New Jersey city bans heavy trucks, tractor-trailers from parking on streets

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New Jersey city bans heavy trucks, tractor-trailers from parking on streets
Bayonne, New Jersey, has officially banned truck and tractor trailers exceeding 16,000 pounds from parking on its streets.

BAYONNE, N.J. — A New Jersey city has officially banned trucks and tractor-trailers with a gross weight of more than 16,000 pounds from parking on its streets.

According to the Hudson Reporter, the city council of Bayonne, New Jersey, adopted an ordinance amending the general revised ordinances pertaining to special regulations for trucks, trailers, and commercial vehicles at its latest meeting.

The new amendment removes an exception: Previously, trucks, tractor-trailers and other vehicles over 16,000 pounds could apply for a special parking decal that allowed them to be parked on certain streets. There were no fees for the decals for residents, but nonresidents had to pay an annual fee of $500. That option is now null.


The Trucker News Staff

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The Trucker News Staff produces engaging content for not only, but also The Trucker Newspaper, which has been serving the trucking industry for more than 30 years. With a focus on drivers, the Trucker News Staff aims to provide relevant, objective content pertaining to the trucking segment of the transportation industry. The Trucker News Staff is based in Little Rock, Arkansas.
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Typical of a Demorat state. Screw the truckers and force them to parl somewhere unsafe. Can’t own a gun or keep it in your truck as it violates their stupid gun laws. I won’t deliver or pickup a load in that dumbass state ever again. Most eastern states are against trucks and truckers. Screw them and their stupid laws. Like Commiefornia I hope that their state breaks off the mainland and floats then sinks in the Atlantic.

Truckers should devise a plan to NOT deliver goods to these cities. The fuckingvdumb logic to treat truckers that way. I’ll remember NEVER to deliver to them bitches. Fuck em! Let starve and be deprived. They’ll be begging for trucks to park there. Fucking bitches.

Truckers should devise a plan to NOT deliver goods to these cities. The fuckingvdumb logic to treat truckers that way. I’ll remember NEVER to deliver to them bitches. I don’t give a fuck what it’s paying. Fuck em! Let embstarve and be deprived. They’ll be begging for trucks to park there. Fucking bitches.

I’m a truck driver, those same truck driver are to blame them self, leave their trash, piss bottles, change oil ,we’ll can go on& on