Trucking Cares Foundation donates $25,000 to South Dallas Driving Academy

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Trucking Cares Foundation donates $25,000 to South Dallas Driving Academy
The Trucking Cares Foundation has made a significant donation to the South Dallas Driving Academy which helps low-income teens and young adults. (Photo courtesy South Dallas Driving Academy)

WASHINGTON —The Trucking Cares Foundation (TCF), the trucking industry’s charitable arm, has donated $25,000 to South Dallas Driving Academy, a non-profit that provides free driver education courses to low-income teens and young adults.

“The South Dallas Driving Academy has been instrumental in removing roadblocks to rewarding careers in trucking.  Providing young Texans with the tools they need to succeed empowers them to break the cycle of poverty and build a bright future for themselves and their families,”  said Phil Byrd, chairman of the Trucking Cares Foundation. “This organization has grown exponentially in such a short time.  It is truly amazing to witness.  The Trucking Cares Foundation is proud to continue our support of this transformative program that invests in the next generation of our industry.”

According to a TCF press release, the organization previously donated $15,000 in seed money to SDDA, which helped launch the program in 2021, and an additional $20,000 in 2023 as part of TCF’s ongoing support of the program.

“When so much of our energy at the South Dallas Driving Academy is focused on helping young men and women overcome seemingly insurmountable barriers entering our industry, the continued support of ATA leadership and the Trucking Cares Foundation is incredibly encouraging,” said Chris Petersen, vice president of Rally Fleet Services and chair of SDDA.  “I will always remember ATA Chairman Andrew Boyle’s emphatic endorsement of our vision when we first presented the concept just over three years ago. Shortly thereafter, TCF began its support of our program. Thanks in large part to TCF’s support, SDDA has expanded from a 7-student pilot program to one that has graduated 110 Class C and 5 Class A drivers in the past 14 months. TCF’s ongoing sponsorship will ensure that we can continue providing these crucial life credentials so we can help fill the pipeline of the next generation of trucking professionals.”

According to the release, nearly 40% of low-income individuals in urban areas in the U.S., and nearly half in South Dallas, do not have a valid driver’s license principally because of the lack of accessible, affordable driver education. The South Dallas Driving Academy provides a dual program pathway for residents of South Dallas to obtain their driver’s license in preparation for a career in transportation.  The only program of its kind, SDDA is offered at no cost to Bonton and South Dallas residents with a student course completion and program graduation rate of 90%.

“Because of the continuing support of the Trucking Cares Foundation, the SDDA is able to provide the tuition and scholarships that are required for men and women to matriculate through our quarterly Class A/CDL Commercial License Program and launch career pathways into the trucking industry,” said Von Minor, president & executive director of SDDA. “What was once a barrier has become an economic pathway.”

Dana Guthrie

Dana Guthrie is an award-winning journalist who has been featured in multiple newspapers, books and magazines across the globe. She is currently based in the Atlanta, Georgia, area.

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Dana Guthrie is an award-winning journalist who has been featured in multiple newspapers, books and magazines across the globe. She is currently based in the Atlanta, Georgia, area.
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