semi) Warning: 68
  • Trucks Out of Service: 14
  • Traffic Stops: 327
  • Citations: 237
  • Moving Violations: 147
  • Warnings: 231
  • Police Services: 47
  • Crashes: 13
  • Defendants Incarcerated: 12
  • Criminal Charges: 36
  • Felony Charges: 5
  • Drug Arrests: 6
  • O.W.I. Defendants: 9
  • Driving While Suspended: 9

The above list is a brief synopsis of the activity that day.  Other law enforcement agencies in the region also participated in the blitz, however, their additional stats were not readily available at the time of this release.


Dana Guthrie

Dana Guthrie is an award-winning journalist who has been featured in multiple newspapers, books and magazines across the globe. She is currently based in the Atlanta, Georgia, area.

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Dana Guthrie is an award-winning journalist who has been featured in multiple newspapers, books and magazines across the globe. She is currently based in the Atlanta, Georgia, area.
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