ALEXANDRIA, Va. — The Oct. 2 entry deadline for Truckload Carriers Association’s (TCA) 2020 Fleet Safety Awards is rapidly approaching, and carriers are encouraged to submit their applications online. The annual competition is sponsored by Great West Casualty Co.
The Fleet Safety Awards program recognizes the top fleets in the truckload industry that continuously demonstrate their commitment to safety improvement. This year’s awards are especially important in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, as carriers work to keep their drivers stay both healthy and accident-free on the highway.
“Year after year, TCA’s members prove that safety is the top priority of the truckload industry through participation in the Fleet Safety Awards,” said TCA President John Lyboldt. “We are incredibly proud to recognize and showcase these fleets, which have maintained a superb safety record through their use of innovative programs to establish a culture of safety within their companies.”
Fleet Safety Award applicants must submit their accident frequency ratio between Sept. 1, 2019 and Aug. 31, 2020. Click here for contest information and an online entry form.
Division winners are subject to an audit for ratio accuracy and invited to compete for one of two grand prizes. Carriers with annual mileage of 25 million or fewer miles vie for one, while companies with more than 25 million miles compete for the other.
The winners will be honored at TCA’s annual convention, Truckload 2021: Nashville, in January.