The Province of Ontario is conducting a survey among truck drivers to identify where additional parking is needed. (©2018 FOTOSEARCH)
TORONTO — The Ontario Ministry of Transportation is currently exploring ways to improve truck parking along Southern Ontario highways.
The Province of Ontario would like to identify where additional truck parking is needed.
The firm SPR Associates has been contracted to carry out a survey to assess the availability of truck parking along various segments of major Southern Ontario highways.
“We are requesting the assistance of all those involved in the trucking sector in both Canada and the United States,” said Ted Harvey, the study’s director. “Our goal is to obtain the opinions of truck drivers who use Southern Ontario highways, including drivers from the U.S.
The survey asks drivers to identify where they feel additional parking is needed and to identify any services or amenities that should be provided or improved at truck stops along Southern Ontario highways.
Improved availability of truck parking is believed to have significant economic benefits to the entire North American trucking sector, according to studies by the American Transportation Research Institute and Trucker Path. Recent research has shown that a lack of truck parking costs around $4,600 for each truck on the road.
The survey is supported by trucking associations across Canada and the U.S., and by Radio Nemo.
“Since the survey was launched in November 2017, we have received responses from more than 1,500 truck drivers,” Harvey said, adding that SPR Associates would appreciate more responses.
The survey website, which also contains direct weblinks to the survey is available at
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