Living in faith: NFI’s Howard Robinson practices what he preaches

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Living in faith: NFI’s Howard Robinson practices what he preaches
Howard Robinson and his wife, Judy, happily display a $20,000 check Robinson was awarded as one of TCA’s 2024 Professional Drivers of the Year. During the closing banquet of TCA’s 2024 annual convention in Nashville earlier this year, the couple were joined by their children and grandchildren, along with representatives of NFI, TCA and award sponsors Cummins Inc. and Love’s Travel Stops. (Courtesy: Truckload Carriers Association)

When professional truck driver Howard Robinson isn’t watching the world go by from the cab of his big rig, he’s glimpsing hope in the eyes of prison inmates or praying for his co-workers and their families.

At 81, there isn’t much Robinson, who drives for NFI, hasn’t seen or done.

Robinson doesn’t look or act like an octogenarian, and his youthful appearance dovetails with his abilities.

He can climb in and out of a semi-truck dozens of times a day and crank the fifth wheel handle with ease, as shown in a recent company video chronicling his career.

“Whenever there’s a call from the mill at International Paper or if there is word that the paper supply is running low, Howard jumps into action and ensures the customer’s needs are fulfilled without fail,” according to a statement from NFI leadership.

That hard work and dedication to his co-workers and company have earned Robinson honors as one of the Truckload Carriers Association’s (TCA) 2024 Drivers of the Year.

Robinson is “a shining example of perseverance, professionalism, and safety in the transportation industry,” according to TCA.

He first got behind the wheel of a big rig while serving in the Army, and he has been a professional driver for three decades. He began his civilian career with MCO Transport, which was acquired by NFI in 2022.

In addition to his dedication to his company and customers, Robinson is devoted to his family and his community. As a man of faith, he works to be a living example of Christ. During his off time, he and his wife, Judy, lead a prison ministry and teach Bible study at a local nursing home.

“I got saved back in ’91,” he shared, describing his route to prison ministry, a mission that is dear to his heart.

“I went to church,” said Robinson, who says he had several brushes with the law in his younger days. “This man was preaching about it. He said, ‘Well, you (should) take your testimony to the prison.’”

Two weeks later, after praying and thinking about the matter, he was back at the same church and decided to minister to inmates in prisons and county jails. He and Judy now lead regular services for inmates.

During his time in the Army, Robinson says, he struggled with several addictions — including drugs, alcohol and gambling — at times. He speaks of the prisoners he helps like family, sharing his story of deliverance through his belief in God.

“You know, they have their regular chapel there,” he said. “We’ve been doing it for — it’s been, I guess 20, 25 years maybe. But it’s been a joy. Some guys come out (of prison) to become preachers, and some guys go out and come right back (to jail). But that’s between them and God.”

Robinson also shares his love of God with his co-workers.

“We go to church together sometimes, and he’s always praying for me and my family and my mom. I really appreciate that because I didn’t have that when I was coming up from my dad,” said Daje L., who works as a transportation ops clerk at NFI.

“He really came into my life and showed me what a father figure is supposed to look like,” she continued.

During his 30 years in the industry, Robinson has achieved a perfect record of zero accidents and zero violations. He stresses the importance of safety at every turn. In 2023, he was a recipient of NFI’s Million Mile Award, and recently he was inducted into NFI’s Haul of Fame.

“It’s exciting to have one of our own recognized with such an honor by the TCA. We pride ourselves on safety and our people,” said Brian Webb, president of port services at NFI. “Driving for more than 30 years and over a million miles without any accidents or violations is admirable. Howard sets a great example for all drivers, and we’re proud to have him on our team.”

Robinson is described by his co-workers as someone with a radiant personality, never-ending smile and conscientious nature.

“He is highly regarded and cherished by his team, customers, management, friends, and family,” notes an NFI statement about Robinson’s Million Mile Award. “Often the first in the yard and the last to leave, Howard is always willing to go the extra mile to ensure the job gets done.

“(Howard) has transformed a troubled past and the lives of others through his unwavering commitment to his faith, family, and community,” the news release continues. “This award is a testament to his drive for excellence and paves the way for current and future NFI drivers.”

Judy Robinson, reflecting on her husband’s accolades, says she’s grateful to God for being able to spend her life with him and see him succeed.

“As our relationship progressed, I just saw the need for it … being a servant for the Lord,” she shared. “I’m just thankful that the Lord took what the devil meant for evil and used it for good.”

Robinson is the first to say that he is the man he is today because God saved him.

“I mean, the alcohol, the drugs, the carousing and all — God delivered me that day I was saved,” he said. “And then from that day on, I haven’t been the same. “I’ve never pulled a tab on a beer can, a beer bottle, since. I give all the glory to God.”

John Worthen

Born in Pine Bluff, Arkansas, and raised in East Texas, John Worthen returned to his home state to attend college in 1998 and decided to make his life in The Natural State. Worthen is a 20-year veteran of the journalism industry and has covered just about every topic there is. He has a passion for writing and telling stories. He has worked as a beat reporter and bureau chief for a statewide newspaper and as managing editor of a regional newspaper in Arkansas. Additionally, Worthen has been a prolific freelance journalist for two decades, and has been published in several travel magazines and on travel websites.

Avatar for John Worthen
Born in Pine Bluff, Arkansas, and raised in East Texas, John Worthen returned to his home state to attend college in 1998 and decided to make his life in The Natural State. Worthen is a 20-year veteran of the journalism industry and has covered just about every topic there is. He has a passion for writing and telling stories. He has worked as a beat reporter and bureau chief for a statewide newspaper and as managing editor of a regional newspaper in Arkansas. Additionally, Worthen has been a prolific freelance journalist for two decades, and has been published in several travel magazines and on travel websites.
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