Data for 2023 reveals Texas as most dangerous state for truck crashes

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Data for 2023 reveals Texas as most dangerous state for truck crashes
Texas named worst state for trucking accidents. (Photo courtesy T. Madden & Associates)

New research by T. Madden & Associates has revealed that Texas is the most dangerous state for truck accidents.

The study, which analyzed data from The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) and the Texas Department of Transportation for 2023 found the Lone Star State had 20,510 fatal and non-fatal truck crashes — the highest of all states.

The study shows the Top 5 most dangerous states for truck accidents as:

  1. Texas, with 20,510 fatal and non-fatal large truck crashes
  2. California, with 13,086 fatal and non-fatal large truck crashes
  3. Florida, with 10,391 fatal and non-fatal large truck crashes
  4. Georgia, with 8,826 fatal and non-fatal large truck crashes
  5. Pennsylvania, with 7,524 fatal and non-fatal large truck crashes

“Freight trucks and their drivers are a crucial aspect of Texas’s great economy,” said Terance Madden of T. Madden & Associates. “For that reason, the health and safety of the state’s fleets and drivers should be an absolute priority, which is why the figures in our study are so concerning.”

Madden also noted that with 20,510 incidents, Texas leads in large truck accidents, in fact, according to the Department of Transportation, at least one person has died on a Texas road since November 2000.

“With that in mind, all drivers should take adequate precautions when getting out on the road, especially drivers of commercial vehicles,” Madden said. “In the unfortunate event of an incident, we strongly recommend having a strong insurance policy in place in the case of vehicle damage, and possibly obtaining legal advice in the case of injury or worse.”

According to 2023 data from the Texas Department of Transportation, the five cities with the highest number of crashes in the state were:

  1. Houston: 67,644 total crashes (274 fatal, 67,370 non-fatal)
  2. San Antonio: 40,077 total crashes (160 fatal, 39,917 non-fatal)
  3. Dallas: 31,678 total crashes (196 fatal, 31,482 non-fatal)
  4. Fort Worth: 13,445 total crashes (111 fatal, 13,334 non-fatal)
  5. Austin: 12,138 total crashes (88 fatal, 12,050 non-fatal)
Dana Guthrie

Dana Guthrie is an award-winning journalist who has been featured in multiple newspapers, books and magazines across the globe. She is currently based in the Atlanta, Georgia, area.

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Dana Guthrie is an award-winning journalist who has been featured in multiple newspapers, books and magazines across the globe. She is currently based in the Atlanta, Georgia, area.
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