Washie to put more toilet seats in Racetrac Travel Centers

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Washie to put more toilet seats in Racetrac Travel Centers
Washie announced what it called a “major rollout of its smart toilet seats in RaceTrac Travel Center locations across seven states.” The expansion follows a pilot program that “marks a new era in public restroom cleanliness and customer satisfaction.” (COURTESY OF RACETRAC)

There are some new seating options at RaceTrac Travel Centers in the south.

Washie, a company that produces toilet seats for public restrooms, announced what it called a “major rollout” of its smart toilet seats in RaceTrac Travel Center locations across seven states.

The expansion follows a pilot program that “marks a new era in public restroom cleanliness and customer satisfaction.”

RaceTrac has already introduced Washie’s smart toilet seats in Georgia, Florida, Tennessee, Alabama, Texas, South Carolina and Kentucky. The initiative follows a three-month pilot program launched at RaceTrac’s busiest travel center in Atlanta.

“The launch has garnered overwhelmingly positive feedback with customer surveys, with 95% of respondents indicating they felt significantly more comfortable using the restroom with Washie seats, and 96% of customers saying they would return to RaceTrac because of the new innovation in the restroom,” boasting more than 600 five-star reviews from RaceTrac since the rollout, according to its release.

Wash stated that one user came back to the facility because of the new innovative seat. “Actually my second time using this restroom. Came back to this gas station knowing it had Washie here. I like it. Feels cleaner.”

Washie’s smart toilet seats offer an approach to public restroom hygiene by eliminating the need for traditional toilet seat covers.

“After decades of research, it has been concluded that seat covers, being made of paper, are absorbent and allow anything unpleasant on the seat to seep through,” its release stated. “Customers are finding new ways to protect themselves while using a public restroom. Washie smart toilet seat allows users to clean it with an alcohol-based solution, ensuring a hygienic and pleasant experience every time. This innovative solution not only cleans the seat but also leaves a refreshing scent, providing peace of mind and a superior alternative to paper covers.”

“We are thrilled that RaceTrac has chosen to expand the use of our smart toilet seats across multiple states,” said Rob Poleki, CEO of Washie. “The feedback we’ve received has been incredibly positive, and this rollout is a testament to the value our product brings. We look forward to continuing our partnership with RaceTrac to provide their customers with the best possible restroom experience.”

“The common belief that toilet seat covers protect against anything icky on the seat has been debunked by experts, revealing that these paper layers offer no real protection,” the release stated. “Washie addresses this issue by providing a truly clean surface with each use, ensuring genuine hygiene and peace of mind. With Washie’s smart toilet seats, users can have a clean and pleasant seat with a simple swipe, far surpassing the protection offered by traditional paper covers.”

Bruce Guthrie

Bruce Guthrie is an award-winning journalist who has lived in three states including Arkansas, Missouri and Georgia. During his nearly 20-year career, Bruce has served as managing editor and sports editor for numerous publications. He and his wife, Dana, who is also a journalist, are based in Carrollton, Georgia.

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Bruce Guthrie is an award-winning journalist who has lived in three states including Arkansas, Missouri and Georgia. During his nearly 20-year career, Bruce has served as managing editor and sports editor for numerous publications. He and his wife, Dana, who is also a journalist, are based in Carrollton, Georgia.
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