The Daily Trucker | March 4, 2021

Hey everyone! It’s time for your Thursday Daily Trucker news update! I’m Carlin Stafford.
And I’m Isela Rios. We have a lot of news to cover today, including Driver Enforcement in Indiana, Frozen water bottles coming your way, and WIT Member of the month.

Let’s get trucking!

Isela: Indiana troopers kick off a month-long driver enforcement effort. The enforcement started Feb 26th and will go through March 21st. Troopers will be on the lookout and There will be “ZERO tolerance for those driving aggressively, over the speed limit, or under the influence. They are encouraging safe driver behavior and preventing loss of life is their priority. ISP pointed to NHTSA data that shows that while miles travelled dipped 14.5% in the first nine months of 2020 due to the pandemic, overall traffic fatalities increased by 4.6 percent nationwide. ISP is recommending for those drivers who want to avoid criminal charges and legal fees to obey the posted speed limit, refrain from distracted driving, avoid tailgating or aggressive driving, never driver while impaired and wear seatbelts!

Carlin: Remember when we told you guys about Pennsylvania’s proposed bridge tax? Well, now you guys are speaking out – and a lot of you guys aren’t happy about it. The proposed toll rates range from $1-2, but a specific commercial truck rate has not been determined. Opponents of the tolls say crossing a bridge just twice a day could add more than 5000 dollars to the annual operating costs… But proponents argue that the funds from the tolls will help pay for much needed repairs and maintenance. If you’re a driver that frequents PA, go ahead and let the state government know about the proposal on the DOT website.

Isela: Authorities in Missouri have advised drivers to use caution while driving on the interstate after multiple vehicles have been hit with frozen water bottles this week. This took place in Newton County on highway 43 when a motorist was driving between the Petro Truck Stop and Seneca. According to Seneca Police the front of several cars have been destroyed and many windshields knocked out. They also had one victim get hit coming into to town and going out of town on two different days. A school bus has also been struck.” The Newton County Sheriff assumes it’s probably a bunch of kids that have seen something on Tik Tok and they are trying it out. Authorities are on the lookout for suspects, and drivers should remain alert when traveling through the area.

Carlin: A flatbed landed right-side-up after nearly losing it all in a near-rollover accident in Houston, TX. Dash cam shows that during a late rush hour traffic jam on the 610 Loop, a truck flips, striking several cars, and coming to a rest on a barrier. Police said that the unnamed trucker claimed he had been cut off by a motorist causing the chaos. Thankfully no one was hurt.

Isela: WIT highlighted an association member who is succeeding in the industry. Rolling Strong offers programs to help keep drivers establish healthy habits, lose weight, improve their sleep, and lower their blood pressure and cholesterol. Rolling Strong wellness coach Claudia Rodriguez has been named WIT Member of the month. Rodriguez worked in the wellness industry for 12 years. Prior to joining Rolling Strong, she had an online health product store and also held health and wellness workshops at universities, businesses, and other establishments in the El Paso, Tx area. Rodriguez said Every day, she is inspired by the drivers She coaches and admires their discipline, how they overcome obstacles.”

Carlin: New legislation has been introduced in Wyoming seeking to keep truckers off of the Teton Pass by making it easier to ticket them. Teton Pass is usually closed to truck traffic from November 15-April 1st to keep truckers from getting stuck and backing up traffic. Cameras systems are in place and have caught many truckers violate the rule and at times have needed to be rescued. But getting caught on camera isn’t enough to get ticketed. In the state of Wyoming citations can’t be mailed they have to be given in person. State Sen. Mike Gierau introduced Senate Bill 3 back on Jan 12, 2021 as a way to make it easier for law enforcement to prevent this violation to happen. Wyoming Highway Patrol Lt Matt Brackin hopes the bill passes so that every vehicle and driver are held accountable.

That does it for today’s update!
Tune in tomorrow for more trucking news you need!

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