New restroom bill for truck drivers receives industry support

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New restroom bill for truck drivers receives industry support
New legislation would require retailers, warehouses and other businesses to give truckers access to bathroom facilities when they are picking up cargo or making deliveries.

WASHINGTON — New legislation introduced into Congress that would ensure truckers have access to restroom facilities when they are picking up or delivering cargo is receiving strong support from some members of the industry.

The Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association (OOIDA) said it “strongly supports” the bipartisan legislation introduced by U.S. Reps. Troy Nehls, R-Texas, and Chrissy Houlahan, D-Pa.

“Over 70% of America’s freight is exclusively carried by trucks, yet every single day men and women truck drivers are forced to ‘hold it’ because they aren’t allowed access to the restroom when picking up or delivering freight,” said Todd Spencer, president and CEO of OOIDA. “OOIDA and our 150,000 members thank Representatives Nehls and Houlahan for showing tremendous leadership on this issue and we look forward to working with them and our coalition partners to get this commonsense, bipartisan legislation signed into law.”

Ellen Voie, founder of the Women In Trucking Association, is also lending support for the measure.

“As more women enter the trucking industry, the need for restroom access increases while access to facilities has decreased,” she said. “We applaud Rep. Nehls’ support to require shippers and receivers to offer our drivers this very basic need.”

Nehls said he is “proud to reintroduce legislation that supports our nation’s truckers.”

“Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, facilities across the country have shut down their bathrooms which have caused essential employees, like our truckers, not to have access to use the restroom at work,” Nehls added. “Truckers are this nation’s backbone, and we owe them for the tireless contributions they continue to make to keep our country moving. I am glad to once again partner with Congresswoman Houlahan on this commonsense legislation to allow our nation’s truckers access to bathrooms while they are transporting goods on the road.”

The legislation would:

  • Require retailers, warehouses and other businesses to give truckers access to bathroom facilities when they are picking up cargo or making deliveries.
  • Not require businesses to construct new restrooms. It only requires that if a business has a restroom available to their customers or employees, truckers should have the same access.
  • Require the operators of ports and terminals to provide bathroom access to drayage drivers.

“Our economy depends on truck drivers, but we face perpetual challenges with recruitment and retention. One unique and unnecessary challenge these drivers face is lack of restroom access at delivery points while on the road. This is especially difficult for female drivers, which are a growing demographic of truckers who helped power our economic recovery from the pandemic,” said Rep. Chrissy Houlahan, D-Pa. “I’m proud to reintroduce this bipartisan legislation to ensure every truck driver has the certainty that a restroom is accessible as they do their jobs. There’s no reason truckers shouldn’t have the same rights that other employees experience in their own workplaces.”

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that would be great but a lot of business thank a out side porta John restroom with no running water in the hot or cold is still ok but it s not ok in my book

I agree with Bruce Mason you can’t just throw a porta potty out there because they’re disgusting to sit on and we both both sexes have to sit on them at some time or another and there’s no place to wash your hands and they’re cold in the winter and hot in the summer and it’s just a it’s a shame that they don’t let truckers use restrooms and also truckers take care of that restroom do not leave it nasty treat it like it was your own at your home thank you

I can recall an incident where I had the unfortunate experience to be part of while hauling goods for a Ford Motor plant in Detroit, MI back in 2004. (Way before any COVID concerns were shutting down the freight industry.)

Upon arrival at the security guard shack, I needed to use the restroom. I politely asked the security guard that was checking me in if there was a restroom I could use. He told me that there were no public restrooms on the plant.

I noticed that there was a porta potty right outside near the security guard’s shack. Naturally, I asked him if I could use that. Once again, I was told that there were no restrooms for the public’s use.
Really!? How barbaric this is!!

Mind you, this was the only point of entry for ALL the truck drivers to go to that were either waiting to pick up or drop off loads of freight. And being that the porta potty was outside of the main gate, you’d at least think that it wouldn’t be a problem to allow the truck drivers to use that.

My thoughts were numb. I had no idea what this guard expected for me to do.

Okay, Maybe for safety reasons, I might’ve seen why they wouldn’t allow the truck drivers to use the indoor restrooms, but… The porta potty by the guard shack, was also off limits to any of the truck drivers who were there to pick up or drop off freight was ALSO off limits!?

It didn’t matter what time of day or night you were scheduled to be there. We just weren’t permitted to use ANY of their facilities.

The closest truck stop or even a gas station that one might be able to get to was a good five miles from the Ford plant’s entrance.

Why something as essential as a restroom which oftentimes is needed while being on the road is “off limits” to hard working men and women is TOTALLY a shame!!

So now, we have to have Congress FIGHT for the rights of truck drivers to use these plants and warehouses and make them into laws. No wonder truck drivers want out of the business. We’re treated worse than dogs!!

If lobbying to the highest powers is what needs to happen, then I say “GO FOR IT!!”

Make it a law that a restroom isn’t going to kill these companies. As a matter of fact, it might make the hardworking men and women a little easier to deal with. 😊

Travel alit of miles across USA … I use to love being in A truck looking this beautiful landscapes.. 30 yrs driving that is a lot if deliveries .. Probably 1 out of every 5 places either loading or unloading .. Had no restrooms for drivers.. I used so many excuses trying to find at least one business to give in.. NOPE NOTTA… Being A female I give it A praise someone who cares about the people that makes this county go … around.. PASS THAT LAW and MAKE IT WORK

08/24/2023 WoW logistics in WI Rapids WI; after waiting all night; when they opened the door; I proceeded into the office; and made a straight line for the door that plainly read Men’s restroom; after going in the only stall; a man interred the stall before I could shut the door; telling me to leave; when I said excuse me? He replied leave now! This is for employees only; leave now! Saying there was a sign on the door; so small you could not actually read it from the distance; I read Mens room. He spoke to me like was trash; and said if you could read we wouldn’t have this problem, that’s when I told him I was a retired Real Estate Broker; and probably had more sense in my pinky than he had between his eyes.
MD. Lewis

WoW logistics in WI Rapids WI; after waiting all night; when they opened the door; I proceeded into the office; and made a straight line for the door that plainly read Men’s restroom; after going in the only stall; a man interred the stall before I could shut the door; telling me to leave; when I said excuse me? He replied leave now! This is for employees only; leave now! Saying there was a sign on the door; so small you could not actually read it from the distance; I read Mens room. He spoke to me like was trash; and said if you could read we wouldn’t have this problem, that’s when I told him I was a retired Real Estate Broker; and probably had more sense in my pinky than he had between his eyes.
MD. Lewis