Maine Trucking for Kids Convoy raises over $39,000 for the kids

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Maine Trucking for Kids Convoy raises over $39,000 for the kids
Maine Trucking for Kids Convoy raises more than $39,000 for the kids of two camps in Portland, Maine. (Courtesy: Maine Professional Drivers Association)

AUGUSTA, Maine — The Maine Professional Drivers Association raised more than $39,000 for Camp Sunshine of Casco and Camp POSTCARD of Poland during their annual Maine Trucking for Kids Convoy held on Sept. 17 at Hannaford corporate headquarters. During the event, a touch-a-truck activity took place, along with a truck show and a driving competition for the big rigs. A lot of the funds were also raised from the auction, prize raffle and the barbeque.

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Over $39,000 was raised for Camp Sunshine and Camp POSTCARD. These camps cater to critically ill kids and their families and to disadvantaged kids, respectively. (Courtesy of Maine Professional Drivers Association)

The event’s top fundraiser was Jack Roussel of PAF Transportation, who raised over $10,000 of the funds. Many local companies and drivers participated in the event, which included a 71-truck convoy through Scarborough and South Portland around the Maine Mall, Payne Road, and Route 1 area.

Camp Sunshine, which caters to critically ill kids and their families, will divide the funds with Camp POSTCARD for disadvantaged kids.

Special thanks go out to Hannaford for the use of the facility and the parking area for staging the convoy and other activities. The event was hosted by the Maine Professional Drivers Association and the South Portland Lions Club, both of whom have been involved with this annual event for nearly 25 years.

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