CFI associates donate more than $40,000 to 20 charities in 2020 Truckloads of Treasures giving campaign

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CFI associates donate more than $40,000 to 20 charities in 2020 Truckloads of Treasures giving campaign
CFI driver Greg Shaw (left) and terminal manager Patrick Meilinger presented a check to Sheila Petta, mayor of Wilmer, Texas, for the city’s WISH (Wilmer Initiative to Spread Hope) program, which provides Christmas gifts to underprivileged children. (Courtesy: CFI)

JOPLIN, Mo. — Associates at CFI, an operating company of TFI International Inc., offered financial support to 20 charities across the U.S., Canada and Mexico in CFI’s 27th annual Truckloads of Treasures holiday giving campaign.

Funds donated through Truckloads of Treasures, a company tradition established in 1993, are raised entirely through associate donations. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, CFI pivoted away from its typical in person bake sales, chili cook offs and pie competitions this year in favor of a virtual donation platform.

“We extended Truckloads of Treasures to a 10-week raffle ticket fundraiser and silent auctions,” said Greg Orr, president of CFI. “I could not be more proud of our associates and their spirit of giving back to support important community charitable efforts, and in particular, direct support for those who are less fortunate. If there was ever a year in which we needed to come together over the holidays and bring a little joy, this is the year.”

Over the 27 years of the program’s existence, CFI associates have donated more than $920,000. Annual goals have been raised to $40,000 in recent years. Charities receiving the donations are nominated each year by CFI associates.

This year’s company-wide fund-raising raffle gave CFI associates chances to win prizes, including gift cards for retailers such as Target, Amazon, Home Depot, Walmart and Bass Pro Shops, as well as other prizes. All prizes were purchased and donated by CFI’s executive management team.

In addition, associates partnered with service organizations throughout the U.S., Canada and Mexico to provide holiday gifts and food for underserved children and senior citizens.

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